The incredible story of a famous Lithuanian woman: during three months of quarantine – world-class business


The managing partner of Quantum Capital spoke about new international activities that were born unexpectedly during the quarantine. At a time when some people did not know where to help themselves during quarantine, how to realize it, Victoria never had to relax, living in Lithuania at night and at night to the rhythm of Asia and America.

“I live at my own Victorian pace and try to manage that time. After all, now our most precious resource is our time, ”corrects the businesswoman’s comment.

In the morning: a cup of brain food

A sporty woman rushes to the meeting at a fast pace: walking through the woods has become a daily ritual for her. He grew up in Lazdynai, so all the surrounding forests have been removed since childhood.
Victoria man Oura A ring that measures many indicators of the body. This ring is said to be currently one of the most advanced biohaking devices.

She has no secret to try doing various experiments, since brother David and his wife Aurika are also interested in so-called biohaking. She drinks the special every morning Bulletproof Coffee (bulletproof).

“Now he’s catching on with us, and he’s been known in the United States for almost a decade. Silicon Valley businessman Dave Asprey, now a biohacker, has worried about his health, been interested in the latest research, and now He has created several brands such as Bulletroof and Upgrade Labs. He brought the idea of ​​Himalayan coffee with a global resonance, but he improved until he created his own version of the drink.

So, my morning drink is now this coffee, which has been mentioned in the Lithuanian press only in recent years. Before that, my brother told me a lot, but I frowned. When I flew to Chicago and my brother ate it, I started drinking from then on, ”Victoria began her story with enthusiasm.

Victoria Trimbel

Victoria Trimbel

© Personal album

According to her, it is a great food for the brain: “I have a cup of that coffee and until 12-14. I feel great Traditional is also my favorite Espresso it takes a peak and then a hole, and here a cup gives continuous and sustainable energy. There is a saying: a sharp mind. That coffee provides such insightful clarity of mind that it would come in handy for productive morning productive work. And then, instead of having lunch, I often go for a walk here in the woods. ”

Telework: not only during quarantine

Victoria says she lives like this not only during quarantine. In the last decade, its main activities have been online business, consulting and digitalization of business processes.

“So, I am not doing much in the Lithuanian market. I have an office address, but actually I work where there is internet and some kind of machine. It is the phone or laptop, – here are just the details. – ensures the interlocutor. – When the quarantine started, there were no changes for me, on the contrary, I was well prepared for teleworking.

In January, I had to train in the United States, because in a few weeks I will become the Lithuanian district no. 1462 governor. Therefore, training for future managers was conducted. About 1,500 people from all over the world participated, and I told everyone in the discussions how we use various digital tools in Lithuania. They were interesting, but at the same time they seemed quite distant experiments. And now that quarantine, everyone, young and old, skeptical and optimistic, everyone is taking advantage of what they can: Google, Facebook, Zoom and enjoying how those technologies are helping to make the most interesting things happen. As I say, I like to baptize during each crisis, and if I am serious, it offers many opportunities and opens new opportunities. “

According to the interlocutor, Lithuania has many advantages, and not only in the quality of the Internet connection. In many industries, it has taken a technological leap, and some of the systems that have historically prevailed in both Europe and America have just begged.

Let’s say the same pagers. They have not settled with us, they are a great rarity and are still used elsewhere today. Faxes with us are already completely exotic, and you can still see them elsewhere. So in Lithuania we have the vigor that others can only envy ”, the businessman is convinced.

According to her, she used to face the opinion that if you work from a home office, you are not very serious: “Now what can you hear and see? Those who adapted to telecommuting saw many benefits. Of course, not quite for everyone, because it requires discipline, finally a person needs some social activity, but when you lose sitting in traffic jams, when instead of being busy somewhere at noon, you can go to the forest at that time , There are many advantages. . We will soon see if life returns to its previous paths and soon everyone will forget these experiences or the opposite will happen. ”

Victoria Trimbel

Victoria Trimbel

© Personal album

Quantum Capital’s managing partner says this is just one of its business areas.

