The isolation procedure is changing: not everyone will have to lock up at home when they return from abroad


On Wednesday, the government approved a new procedure to assess coronavirus-affected countries in the European Union. As Minister A. Veryga presented during the meeting, the states will be divided into four zones: green, yellow, red and gray.

“We have adopted the recommendations of the Council of Europe and Lithuania’s yellow insulation will apply only to those that come from the red or gray zone. However, there are many exceptions where further insulation will not apply. And those that do not fall within the exceptions they must take the test or they will be given 10 days of isolation, ”the minister informed.

With a negative test it will be possible to go to work

According to him, the exceptions will apply to those who work in critical jobs (medical care, border workers, displaced workers, transportation providers, etc.), as well as to those who will travel for medical care, everyday schoolchildren, students, who traveling as a family, business or work.

The exceptions also apply to diplomats, people in transit, seafarers, journalists or those arriving for business purposes.

“Only those traveling for entertainment purposes, tourists, will be subject to certain restrictions. Those who have work matters will not be subject to isolation. After the COVID-19 test for those travelers, isolation will also be waived if the test is negative. However, this does not mean that they will be able to move freely wherever they want. (…)

In this case, the work-home regime can be followed, where the use of a mask will always be offered and public gatherings will be avoided. If the person does not agree to take the test, 10 days of isolation will be applied. But in such cases, the employer is encouraged to give the person the opportunity to work from home. This is done to avoid unnecessary sick leave, which is what the budget costs. Therefore, the employers themselves should be interested in creating conditions to work from home without a test, ”he said.

Arriving travelers will be able to bring a proof of that status no later than 48 hours ago or take it here.

The minister added that there are also cases in which it will be possible to leave the place of isolation, including the need to attend the funeral of a close person, go to health institutions, etc.

New risk country criteria

The Minister of Health recalled that the Council of Europe had made recommendations to the parties on a harmonized approach to restricting free movement in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and establishing common criteria for all countries at the national level.

As presented by A. Veryga, when evaluating the country the following criteria are taken into account: 14-day morbidity rate of 100,000. population, the proportion of positive studies conducted within 7 days, the extent of testing within 7 days.

“The evaluation of the countries according to these criteria mentioned would be divided into 4 groups, respectively, which would include countries with a morbidity rate of less than 25 cases per 100,000. population in the last two weeks and the proportion of positive tests is less than 4%.

See more about restrictions:

Divided into four zones

The yellow group would include countries with a morbidity of less than 50 percent and a positive test rate of 4 percent or more, or a morbidity rate of 25 to 150 cases and a positive study rate of less than 4 percent. ” , He said.

The third group of countries, red, would include those with a morbidity of 50,000 and more than 100,000. percentage of population and positive research: 4 percent. and more or the morbidity is more than 150 cases per 100 thousand. population in the last two weeks.

“The fourth group of countries would be a gray group of countries with insufficient data to assess these criteria, with a test scale of 300 or fewer studies per 100,000 population in the last week,” reported A. Veryga.

As indicated, the list of affected countries would be published every Friday and would go into effect on Monday with a 48-hour transition period. deadline for the preparation of the decision.

The portal reminds that Lithuanian municipalities are also divided on the basis of the above-mentioned criteria. Some of them will be quarantined.

(Government photo)
