The highest number of deaths per day recorded in new cases of COVID-19 was 735


This is the highest number of coronavirus deaths reported per day since the start of a pandemic.

Two others died from other causes.

A total of 13 thousand people in Lithuania were infected with the coronavirus. 823 people, 8918 – still ill, 4691 – recovered.

A total of 157 people have died since COVID-19. Another 57 people died from other causes.

There are currently 29,000 in isolation. 636 people.

As of June 1, 396 import cases had been registered in Lithuania.

12 thousand were examined on the last day. 736 samples for suspected coronavirus. So far a total of 1 million have been investigated. 10 thousand 596 samples.

The last day 735 cases of coronavirus were registered: many cases in Kaunas

The National Public Health Center (NVSC) reports that 735 cases of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) were confirmed in Lithuania last day. 181 of them were registered in Kaunas, 129 in Klaipėda, 128 in Vilnius, 80 in Šiauliai, 78 in Telšiai counties. Another 38 cases were recorded in Tauragė 37 Panevėžys, 31 Marijampolė, 21 Alytus and 12 Utena counties.

Of these, the vast majority were reported when people became infected after contact with people who were confirmed to have coronavirus. At that time, cases where the circumstances of people’s infection are unclear, i. and Epidemiological studies have shown that individuals have not gone abroad, they have not communicated with confirmed cases of COVID-19, registered 138. However, these figures have not yet been reviewed, since not all epidemiological studies have been completed .

Shoots were recorded in shoots on the last day

In Kaunas County, outbreak-related cases were reported at Kaunas Tirkiliškės Kindergarten-School, Kaunas University of Technology Engineering Lyceum, Kaunas Art Gymnasium, Aleksotas Kindergarten, Progymnasium Garliava Jonučiai, Kėdainiai Light Gymnasium, Vilkija Gymnasium, Vilkija on the last day.

New cases of COVID-19 are also registered in the Kaunas clinical units, the Prison Hospital, the Raseiniai Hospital and the Nursing Department of the Vilkija Primary Health Care Center. Cases were also recorded in Kaunas Social Care Center “Vija”, Kaunas Care Home “Akacijų Užuovėja”, Čekiškės Care and Social Care Home.

In addition, cases were reported yesterday in Kaunas County, according to epidemiologists, related to outbreaks in the RIO Sports Arena, Kėdainiai District Municipality, Kėdainiai Division of the Kaunas Department of the State Food and Veterinary Service.

In Vilnius County, cases related to outbreaks were recorded in the “Alaušas Valley” tennis championship, the “Viesulas” judo club, the “Sparta Fight Gym” sports fighting club, the “Lemon Gym Europa” sports club, the “Delfi sports center”, the Vilnius city sports center, judo training at the Sportima Arena, Language Mama’s birthday event, which took place in Sapiega Park, at the City Laboratory Café.

In addition, the cases registered in Vilnius County, according to epidemiologists, are related to outbreaks in the Lithuanian National Philharmonic, the Vilnius Cultural Center, the Vilnius Regional District Court, the National Agency for Education, the State Archives Central Lithuania.

Additionally, registered COVID-19 cases are associated with chimneys at Vilnius College of Technology and Design, Elektrėnai Vocational Training Center, College of Social Sciences, Vilnius District Mickūnai Gymnasium, Vilnius Balsiai Progymnasium, Vilnius Baltupiai Progymnasium, Vilnius Antanas Vienuolis Progymnasium, Vilnius Antanas Vienuolis Progymnasium Antanas Vienuolis Progymnasium. ”, Vilnius Emilia Pliaterytė Progymnasium.

Outbreak-related cases in Klaipėda County, Klaipėda Republican Hospital, Palanga Rehabilitation Hospital, Skuodas Care Home, Klaipėda Hope Care Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities, Kretinga Social Services Center, Klaipėda State College, Šilutė District Municipality Administration, Palanga Baltic Main en the school.

Outbreak-related cases were reported at the Lioliai Welfare Home in Kelmė District, Kelmė Social Service Center, Jurdaičiai Welfare Home in Joniškis District, Sodra Customer Service Department in Radviliškis, Hospital Kuršėnai and the Šiauliai Pretrial Detention Center in Šiauliai County. Outbreak-related cases were also reported in Kelmė’s “Ąžuoliukas” kindergarten, the Kražiai Žygimantas Liauksminas gymnasium in Kelmžiai district and the “Maxima” shopping center in Joniškis.

In Telšiai county, another 31 cases were reported last day, related to the outbreak at the Stonaičiai welfare home located in Plungė district. All people are residents of this institution. A total of 73 cases related to this outbreak were recorded.

In addition, on the last day in Telšiai county, cases related to outbreaks were recorded at Plungė District Municipal Hospital, Telšiai Regional Hospital, Mažeikiai District Municipal Cultural Center, “Draugystė” Mixed Choir, Gymnasium of Mažeikiai Merkel Račkauskas and COVID-19 cases in the city of Mažeikiai. .

In Tauragė County, outbreak-related cases were recorded on the last day at Jurbarkas Hospital, Šilalė Hospital, Šilalė Section of the Employment Service, Šilalė Choir in Bočiai, as well as Grand Duke Kęstutis Motorized Infantry Battalion from Lithuania.

In Panevėžys County, outbreak-related cases were registered on the last day at the branches of Panev Hospitalžys Republican Hospital, Panevėžys Juozas Miltinis Drama Theater, Panevėžys Juozas Miltinis Gymnasium, Panevėžys Correctional Institution.

In Marijampolė County, the last day there were coronavirus cases related to outbreaks in the Marijampolė “Sūduva” football club, in the Marijampolė “Sūduva-Mantinga” basketball team, in the “Vernitas” company operating in Marijampolė.

In Alytus county, cases related to outbreaks were reported yesterday, according to epidemiologists, at the Varėna ambulance station, the Varėna branch of the Sodra branch and the Žilvičius kindergarten in Varėna.

At that time, infection cases related to the outbreak were recorded at the “Utena Juventus” basketball club in Utena County.

In Lithuania, there are 7 more deaths from coronavirus

The NVSC reports that information on 7 coronavirus deaths was received from medical institutions last day. Currently, the infection has claimed 157 lives.

The first case of death was registered in Klaipeda County. The person belonged to the age group of 70 to 79 years and suffered from chronic diseases. The coronavirus was confirmed in one person on October 29.

The second case of death was in Kaunas County. The person belonged to the age group 80-89, had chronic diseases. The coronavirus was confirmed in one person on October 27.

The third death was recorded in Marijampol condado county. The person belonged to the age group 80-89, had chronic diseases. The coronavirus was confirmed in one person on October 16.

The fourth death was registered in Telšiai county. The person belonged to the age group of 70 to 79 years and suffered from chronic diseases. The coronavirus was confirmed in one person on September 28.

The fifth case of death was registered in Šiauliai county. The person belonged to the age group 80-89, had chronic diseases. The coronavirus was confirmed in one person on October 21.

The sixth case of death was in Kaunas County. The person belonged to the 60 to 69 age group and suffered from chronic diseases. The coronavirus was confirmed in one person on October 2.

The seventh death was in Kaunas County. The person belonged to the age group 80-89, had chronic diseases. The coronavirus was confirmed in one person on October 25.

In addition, yesterday there were 2 deaths (in Kaunas and Telšiai counties), when those infected with coronavirus died from other causes.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

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