“It is a consulting business, both digital business consulting, where I am paying more and more attention, and I am still doing traditional capital raising and transaction projects,” says the interviewer. – I am no longer active in this market, but they still find me because I have had to do this and that during my professional career and there are people who exactly want my skills. But I choose who to work with. My priority is to create joint activity agreements, alliances, that involve different competencies in different projects. When you work in the digital space, you are not dependent on the local market and can invite the people who are best for you at the time, who have the skills necessary for specific jobs. “

An ordinary dinner challenge

There are said to be few coincidences in life, and if they do occur, they are still just coincidences. Therefore, what happened in mid-March, when all of Lithuania began to live in quarantine, cannot be called a coincidence.

“It’s a really interesting story. I keep thinking about what happened here now. I couldn’t even have dreamed of it three months ago,” the woman began the story of an idea that was born unexpectedly and received a global resonance.

And it all started on March 17. Victorian brother David and his wife Aurika, who live in Chicago, had dinner and talked about the beginning of Covid-19.

“Aurika is a professional physician, prior to the birth of her daughter, she led the nursing team at Chicago University Hospital. There is a common method in some parts of Europe, the so-called non-invasive ventilation helmets, which is also used by Professor Gintautas Kėkštas, who works in resuscitation in Santariškės. This is now especially used by Italians in the treatment of patients with coronavirus. There are factories in Italy that produce these helmets, ”said the interlocutor.

According to her, this method not only in a pandemic, but also in other cases, without the use of artificial intubation and ventilation, helps from 30 to 40 percent. Patients recover. After all, the ventilation procedure is a very serious intervention on the human body and statistically around 80 percent. People in need do not survive. And if a person puts on that helmet, they can sit down and eat, the staff is much easier and some of those people don’t need a fan, no need to wait for resuscitation.

As it happened, Aurika and her hospital had been conducting clinical trials for three years and it was her master’s thesis on these helmets. Over dinner, Aurika and her husband shared their thoughts on the pandemic, the challenges of resuscitation, and a phrase came to her: “And the United States knows next to nothing about this method.” That phrase was captured by my brother, who is an entrepreneur, an electronic marketer. He says, “Shovel, shovel what you said. Then you have to do it to find out.

That night they bought a domain and in the morning when I woke up they told me and we started to build a specialized and highly specialized website from scratch specifically for a non-invasive ventilation method with proven and high quality information for resuscitation doctors, takers of healthcare decisions, manufacturers and investors. So it all started with a simple conversation, and if the brother had listened carelessly, he would not have listened, “says Victoria about the birth of an unexpected idea that has already spread throughout the world.

Victoria Trimbel

Victoria Trimbel

© Personal album

Therefore, Victoria with her brother and his wife first started creating an information portal Recalling the events of just a few months ago, he says that initially his goal was to focus on very specific and specialized information: “This is where death and life come into play. Because the meaning of this quarantine was not to obstruct the resuscitation rooms because there are few in the world. Thank goodness Lithuania did not reach such a peak.

Our goal was to expand that essential bottleneck in the treatment process by providing information that this other method exists and that doctors would try to find out about it.

Initially, there was a stage when we needed to gather a team of experts and communicate that here not only do we have nothing to do, we sit down at Google, search for information and now we are talking about something about it. “

And the wheel spun. The time came when the authors of the idea began to receive orders, even wanting to buy helmets for half a million dollars.

“We had to make it clear that we are not producing anything, we are just concentrating, verifying and publishing information,” he said.

So, this page created by Victoria’s brother’s family was viewed by Michael Lombardi, a diving specialist. Victoria says she fully understood the meaning of those helmets.

“He built a helmet very fast and sent Aurika to try it on. Along with doctors from the University of Chicago Hospital, he tested it and posted the video on a website. And it all happened at lightning speed. At that time, we call multiple times a day and actually plan actions for 2-3 hours: who does what, who does what, and who is the top priority at the time. Later, we went to planning for two or three days, and we are currently in the planning stage for two or three weeks, ”recalls the interlocutor during the hot season during quarantine.

He became interested in the world media.

Initially it started in three, then pulmonologists, professors from the University of Chicago, several text-writing volunteers joined. The authors also bought programmers and other services for the idea, with the help of the Blue Oceans public relations agency, founded by Raminta Lilaitila and Kristė Skindelytė, who have lived in New York and Toronto for fifteen years. Thanks to them, the information about the helmets attracted the attention of the media such as The New York Times, Wal Street Journal, Bloomberg.

