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He closed in on himself

Jonas Biržiška, father of two children, decided to tell the family story that shook the family himself, although the story mainly revolves around his wife Aušra. The couple’s lives were turned upside down when the woman got a job at a Kaunas company in early June last year.

“Aušra really enjoyed her position as manager. She came back from work to shine and was happy. I saw that this was her field of activity and we were all happy about it in the family. But after about a month and a half, things changed drastically . I could barely recognize my other half. It changed the tears and total introversion, “recalled the man at the beginning of the dramatic story.

J.Biržiška said that he had repeatedly tried to ask his wife what problems were weighing her down, but at first the wife did not tell him what was happening at her workplace.

“I thought, maybe it just started to fail, it’s so common in sales. And Dawn is very sensitive, it takes everything deep in my heart. I decided to wait and hope it would all work out on its own. But I was very wrong.” said the Kaunas resident.

J.Biržiška did not hide that he had a plan for several days to get revenge on the wife’s former boss. (Photo by Vilmantas Raupelis)

There was an attack at work

Hoping that everything would change, the Kaunas resident lived for more than a month, but the wife’s well-being, both psychological and physical, only deteriorated. Proof of this is the attack that affected Dawn on November 25 of last year. They took her from the workplace by ambulance.

“The aforementioned patient came to the Kaunas clinics due to nausea, numbness of the limbs, and general weakness. These symptoms could be caused by increased blood pressure and stress. After examination and treatment, the woman was discharged for outpatient treatment “, on the health problems of A. Biržiškienė approved by Eglė Audickaitė, Chief Specialist of the Kaunas Clinic Communication Service. After the incident, the woman was also unable to work for several days, but when she finished and returned to work, she had another flash.

Biržiškiene was told that her husband told Kauno Diena that he had to say goodbye to the company.

“The wife tried to explain why that decision was made, but ended up persuading her to leave voluntarily. It would be better for herself,” John said, noting that the spouse had been completely devastated after the incident.

“If it was depression, I don’t know, I’m not a doctor, but she was just sleeping and didn’t want anything. Our young children saw everything, so the situation became unbearable. Finally, unable to keep it all to herself, Aušra told me what was going on at his workplace all that time. ” alluded to by J.Biržiška.

Was the director harassed?

The breakup, when A.Biržiškienė began to feel bad, happened after about a month and a half of fakes.

“The wife had to go to a client, and her then director, Simonas Baltrušaitis, decided to go together. At dawn, this wish turned out strange, because the manager himself goes to clients very rarely, only in exceptional cases. This was definitely not But she was a newcomer to the company. The director’s ambition was already revealed during the trip, “says a Kaunas resident who remembers his wife’s story today.

John had to listen to the director’s jokes about himself, because his wife was asked if she had lovers; it is perfectly normal for a husband to have them.

“Aušra said that she did not understand how to react to such comments from the manager, but after repeatedly remembering her sexual laughter and decided to ignore her in the office. However, it did not end there, but only gained momentum. S. Baltrušaitis turned the forest towards where, according to him, there were “many pines and beautiful places.” Then he got quite upset and shouted that my wife would like to be put on the hood of the car, ”the interlocutor alluded to his wife about possible sexual allusions.

When the deranged subordinate said he didn’t even want to hear about stopping in the woods, in John’s words, the headmaster didn’t reward him.

“The wife was prostrated by the wrong outfit because she was not wearing a skirt and asked when ‘will you take me by the thigh?’, But she insisted on going to the office asap,” shared John.

Then he got completely upset and yelled that my wife would like to be supported on the hood of the car.

After this trip, A. Biržiškienė, who has been praised so far, became almost the worst employee: as the interlocutor suspects, the manager did not get what he wanted and began to use psychological pressure.

About three weeks later, history repeated itself: Aušra and the manager went to the customer again. The subordinate again had to listen to the speeches about “stopping in the pines”, supposedly laughing, supposedly offering sexual offers in earnest.

Night calls

“There was another business trip. The whole team went to Finland, including my wife. During the days, as Aušra said, everything was fine, but at night S. Baltrušaitis was enraged. After drinking alcohol, he called her and asked her about 1 pm. “He lives in a room. I wanted to go to her and do it “to be good for her.” He received calls to both work and personal phones. As before, she tried to avoid conflict and asked to be left alone, “the Kaunas resident continued.

After returning from this trip, A.Biržiškienė told her husband that she had been under great pressure at work and felt constant tension. And that was the reason, during a conversation with the journalist from Kauno Diena, her husband commented on why he even had to call an ambulance to the workplace.

