The imprisoned women in Panevėžys decided not to remain silent: find out how they offered us to play hide and seek with Minister Evelina


Delphi publishes a letter from the prisoners: the women say that this is the only opportunity to tell the situation in the penitentiary, which has so far been considered the most exemplary in Lithuania.

“Knowing the possibilities of the media and social networks, we want to rejoice and share with you and the people beyond the fence some circumstances, employees, stories from the women’s correctional facility. Repairs have been going on with us for some time, conditions are improving, which we are very happy about. Apparently, the new Minister of Justice approached the guests with joy. Before their arrival, the anxious were walking and the authorities, probably also with joy. The supervisors suggested that the Minister play with the mysteries: hide all the dishes stored under the table, the clothes that were drying in the hall, other items from the cabinets to the cupboards, the cupboards and take vows of silence, let them look.

Unfortunately, Evelina is a busy and hurried woman, so she didn’t find time for play. Also, we walked with our most important people who probably didn’t want us to get drunk so they rushed the beautiful woman to continue. They are good people, shy, they do not want to applaud, the heart was flooded with heat, we even complained.

Another person who believes in us and our capabilities is the head of the Security Management Division. Impressive, not sexist, like most men, he considers us equal to men. Some time ago, all the authorities received new furniture, which we also enjoyed, we had to take out the old and bring the new. Encouraged by his confidence we did so with energy, not even the cold of the day dared us to bite. Only the mood was spoiled by one of the staff, who questioned our physical abilities and offered to dismantle the huge closet as it might be too difficult for some tiny women. But immediately the good boss stepped in and gave us self-confidence, saying that we could do even more than those men. After such support, the body was overwhelmed by forces that diverted attention from the tense backs, the bloody fingers. The most important thing is to have one that inspires and our possibilities are limitless.

Those around us take great care of our health. In order to have enough fresh air, we are often invited to shred, load old furniture into containers. They love us, they get used to the cold a bit, even before the radiators go out. A hardened body is a healthy body. The other residential building did not perform as well as we did. His radiator went out as soon as the city turned on the heat. Or maybe they have hardened them so many times when they returned here …? I yell through the window, “Hey silly, are you feeling hard?” He just looks at me angrily. My lashes freeze and I don’t see anything anymore. And silly is for short sleeves. Go, this is the level of hardening, I want. Hope someone carries something outside.

We are here for the first time, we will not reach such a level of mastery so soon, especially since there is only a week left before the radiators are cut off. Krist naked in half? Do you pour cold water outside? I will not push so fast, and I will also interest the psychologist in my behavior …

After assembling the board, we decided what to do, because some of the old furniture remains are not carried in a container, but are hidden in the casing; they will create a waste. The offer of builders to sleep more than one is being considered, most of them – in favor, internal rules – against. There are caretakers on the floors, they are made of wood … All – stop. Let’s bring hot dogs and potatoes, not junk, but they’ll be as good as a fireplace. We can sing “Bonfire Light” nearby.

In difficult times of quarantine, when almost everything in the city is closed, we have an outdoor cafe thanks to the best authorities. The dining room staff can enjoy it 16 hours a day, and we post about 15 minutes 3 times a day. I realize that in 16 hours of being in a room without windows or radiators, they will harden faster than others. Silently, jealous, taking my ration of food, I sit on a dusty and frozen chair; I will strive. Through my forehead, I look angry as I watch them shake as they share food. Apparently, he still doesn’t realize that it is for the better. After that, no one will be able to threaten to take them to Siberia. Out of jealousy I forgot my food. The wind blows through the window and the plaster dust gets into the board, I can recognize the sand by the grinding between my teeth. Somewhere on the ladder through the wall, you can hear a squeak of water on the stairs. The wind spreads the hair, the water is like a fountain, it feels like J. Basanavičiaus street. Only a fork ending in a frost in hand goes back to hardening plans.

We thank our authorities for this, for all the invaluable experience, understanding and support, for the guaranteed human rights, their protection and defense of equal rights. We go hand in hand against torture, degrading treatment and discrimination ”.

The convicts who wrote this letter said that these were only their first notes, and in the future they plan to share other impressions of their lives behind bars. Delfi is not responsible for the thoughts and opinions expressed in the convict’s letter.

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