“There was a day when it was announced that NASA, Virgin Galactic and The Spaceship company had also started developing a similar helmet. In social space, we shared how we would like to be seen. And it happened a few weeks later. contact and asked Aurika to advise them, “says the interlocutor about the chronology of successive events.

Ventilation helmet

Ventilation helmet

© Personal album

According to Victoria, the doctors rated the helmet as one of the best: “We immediately reserved 250 helmets for Lithuania. We started looking for financing, we also applied to the fund managed by Dalia Grybauskaitė. They liked the idea, they were even ready to finance the arrival of those helmets in Lithuania, but since it is a state structure, its procedures significantly slower, there was a great risk that the export of medical products from the USA would be prohibited. As in other countries, including Italy. where the helmets are brought from the inter-surgical division operating in Lithuania, they recommended us to several private foundations. Andrius Tapinas with Laisvės TV was the fastest and those helmets have already been delivered to Lithuania and taken to the five main COVID-19 hospitals. After all, they can be used not only in a pandemic, but also in the treatment of other resuscitating patients.

More and more private manufacturers and inventors are emerging, and here we also feel a bit contributed to this, as our initial goal is to provide quality information to the public as soon as possible for manufacturers to invest and doctors and hospitals to get those helmets more Quick. Now all over the world, various inventors make them, and we consult them.

We encourage everyone to discover them. In the Facebook group, we moderate the basic innovation of the helmet. People from all over the world are coming together: Canada, Brazil, India, Mexico, Poland and are trying to invent prototypes of that helmet so that they can be manufactured on site. “

Who is our king

When asked if he was already making money, the co-author of the idea, V. Trimbel, said that so far the information on non-invasive ventilation helmets is his social project, a gift to society on a global scale.

“We have the knowledge, the competence, we have been able to make it available to the public in a quick way and quickly connect people who didn’t even know each other before.”

Let’s say we joked about NASA and Virgin Galactic for a week, and a few weeks later they found us, they sent Aurika a helmet they made, they did evaluations with hospital doctors, they advised NASA engineers that they are otherwise building spaceships on how to improve that helmet. . And that’s great. And who will come out of it will show it again. Every day he asked the question: “What is our purpose?” Since my thinking is chess, I asked, “Who is our king?”

In Victoria’s words, her king right now is the quest to save more lives.

Trimbel assures that this is just another project that has had an intensive phase, but has now been reduced and is returning to normal projects.

“And what will happen next with this project? The inner feeling tells me that something interesting will happen. Because in those two months, we have gone so far as not to have wondered about such opportunities, but they have simply become like this. This is a type of work for the future. And it was not conceived that we would make a profit now. No, we just wanted to save as many lives as possible ”, the interlocutor is reluctant to predict the future of the idea.

I wanted to study cultural management

The year Victoria graduated from school was the first generation of independence. Until now, she has not received her gold medal, which belonged to a very well-educated girl.

“At that time, no one had succeeded, and then disappeared somewhere, or someone protected them,” smiles the interviewee.

During the historical changes, it was not easy to choose studies because many things were developed from scratch. “Where the Franciscan Monastery is now, the Baltic Academy of Administration operated. They summoned the graduates, someone started talking about the market economy. The then vice chancellor of VU talked about how it would be different and interesting at the university. I asked him if it would possible to study cultural management. Now what I envisioned then would fit the notion of production better. They confirmed that it was. I went to college thinking I would study culture, but in reality what I graduated is a degree in business administration and a degree in economics with honors. I was also very interested in the news. When the course papers were written, some of the classmates received a textbook in English from the teachers, divided into sections, some translated by themselves, who had more money, they brought translators, and I chose a topic that interested me, usually from the field of advertising, marketing, services, I went to the M. Mažvydas library, took a five-year periodical in English, Russian, Lithuanian – everything I had and read the latest reviews of events in the field and wrote a paper from it, ” – I study time that the interviewer remembered.

She got a job two weeks before giving birth.

Victoria says that already in the third year, some of the colleagues had already started working on interesting jobs: “At that time there was a hunger for specialists, a gap. Our teachers learned from the same textbooks as us. The difference is that we already knew English and needed someone to translate. I went with a classmate after the lectures, I say I would be interested to start working too. Now I laugh that it is very easy for me to calculate the length of service, because I was accepted by one of the first investment banks in Lithuania, Supreme, exactly two weeks before the birth of my elderly Gabija.

