The ITS publishes dentists’ salaries and warns about the accuracy of the data submitted.


Salary averages are presented on the map by municipalities and individual companies. Of the latter, more than 2,000. Companies, and almost half of them will be contacted these days by STI letters offering an independent review, assessing the accuracy of their data in the statements submitted and correcting them in case of errors.

ITS Dentist Salaries

ITS Dentist Salaries


“The letter presents the average salary for a specific company by sector and similar indicators for the country. In some cases, this comparison alone raises legitimate questions about whether all employment-related taxes have been paid correctly in the past. , and taxpayers are encouraged to independently verify and evaluate the accuracy of their data and to ensure that taxes have been correctly calculated and paid in previous years – says Rolandas Puncevičius, Senior Advisor to the ITS Control Department, recalling that the same principles of the preventive measures model “I have warned – choose” apply to the dental services sector – Firstly, it is possible to take into account the comments made, correct mistakes and reject abuses Those who do not listen will be subject to other sanctions. “

It is reported that both this year and next, ITS will pay special attention to the dental service provider sector to raise awareness of those who perform these activities and reduce the risk of revenue accounting and tax evasion.

Only in 2020 In the first quarter, comparing tax contributions to the same period last year, personal income tax increased by 46 percent. (921 thousand euros), and according to all taxes paid, the total amount of taxes increased by 53%. (around 1.4 million euros). There is a tendency for companies with higher hourly or full-time wages to have higher and relative indicators (earnings per employee per year; company profitability; amount of taxes paid and contributions of € 1 of earned income).

ITS Dentist Salaries

ITS Dentist Salaries


At the same time, the ITS reminds that the time is approaching when legal entities must declare 2019. action. They must submit annual income tax returns and sets of financial statements to the State Center for Business Records.

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