Advised to leave

The woman initially did not dare to tell her husband about the director’s difficult behavior, but asked her co-workers how they should react.

“He was a new person to the company, so naturally he didn’t know how to behave. I advised him to contact the owner of the company directly, but he probably thought that no one would take his story seriously because after all It’s about the director of the company, “he said. Kaunas Day “was spoken by an employee of the company who did not want to make his name public.

He said that S. Baltrušaitis performed his management functions well, although labor disputes arose, as in any company.

“Simon was such a person, there were constant jokes and comments of a sexual nature. But what Aušra said was difficult to understand. I have never heard him so direct and obvious,” said a woman from Kaunas who knew about her ex’s experience. colleague. She herself, the interlocutor continued, was not in a similar situation, but she reacted seriously to the colleague’s story.

“I don’t know why she didn’t dare to talk about it with the owners, her husband, or eventually quit her job right away. She was probably very scared or hoped things would change,” speculated the company employee.

A stinky plan of revenge

After hearing this story, J. Biržai boiled blood. Although his wife no longer worked for the company, he said that he could not leave everything as is.

“I did not tolerate violence, but I could not forgive the harm that was done to my wife. After thinking for a few days, I decided to fill S. Baltrušaitis with feces.”

Photo by Jonas Biržiška / Vilmantas Raupelis

Jonas did not tell his wife about his intentions, he only asked her a little what S. Baltrušaitis was like: “I didn’t want to hurt that person, and I hadn’t seen him alive like he did me.”

To carry out his stinking plan, John needed the first and foremost thing: feces.

“I was reminded of an old family farmer that I had once helped. I approached him and asked him to empty my outdoor bathroom. He did,” the Kaunas resident yelled in spicy detail.

On January 21 of this year, J. Biržiška went to his wife’s former workplace with a bucket full of feces.

“I had to wait until I finally saw the men leave the company office. One of them was S. Baltrušaitis.,” He said.

At home, he had a conversation with his wife, and less than an hour after the incident, officials also visited him.

“I immediately thought: S. Baltrušaitis sent the officers directly to my house. Then he knows that I did it, although he has never seen me. From this it can be concluded that he also knows what they served him for,” he said. John taught theoretical inferences.

He claimed to have let the officers in and told them in detail what he had done.

Explain in court

“My testimony was recorded that same night, I expected to pay a fine for administrative misconduct. But a little later I found out that he had been prosecuted for this violation of public order. Now we are explaining everything in court,” said the man about the endless drama.

“This criminal act is subject to public works or a fine, restriction of liberty, arrest or imprisonment of up to two years. However, J. Biržiška is on trial for the first time and it is likely that no arrest or restriction of freedom. He will come out with a different penalty. ” The “Kaunas Day” was confirmed by the prosecutor of the Kaunas District Prosecutor’s Office, Romanas Mackevičius, who is overseeing this case.

The prosecutor said that the first court hearing had already been held in mid-July, with some witnesses questioned. According to R. Mackevičius, Jonas himself admits his guilt and motivates his actions in response to the sexual harassment of his wife at the former workplace. In this case, victim S. Baltrušaitis denies these allegations.

I waited for everyone present to get into their cars, I approached the director of the company and threw a bucket on his head.

“However, sexual harassment is not the point in this case. J. Biržiška’s wife has written a statement, but it is being examined separately,” the prosecutor hinted at the end of the conversation.

And indeed, after the first court hearing, John’s own wife wrote a statement about possible sexual harassment.

“On July 13 this year, a statement was received from a woman about possible sexual harassment against her. Currently the circumstances are being clarified,” Kaunas County Police Representative Odeta Vaitkevičienė confirmed to Kauno Diena. After considering all the circumstances, it will be decided whether to open a pretrial investigation.

The accusations are denied

“Kauno diena” got in touch with one of the main heroes of this story, S. Baltrušaitis. He is no longer a director of that company. After hearing the sexual harassment allegations against him, the man was quick to deny them.

“There was none of that. Maybe we will wait for the end of those investigations, the end of the courts, I will familiarize myself with those accusations. Then maybe I have something to add, because now I have neither the desire nor the position,” said S Baltrušaitis at the beginning of the conversation.

When asked what should have happened after J.Biržiška had invented such an extraordinary attack, S. Baltrušaitis said that he still did not understand the motive for these actions.

“There is a lot of criticism in court, she says she did it for the dismissal, although she left herself. I was an executive of that company, I didn’t even fire people. I can say that there is a lot of falsehood in her testimony. But I don’t want to go back to talk about it, maybe later. ” , – ended the conversation.