We already had a computer at home back then, I was a licensed broker, my job was listing companies on the Stock Exchange (LSC), I took a trolley to the office with a trolley, talked to clients, gathered materials, worked from home and went back to driving documents. Gabija was sleeping in a wheelchair or sitting on my hip. The LSC even called it a little broker. So, at that time, I was raising and studying my daughter, I got a red diploma and I was still working in a big bank.

Victoria Trimbel

Victoria Trimbel

© Personal album

When another daughter, Kamilė, was born, she was working there again at the time. I felt great. I stopped working a few days before giving birth just because I had the flu and had a high temperature. On the eighth day after giving birth, I started working again. Kamilė also slept in the basket, left her asleep in the office and went to the meeting. Whenever you want, you can perfectly combine everything “, – the businesswoman shares her unique experience.

Williams contract inherited

Victoria worked at Suprema three times. In total, seven years.

He left his beloved workplace for the first time when he was invited by the Baltic-American Enterprise Foundation, which is establishing itself in Lithuania. But a couple of years later, Suprema got it back.

“Those years were very intense, before doing macro analysis of the Baltic countries, I had a weekly program from Radiocentro.” The analysis department of Suprema even received the Euromoney Award for Excellence, “recalled the interviewee.

Then came the year 2000, when Trimbel was invited to the first crisis government as an advisor to the economy minister.

“The initial plan was to provide consultations to attract investment and promote small businesses. And then, as I say, with my hands and feet tied, I inherited the famous Williams (an American company that privatized Mazeikiu Nafta – ed.), Which had to be maintained When Williams demanded an urgent meeting and accepted his demands without negotiation, I said, “No, we will negotiate.” They tried to complain to the top officials of the Lithuanian country, but I did a good analysis of the contract and wrote a short analysis, where I said that not only we can negotiate but also negotiate. I was assigned to chair an inter-agency task force. I can only say that the result of that teamwork is Williams’ initial claims of about 300 million. LTL dropped to LTL 8 million. So I feel that I have done this and that is good for the state. Those years made me realize that I can do much more than I imagined, “says one M&A expert, who he was assigned a particularly important task at the time.

The interviewee says that she was interested not only in writing business plans, but also in contributing to their implementation, so she worked as an advisor to the president of Omnitel for a couple of years. She was the Lithuanian representative in the Telia-Sonera strategy group.

“Then I was invited by Prime Investment, where I worked for four years, and when our paths separated, I was already dedicating time to my business,” said the interviewee.

Some more strokes on V. Trimbel

About chess thinking

It may sound banal, but it all starts with the family.

My brother and I are very grateful to the mother who raised us curious, curious. And our secondary school – Lazdynai “Ažuolynas” (then – secondary 50) was not traditional. During the class on September 1, when the brain was brainwashed in a frequent school, we had free and lively discussions.

And for chess, for mathematicians, I was always good. There was such a newspaper “Lietuvos pionierius”, in which he published a difficult chess task, I solved it, sent a solution. Then they invited me to train for the Lithuanian national team, I went to a competition, I won four games against the champions, I lost against common players, I got the fourth division, but it was too easy for me and I didn’t get hooked.

But chess is a good reflection of how my mind works because I can see the entire game board, the 64 squares, the 32 shapes, each behaving differently and the environment changes after each move. Subconsciously, I think of very dynamic scenarios. And it happens in all areas. But I would say that the great challenge in my life is that people think that I am running far ahead, and I, knowing that quality of mine, am holding back. When everyone seems to be in a hurry, I’m actually holding back.

But the daughters are already raised, so I can allow myself much more freedom and experimentation.

About daughters

Junior Camille studied at London University of the Arts, which is among the best in the world of fashion. This year he defends his diploma thesis. He deliberately chose not general administration but fashion because, for example, iPhone It is more a fashion than a product of technology. This university has greatly fostered creativity and entrepreneurship. I was very impressed with their study programs and what sources of information they have access to.

The story of Gabija, the eldest daughter, is no less interesting. After tenth grade, I took an eagle out of the nest through a Rotary Youth Exchange to encourage me to go to Taiwan. So many people gave me advice, rebuked me for being a mother who dares to send a child to that country, but I think it was a very rewarding experience. Because the exchange was two-way, a Taiwanese lived in my own house, so to speak, my third was an exchange daughter.

