The hopes of those who want to ride motorcycles with car rights are falling


The Ministry prepared a negative conclusion on the draft, which proposes to grant the right to drive a B and other categories specified in the law to drive an A1 motorcycle.

It is proposed that such amendments be introduced in the amendments by Peter Chimbar, a member of parliament belonging to the Joint Group of Seimas Members, to drivers who have reached the age of 24 if they have at least two years of driving experience.

The ministry notes that the vehicles in question are more complex and dangerous than mopeds, require specific knowledge and practical driving skills, and motorcycles themselves are considered one of the most dangerous modes of transportation, i. and. The probability of dying is almost 20 times greater than driving a car.

“Therefore, any facilitation of the acquisition of the right to drive motorcycles will further increase the number of motorcyclists who do not have the necessary skills, which may pose a threat to road safety,” the conclusion notes.

According to the Ministry, if Seimas approves the project, it would increase the popularity of A1 motorcycles, especially among young people, and could have a negative impact on traffic safety in this group of older drivers.

It is also emphasized that A1 motorcyclists need to know how to properly wear protective clothing and footwear, helmets, risk factors such as slippery sewer covers, obstacles to horizontal road markings, and this knowledge is not acquired to drive a car. Therefore, according to ministry experts, the arguments that the project would cut red tape and cost to drivers are invalid.

“Ensuring the health and lives of road users is more important than the economic results of economic activities,” say the authors of the conclusion.

It should be noted that such a position has been agreed with other ministries, the police, the Lithuanian Transport Security Administration and representatives of driving schools.

Class A1 includes motorcycles with an engine capacity of 50 to 125 cubic centimeters and a power not exceeding 11 kilowatts. Tricycles with a power not exceeding 15 kilowatts also fall into this category. Motorcycles in this category can be ridden from the age of 16 after passing the exam.

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