The hotels and owners of Palanga are happy and looking forward to the weekend: “This release is like the second Christmas” | Business


“We are waiting, we are preparing for it. Tomorrow we will receive the first customers. Longing for people, waiting in line, and for that he can be named. Customers say:” As soon as you open, reserve a place for us. ” When life was free, that forbidden fruit was not so sweet, and now everyone in Vilnius or Kaunas, who has not seen the sea since last summer, has a great desire to escape “, says K. Schlioger hopes that business return, as he puts it, to the “rhythm of survival”.

“It has already been necessary … We compressed the first quarantine for a couple of months, and now almost half a year, it is already fun, very painful, both emotionally and for employees. It is fun to sit at home for a month, but not half anus.

We started working at full capacity, everyone has returned to work. In the past, the season opener was more formal, just the name, and now this weekend will be the true season opener. There are many reservations for the weekend. Half the hotel is already booked for the weekend, it can be full, ”said K. Šliogeris, who runs the Palanga hotel, which has a hundred rooms. Currently prices are spring, normal for this time of year. In this hotel, they cost from € 40 per room.

There are many reservations for the weekend. Half of the hotel is already booked for the weekend, a package can be.

“We were getting ready, there was half talk that the restrictions would drop after Easter. We have been more actively preparing for the last two weeks, we have done a lot of repairs over the winter. It was a matter of when that shot will be heard in the air, “said the manager, joking that when you finally get to work, you don’t have to search for the key in your pocket, the hotel already feels life and a little commotion.

“We want to hope that the vaccine will be available in the fall, it will not be distributed for the third time in half a year, we will find other ways to be careful. That closure for half a year is not an exit, many more secondary things. What is the emotional state … ”, – the manager named the difficulties.

Already reserving for the summer

According to him, recently (except for a couple of weeks, when the ban was lifted) Palanga looked like Chernobyl: after passing through the complex, no one could be met.

K. Šliogeris noted that clients are actively planning summer vacations. Experience last year showed that the resort was not “rubbery” and that finding a place to stay was challenging.

Booking for the summer much earlier, there are periods when there are no more places. “Last summer, people saw that they couldn’t just call and get places,” he continued.

All of Lithuania was waiting for the news.

Irena Švanienė, director of the Association “Hospitable Host”, which brings together some owners of private homes in the complex 15 minutes stated that this news about the releases was waiting for all of Lithuania.

“Perhaps Palanga should not be emphasized alone, all Lithuanian residents were waiting for him. People were tired of incarceration, a large proportion of people felt psychological stress. After all, how much can you suffer between the four walls? You have been imprisoned for not having committed a crime. This message is happy, of course, for us, the people of Palanga. If someone asks if there were many people during the weekend, at Easter, I answer, and where could there be many people? He cannot enter, he cannot enter. Only those who have their own property came, but also some, “said the woman.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Irena Švanienė

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Irena Švanienė

She expects many more vacationers to arrive this weekend.

“I am guaranteed that this weekend, if the weather is normal, there will be a lot more people than on Easter weekend. People missed Palanga a lot, the fresh air. We, when we live in the place, we walk, we breathe in the pine forests, we receive an impressive dose of fresh and fragrant air. With us, no factories or transport, so good, so quiet, refreshing to the soul. Our rooms have been ready since the New Year, “said I. Švanienė.

I am guaranteed that this weekend, if the weather were normal, the crowd will be significantly taller than on Easter weekend. People missed Palanga a lot, the clean air.

According to her, if only the spa becomes accessible and restrictions are no longer imposed, in the summer Palanga will be really full, like last year.

“In July and August it will be full and there will be enough places. I will answer why: in recent years so many villas and various owner-occupied buildings were introduced, it is possible to accommodate them more than a few years ago. After all, it was said that in the Soviet years Palanga accommodated up to half a million guests during the season, it has the power to swell as needed. I practically made it to the beach, closed my eyes, and walked out, lying down, feet next to someone. Those were the times, now there are a lot of people in the summer too, but the seashore has moved towards Nemirseta, ”said I. Švanienė.

Like the second christmas

Ingrida Valaitienė, director of the Association of Hotels and Restaurants of Palanga 15 minutes He said that from the morning the news of the lifting of restrictions on movement between municipalities was expected.

“We were waiting for that news this morning and it came out. Joy like Christmas from that decision! There have already been reservations every day since April 7, some since the 8th. People have already said: we are making reservations and we hope they will be lift restrictions The movement has started, and over the weekend, of course, it will be bigger, said I. Valaitienė.

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15min / Ingrida Valaitienė

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15min / Ingrida Valaitienė

She estimates that there will be 13 member hotels in the association over the weekend.

“Then more than half will be operational. It is still very important to wait for the launch of restaurants and cafes, if they will be able to start their activities from outdoor cafes or if they will also be allowed to enter. At this time, you can only bring food. Many do not work at all. With this knowledge, even more objects will open. There are hotels that have a restaurant, a hotel, a spa center and complete activities are important to them, ”said I. Valitienė.

According to the manager, although no one will recover the losses and the business will stop receiving this income, it is necessary to change your attitude and try to accelerate again, start the recovery process and obtain the maximum income from the weekends.

“There were events, seminars, trainings in spring, April, May, now we have no foreigners, there are restrictions, events cannot be held, those things are falling. The rest are still the customer for whom the weekend break is more acceptable, but even so, the business cannot be closed, not generate income. Employees are already sending messages that it is very difficult to live for the amount of downtime for so many months without planning when they will return to work, ”said I. Valaitienė.