Gabija gave that life a lot as a personality: maturity, confidence, courage, independence. And I learned Chinese.

After graduating from high school, he entered ISM, decided to study in English, became involved in student representation, and spent half a year in Chicago through exchange programs, then half a year with an extension in Singapore, for which he spent a year and a half abroad. During his studies, he started working and is still working now as head of the analysis and compliance department at the global electronic marketing company MailerLite created by the Lithuanians. Its internal culture is very good and innovative, the team works remotely, from different countries.

About travel

We have friends all over the world and that vastly expands our horizons. We started traveling with my daughters early, we have already visited more than fifty countries. We love traveling by car, so we traveled all over Europe, we visited Asia, a couple of years ago in Cuba.

I have heard several phrases, let’s say, why do you transport children to India? After all, it is not economically viable. I did not understand such thinking, because I saw that these trips, cognition, give a lot to the development of personality, the perception of the world, and I think that the best investment is impressions, experiences, not things. The joy of knowledge and discovery is very important to me.

About intellectual stress

My professional activity is full of intellectual stress because they are very complex processes, complex transactions, large sums. This is a great mental strain. If I want to relax, I cannot go to any massage from my desk, because at that moment I am counting, negotiating, creating strategies. So I chose a different tactic.

An adrenaline rush is needed after intellectual stress. And they are horses, or dancing, or snowboarding, or any other activity that requires you to focus on what you are doing. And that comes with natural meditation. After such physical exertion, I can go and enjoy various spa pleasures or the like.

That is my nature: to fall during crises. In general, if I don’t like something in life, I try to change it first. If I change, it’s two moments. I do everything in my power to change the way I imagine it should be. But at the same time, I understand that, in some circumstances, it may fail. If it fails, I know that I have done everything that is up to me, and in a situation that I don’t like, I can see some new meaning, or withdraw from that situation. Because I don’t have victim syndrome at all. I do not understand such sayings: “There are when there are”, “What we will already do”, “A bad day will come” … No, my days are colorful and flourish like a holiday.

About the internal motor

My internal engine is a proactive and positive vision of life. I am not looking for problems, but solutions, because whoever looks for something finds it. My mother is optimistic, she raised us like this: freethinker, independent, optimistic. The ones who just drink and do.

Yes, there are days when I get tired. Then I go to a spa day, I close and relax. But I tend to emphasize hard work but not smart. I combine intellectual stress with exercise and then everything balances well. I enjoy life. It’s true, now I’m learning to slow down. But there is already a kind of compulsion of my own here, because I am what I am and I do what I like, what is close to my vision of the world, my character.

About the project as a separate university

Each project is a strategic change for a large company. You must be insightful and smart to understand in a few months how money is made when there is a competitive advantage. Then you have to pack everything and have a vision of the future of how things will go, sell to investors by the millions.

Therefore, you must know what you are doing, evaluate, communicate and convince investors. Because the projects are really complex and they work with senior executives and business owners, together they have unique opportunities to learn a lot. Each project can be said to be a particular university in a separate industry.

Sure, each company imagines that it is very unique to it, but certain things are repeated. And when you work all your life in one field and especially if you work in a successful company, it often has the effect of dazzling you with success and losing your sense of reality. This is when you work on ten different and very complex projects at the same time for a long time. the horizon widens and the experience expands. I am used to doing this and it is not a problem.

About decisions and responsibilities

I am not very involved in the rescue of “dead” companies, although there were some. Because my essential trait is that I make decisions with courage. There are people who create work teams and there are people who make decisions quickly. I belong to the latter because I am not afraid of responsibility. I know a lot myself, but I also listen to other experts. I’m kidding, that’s not born yet. It would scare me, but I hear arguments. I can change my initial opinion if I hear intelligent and reasonable arguments. I really enjoy working with smart people.

About working on boards

I’ve been on several forums lately. 2011 I led a group of experts who wrote ownership guidelines for state-owned companies and analyzed the experiences of many countries.

My main reason for working on these meetings is that I have many different experiences that I think are valuable and I can share them. Because professional business involves virtual digital projects, at meetings I have the opportunity to meet live with other interesting people, professionals in my fields, and when we look at the same topic from five different points of view, if each member of the board It is strong, it has serious arguments. It is very interesting and together we can make more careful decisions and measures. This is an internal reason, since working on the boards of state companies is an activity of greater public benefit. Sometimes he imagines that you are sitting, doing nothing, just moving your hands. There may be people like that, but generally I choose those few boards where I see the point not only of being, but of doing something.

