The Insider: Navaln remembers all events, clinic strengthens protection


According to them, as the opposition did not lose its memory, protection was strengthened at the Charite Clinic in Berlin.

According to The Insider, Bellingcat and Der Spiegel, Navaln’s health is “better than could have been expected in the situation.”

The Insider writes that other people can now visit A. Navalna. Previously, only doctors and his wife could enter his room.

The portal also states that, according to doctors, A. Navaln will recover 90% physically and mentally he has already fully recovered.

German doctors believe that Navaln survived only because the pilots quickly landed the plane in Omsk and that he received an injection of atropine while still at the airport.

To visit the policy, three lanyards must be broken, according to The Insider, citing a source.

Charite’s protection was strengthened after it became clear that Navaln remembered everything, making his situation more dangerous.

According to a source from The Insider, German special services are preparing not only for attacks on Navaln’s life, but also for a “storm of disinformation”, including attempts to discredit the Charite Clinic.

On Monday, the Berlin clinic where Navaln is being treated reported that the man woke up from an artificial coma.

“Responds to verbal stimuli,” the Charite clinic said in a statement, which also said Navaln, 44, had “improved.”

Charite Clinic, where Alexei Navaln is treated

Charite Clinic, where Alexei Navaln is treated

He is gradually being disconnected from the artificial lung ventilator, according to the report.

“The patient was able to complete the coma from the medication. The patient is gradually disconnected from mechanical ventilation. Respond to verbal stimuli. The long-term consequences of severe poisoning cannot yet be assessed, “the report said.

Anti-corruption spokesman Navaln felt bad last month on a flight from Tomsk to Moscow. He was initially treated in a hospital in Siberia and later transferred to the Charite Clinic in Berlin.

Germany announced last week that there was “conclusive evidence” that a critic of President Vladimir Putin had been poisoned by one of Novičiok’s nerve-crippling materials created during the Soviet era.

Navalno’s comrades say that the use of this combat material shows that only the Russian state can be held responsible, but the Kremlin categorically denies any link.

A. Navaln personnel coordinator was attacked and beaten in Chelyabinsk

Unidentified people in Chelyabinsk, Russia’s Urals region, attacked and beat Alexei Baraboshkin, the coordinator of opposition activist A. Navaln, last night.

On their Telegram platform channel, activists reported that Baraboshkin had been attacked around midnight. According to them, the attackers had no purpose in robbing him.

“It just came to our attention then. From the trauma point of view, Alexei was transferred by ambulance to Zone # 1 Clinical Hospital on suspicion of a skull vault fracture. 3. For several weeks, Alexei received threats related to staff activities “the report reads.

Chelyabinsk police said they were verifying information about A. Baraboshkin’s attack.

A. Navaln himself is currently being treated in a Berlin clinic for poisoning with a substance that paralyzes the Novičiok group’s nerves. A 44-year-old Kremlin critic suddenly felt ill on a plane flying from Siberia to Moscow last month. His comrades say the poison was probably in a teacup Navaln drank at Tomsk airport.

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