The hottest target of spies in the world is the real health of D. Trump


Trump’s doctors do not say when the president’s coronavirus test was last negative.

They also do not disclose information about Trump’s current lungs, why he was prescribed medication, usually prescribed for patients with severe COVID-19, how high a fever he had, and ultimately how much his blood oxygen level dropped.

In other words, the White House is not answering questions about whether the collision with the deadly coronavirus was dangerous for Trump.

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / Donald Trump

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / Donald Trump

And, as current and former U.S. National Security Service personnel caution, America’s enemies filled with the information gap can also benefit.

Priority information

Security experts fear that, at this moment, hostile US states are rushing to uncover Trump’s true state of health, which could be used as a lever to cast doubt on the stability of the US government.

During such a crisis, it is simply mandatory for intelligence officers to gather important information – that Americans would do the same in another country.

For example, it is possible to distribute fake photos or audio recordings that include the voice of Trump, who is obviously ill. In essence, the United States would be portrayed as a country incapable of handling a pandemic, starting with the most important official in the country.

Hostile intelligence services are said to be investing heavily in the ability to gather sensitive medical information on world leaders.

Photo by Scanpix / Donald Short

Photo by Scanpix / Donald Short

“Any worthwhile foreign intelligence service will definitely strive for resources to report on the health of the President of the United States. Having resources and spies, “said Steve Hall, former head of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) branch in Moscow.

Another former CIA employee, Marc Polymeropoulos, also confirmed that during such a crisis, it is simply mandatory for intelligence officers to collect important information, that Americans would do the same in another country.

“We were told that we collected data on the health of hostile leaders.

“In such cases, the objective is not to recruit enemy scouts or members of the government, but representatives of the hospital administration or doctors, who are not closely inspected by counterintelligence,” Polymeropoulos said.

Confidence crisis

It is true that Hall is skeptical about the possibility that China or Russia could have spies in Walter Reed’s military hospital, where Trump was being treated. Older sources are more likely to be used or are being used within the White House administration itself.

“Media reports testify that Trump spoke by phone with foreign leaders. If one of those conversations were with Vladimir Putin, and if I were the head of Russian intelligence, I would tell the conversation to listen to the doctors and assess whether Trump lacked odor or was upset, “Hall said.

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / Donald Trump

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / Donald Trump

And the information, according to former CIA analyst Mick Mulroy, could become a weapon, especially in an environment where there are so many doubts about Trump’s health, etc.

Hall: If one of those conversations was with Vladimir Putin and I was the head of Russian intelligence, I would tell the conversation to listen to the doctors and assess whether Trump lacked odor or was upset.

“The incomplete reports from the White House doctors are causing a crisis of confidence.” This means that China, Russia or Iran can launch disinformation campaigns and use them to reinforce American doubts about the government and the electoral process, “Mulroy said .

He urges officials like Defense Secretary Mark Esper to be in Washington now to “send a message to any opponent who wants to take advantage of the situation.”

Officials in the Trump administration itself say the situation is under control. Trump’s national security adviser, Robert O’Brien, says that “our opponents know that the United States government is stable and that we protect the American people.”

You don’t even need to know exactly?

It is true that concerns about the actions of other countries often mean that medical information about American leaders is generally prepared with great care. Many past presidents have instructed their doctors to describe their health in detail.

VIDEO: After returning from the hospital to the White House, Trump immediately removed his mask and posed for photographers.

However, Trump does not publish detailed data on his state of health.

Instead, his former doctor in 2015 declared aloud: “I can say with determination that Trump will be the healthiest person who has ever been elected president.” The same doctor later revealed that the report was dictated to him by Trump himself.

D.Short does not publish detailed information about his health status.

And now the White House is doing its best not to downplay the president’s illness and ensures that neither security officials nor the world at large need to know the exact state of Trump’s health.

“I don’t think you need to know exactly because we are not doctors.” It is clear that the president is working, and the entire machinery of government is following his example, “said Elliott Abrams, the State Department’s special envoy for Iran.

VIDEO: Trump, a COVID-19 patient, decided to ride: he left the hospital for a short time to greet his fans

However, former acting CIA Director John McLaughlin notes that foreign explorers are likely to have contacts who can access at least speeches on Trump’s health.

“Given that other services, especially hostile ones, have no higher priority than events in the presidential setting, it is reasonable to say that they have sources looking for reliable information,” McLaughlin said.

And Polumeropoulos adds: “We can reasonably assume that foreign services are actively and probably successfully gathering information about the president’s health and learning more about it than the media and the American people.”