Actualmente soy miembro de las Juntas de Invega y Turto Bank, y en 2012 fui Presidente de la Junta de Supervisión de EPSO-G, donde tuve el mayor placer profesional, ya que la Junta de Supervisión y la Junta fueron muy fuertes.

En Invega, soy un miembro independiente de la junta y me permito tener una opinión independiente y analizar la lógica empresarial. Invega ha recibido muchas órdenes para ayudar al negocio, algunas de ellas tienen muchas condiciones que Invega no presentó, por lo que por un lado tratamos de implementar esas condiciones, pero de la misma manera iniciamos esos cambios para que ese apoyo llegue al negocio. cosas que suceden de la noche a la mañana. Esto requiere más tiempo y atención de lo que planeé, porque nadie planeó la crisis. Ahora, solo estoy priorizando y centrándome en lo que es más importante.

Jau keletą metų pirmą naujų metų dieną darau sąrašus, ko nedaryti. Štai ką tik apsisprendžiau ir pasitraukiau iš Finansų analitikų asociacijos, kurią kažkada įkūrėme. Buvo daug sentimentų, bet pastarąjį dešimtmetį jos veikloje tik fragmentiškai dalyvavau.

Profesinės veiklos srityje dabar svarbiausia yra virtualus skaitmeninis verslas ir laisvų tinklų galios (the power of flux networks) koncepcija, kurią vystau. Jos esmė – sujungti skaitmeninio ir dirbtinio intelekto įrankiais skirtingus prieš tai tarpusavyje nesusijusius ekspertus sprendimų priėmimui ir naujoms idėjoms kurti. Taip pat ir savo dukras skatinu kurti savo asmeninius verslus, tegu ir nedidelius, bet tegul mokosi tų įgūdžių ir kurtų savo ateitį produktyviai pačios.

Valdybos dabar užima apie 20 proc. mano aktyvaus laiko ir kokius 10 proc. užima mano visuomeninė veikla, kuri šiuo metu yra sukoncentruota tiktai į tarptautinę organizaciją „Rotary International“.

Apie „Rotary“

Rotariete esu jau septyniolika metų. Rotary veiklos esmė yra narių veikla klubuose, kurių kiekvienas yra atskiras juridinis asmuo. Lietuvoje šiuo metu yra 56 „Rotary“ klubai. Kiekvienas jų vysto savo projektus, turi savo identitetą.

Pradėjau nuo „Vilnius International“, o neseniai įkūrėme naują tarptautinį klubą „Lithuania International“. Mūsų veiklos kalba yra anglų, mūsų nariai yra lietuviai, gyvenę, mokesi ar dirbę užsienyje, ir Lietuvoje gyvenantys užsieniečiai. Klubai jungiasi į apygardas. Lietuvoje apygarda sutampa su šalies geografija, tada yra zonos, kurių pasaulyje yra 36, o jas vienija pasaulinė organizacija su pagrindine būstine Čikagos priemiestyje, Evanstone.

Nuo liepos 1 d. vieneriems metams tapsiu visos Lietuvos „Rotary“ apygardos valdytoja, pirmąja moterimi valdytoja nepriklausomos apygardos istorijoje. Per tarptautinius mokymus San Diege mano idėjas išgirdo ir pakvietė trijų metų kadencijai į tarptautinį „Rotary International“ narystės plėtros komitetą.

Apie nominaciją „Top-100 Women in Tech in Europe 2012“

Net nežinau, kas tiksliai mane rekomendavo įtraukti. Buvo maloni staigmena. Tuo metu, buvau labiau matoma Lietuvos startuolių ekosistemoje, tai matyt, todėl buvau į tą sąrašą įtraukta.

Esu mentoriavusi įvairius startuolius, prie poros jų įkūrimo prisidėjau kaip angelas investuotojas, tame tarpe „Mano daktaras“, buvau su jais nuo pačios pradžios, kai tik gimė idėja, bet vėliau pasitraukiau, taip pat „Kirigami design“ irgi labai įdomi specialaus dizaino baldų kompanija, orientuota į Azijos rinką, su ja laimėjome tarptautinio dizaino apdovanojimus, sudominome japonus, kurie pradėjo prašyti užsakymų konteineriais. Pradėjome ieškoti, kas Lietuvoje galėtų mums tokius kiekius gaminti ir paaiškėjo, kad niekas negali, nes visi dirba „Ikea“.

