The Joniškis who defeated COVID-19 came to thank the Šiauliai doctors for the life saved.


Could not avoid virus

In mid-March, when other farmers and their families went on a trip to Mexico, Aleksas Vaitkus decided not to go because he had already heard that a dangerous coronavirus was spreading. Only the wife went on a trip. Later it was learned that not a single traveler had escaped the infection, but his wife had not become ill and Alex had not escaped the disease.

“On Monday, I met a farmer who participated in a family celebration in Palanga, and I think it was enough. At the end of the week, I went to the hospital,” says A.Vaitkus.

The temperature rose first. He was 37 degrees with the parts and even then he was surprised to think that his virus hadn’t escaped either, although he was careful. One after another, the participants of the trip and the celebration were already lying down in the hospital. Then Alex, who had stayed at home for five days, despite the fact that the temperature had not dropped, began to cough and decided to seek medical help.

An ambulance was taken to the Šiauliai Republican Hospital by car. The doctor from the Department of Infectious Diseases decided to admit a patient with a good feeling to receive outpatient treatment. A.Vaitkus was already examined at the time and knew he was infected. A few days later, when his condition worsened, Alex decided to go to the ward himself and this time he was hospitalized.

He was connected to an artificial lung ventilator and a drug-induced coma, so he felt no pain or nausea.

After spending a few days in the Department of Infectious Diseases room, the man did not feel much deterioration, but doctors were alarmed as the results of the blood tests deteriorated. After explaining the rapid decrease in blood oxygen saturation, he decided to transfer the patient to the Intensive Care Unit.

“I lost consciousness, fell asleep, and eight days passed, during which the real horror took place, but I don’t remember anything,” says Alex.

The disease deprived both strength and legs.

He was connected to an artificial lung ventilator and a drug-induced coma, so he felt no pain or nausea. Fourteen days later, when his health began to improve, he was transferred again to the Department of Infectious Diseases.

Then it turned out that during that time his health changed dramatically, and not only did he lose strength, he trembled all over his body, he took off his legs, he couldn’t even stand up, he had to sit in a wheelchair and, from one step, began to learn to walk until he himself was able to cross the room. . A rehabilitation doctor came daily and exercised the patient for an hour and a half. It is true that she was only a few meters away wearing protective clothing, and gave instructions, and Alex himself had to exercise.

The first day I exercised while lying in bed, then I walked around the room with the walker, feeling better every day. Then the doctor allowed him to go out into the hall of the room.

“The exercise helped me a lot, I felt my breathing recover, my strength was returning. But even now, a few weeks after the hospital, health is no longer as it was before illness, fatigue and suffocation were tiring, “says the farmer and carefully follows the rehabilitator’s instructions and exercises at home.

The fact that health is improving is also demonstrated by research results. A.Vaitkus came to the hospital for a consultation with a pulmonologist, underwent a CT scan, which showed that the condition of the lungs had greatly improved. So he decided to thank the anesthesiologists and resuscitators for the life saved.

Both uncertainty and joy were experienced.

The eight days that A.Vaitkus, a patient in a coma, does not remember anything, his relatives remember him very well: his wife and three daughters. Daughter Neringa Bartusevičienė, who lives in Vilnius, says that those days were very difficult and somehow they had to survive. It was especially difficult in the first days of resuscitation, when doctors, with whom they could only communicate by phone, were unable to give any hope, said things were getting worse and urged waiting and praying.

After a few days, the situation began to change. Anesthesiologist and resuscitator Vladas Pakutka began using another pulmonary ventilation technique while the patient was lying on his stomach.

“He is a doctor in capital letters, only the professionalism of this doctor has led Dad to start recovering,” Neringa is convinced.

But even now, a few weeks after the hospital, health is no longer what it was before the disease, it is exhausting, suffocating, – says the farmer

Not only the patient’s well-being, but also that of loved ones began to improve as the results changed, and the doctor’s findings were also gratifying.

“We thank all the staff of the Department of Intensive Care and Infectious Diseases for being able to hug Dad, to be together and for his dedication and professionalism, a true miracle has happened,” says Neringa, Alex’s daughter and on behalf of the entire family. . Vaitkus’s life.

The family is also grateful to family friends Ilona and Roma Karūžnas and Regina and Eugenijus Butkas for their support during a very difficult time.

The patient is at risk

Patient A.Vaitkus received hospital treatment from the end of March to May 4, and remained in the Reanimation and Intensive Care Department for more than three weeks, of which even two weeks were intubated and artificial pulmonary ventilation was applied. .

The patient was diagnosed with COVID-19 in mid-March and received outpatient treatment. Infected after contact with a person who attended a family celebration that became the focus of the infection. According to the anesthetist resuscitator Vladas Pakutka, the patient was more likely to develop a severe form of the disease due to the fact that he was at risk due to both age and comorbidities.

VIDEO: Facts and myths about the coronavirus: how did it arise, what symptoms and how can we protect ourselves?

The patient was hospitalized in the Šiauliai Republican Hospital Adult Infectious Diseases Department with already pronounced respiratory failure and contributed bacterial pneumonia. Despite adequate treatment, the patient’s condition worsened, leading to a transfer to the Surgical Resuscitation and Intensive Care Unit for the treatment of more severely treated patients with COVID-19 requiring intensive respiratory monitoring and invasive treatment.

On April 6, the Reanimatologist Anesthesiologist Andrius Bubliauskas, responsible for coordinating the work of the Siauliai County Intensive Care Units during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the decision of the Republican Administration of the Siauliai Hospital, the Reanimatologist Anesthesiologist Vladas Pakutka was transferred from therapy department and appointed to be responsible for coordinating the treatment of patients with COVID-19.

“This was the first patient I treated with COVDD-19 who recovered after prolonged and persistent treatment. Today, more than a week after hospital discharge, the patient went to the hospital with family members to personally thank all the staff of the Department of Surgical Reanimation and Intensive Care, Infectious Diseases, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation for a complete return to the family and the society. And it’s very rewarding, “said Dr. Vladas Pakutka.

The doctor did not hide that the meeting was very pleasant, full of good emotions, warm wishes. Although the patient still feels the effects of the disease, he believes that in the near future the residual phenomena will decrease and the well-being will improve.
