The Hungarian government attacked actor G. Clooney: call G. Soros’s agent


Hungary was mentioned by Clooney to GQ magazine about his new movie, The Midnight Sky, which will be released on Netflix in late December and tells the story of a scientist on Earth after the global catastrophe.

“When we were filming, the pandemic hadn’t started yet, but there were all those other elements that show how much hatred and anger there is all over the world right now. Look at Bolsonaro in Brazil or Orban in Hungary, ”said the actor.

“Look around. A lot of anger and hatred. The action in my film is in 2049.” The reality may be the same if we allow such hatred to spread, “added G. Clooney.

Orban, who has been in power for more than a decade, calls his regime illiberal. The government apparatus is centralized, loyal to it, and the business elite have bought independent media.

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./Viktoras Orbanas

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./Viktoras Orbanas

The institutions of the European Union have been criticizing Hungary for many years for violating the rule of law and human rights. Freedom House experts have removed Hungary from the list of democracies this year.

Budapest is currently fighting, together with Warsaw, against EU plans to link EU funding to the rule of law.

G. Clooney: In the early 2000s, I visited Hungary and walked along the banks of the Danube. Hungary was then a shining example of successful democracy. I look forward to the day when Hungary remembers what it was like then.

Hungary has traditionally responded to Mr Clooney’s comment. Government spokesman Ors Fark said the actor spoke in the voice of Hungarian-born billionaire George Soros, a longtime opponent of Orban.


AFP / “Scanpix” nuotr./George’as Sorosas

Another government spokesperson, Tam Menczer, wrote on Facebook that the actor’s words were stupid: “George Clooney is a good actor and deserves respect, but no one should consider him a world politician. He has something to say. “

G. Clooney was not far behind. He is an agent for the Hungarian news portal. delivered: “Orban’s propaganda machine is lying, and the point. I only interacted with George Soros once.”

“I would be ashamed if I did not speak publicly about the type of autocracy typical of the Orban regime. In the early 2000s, I visited Hungary and walked the Danube.

Hungary was then a shining example of successful democracy. I look forward to the day when Hungary remembers how it was then, ”we wrote in G. Cloney’s statement.