Apie dabartinę krizę

Vis bandau pasakyti, kuo šita krizė skiriasi nuo kitų. Jei per 1999-2000m. krizę galėjai sakyti, ai, čia Azija, ar Rusija kažką blogai darė, todėl gavo per nagus, arba kai 2008-2009m. žlugo „Lehman Brothers“, tai čia tie blogieji bankininkai, taip jiems ir reikia. Tiesa, niekas nepagalvojo, kad kai bankams blogai, tai ir visai ekonomikai.

O šis virusas nesirenka, ar tu Borisas Jonsonas, ar princas Charlesas, ar Kanados premjero žmona, ar kino žvaigždė, – niekas nuo to viruso nėra apsaugotas.

Matau neįtikėtiną žmonių susivienijimą ir bendras pastangas visame pasaulyje. Tokia vienybė suteikia daug vilčių, kad atsiras new normal (liet. nauja realybė). Tiesa, žmonės labai greitai viską pamiršta ir gali greitai grįžti prie savo įprasto gyvenimo. Iš dalies tai jau ir vyksta. Ir nėra nieko keisto ir nieko blogo, nes žiūrint į vadybos ir psichologijos mokslo teorijas, tai žmonės labiausiai bijo pokyčių. Ir ta dalis, kuri pokyčių nebijo, kurie juos kuria arba jais mėgaujasi, yra mažuma ir tai yra natūralu. Tik šįkart atrodo, kad ta mažuma bus šiek tiek didesnė, ir labai svarbu neprarasti to, ką dabar išmokome.

Apie visagalį laiką

Rytinės valandos būna skirtos man pačiai. Stengiuosi ryte nežiūrėti pašto, geriau kažką paskaityti ar kokį tekstą parašyti, kažką sukurti, pasimėgauti kava, saule, ar į mišką išeiti. Tada žiūriu, kaip organizuoti tą dieną. Aš mėgstu taikyti grupavimo principą. Ką turiu omenyje? Kai kuriomis dienomis visą darbinį laiką skiriu darbui su kompiuteriu, – jokių susitikimų, vengiu ir telefono, kad galėčiau susikaupti, o jeigu reikia turėti gyvus susitikimus, tai stengiuosi juos visus vieną dieną ir paskirti.

Viena mūsų komandos dalis dirba Azijoje, kita – Amerikoje, tai kokią ketvirtą dienos prasideda dar viena darbo diena. Taigi, kartais mano darbo diena būna atvirkščia, nes tai ką žmonės daro vakarais, aš darau rytais, arba – priešingai.

Virtualus susitikimas irgi yra gyvas, tik tu esi ekrane. Kai kas sako, kad sunku megzti ryšius. Aš per savo įvairias veiklas karantino metu susipažinau su tiek įdomių žmonių iš skirtingiausių pasaulio kampelių, kad net nebūčiau pagalvojusi, kad taip galima norėti, išdrįsti, sugalvoti. Bet tai labai paprasta. Tu susirandi įdomų pašnekovą, kuris galbūt irgi sėdi karantine kitame žemyne, tad belieka tik paspausti mygtuką ir bendrauti.

Apie gyvenimo mokytojus

Didžiausia mano gyvenimo mokytoja yra mama. O toliau – daugybė kitų dalykų. Kiekvieną dieną mokausi ką daryti geriau ir taip pat, kas yra svarbu, mokausi ko nedaryti. Taigi, tos pamokos yra dvipusės. Kartais reikia pamiršti tai, ką žinojai anksčiau, nes tos žinios gali būti pasenusios arba kenkti ir trukdyti veikti, sena patirtis gali trukdyti.

Stengiuosi gyventi plačiai atmerktomis akimis, matyti galimybes. Bet neužtenka tik jas matyti, reikia kartais jas čiupti ir veikti. Čia taip pat, kaip ir su visomis verslo idėjomis. Idėjų yra labai daug, bet nedaug yra tų, kurie ima ir tas idėjas pradeda įgyvendinti.

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