The habits of Lithuanians who visited Neringa this year surprised: what do they love about the resort and what bothers them?


500 visitors were asked a wide range of questions, from leisure habits to used vehicles, the budget allocated for recreation and what is lacking in Neringa.

On Thursday morning, the survey was presented by the director of the Center for Social Change Studies at Klaipeda University, dr. Liutauras Kraniauskas, without hiding that it is always a lot of fun to participate in surveys, listen to people’s evaluations and opinions, especially since the residents of Klaipėda themselves had to contribute to the development and tourism strategy of the port city.

The Neringa guest survey ran from August 11 to mid-September. About 500 respondents were interviewed, half of them in Nida, others in Juodkrante, Preila and Pervalka. Only Lithuanians were included in the survey on the Covid-19 situation. The main intention of conducting the survey was to compare the results with a similar survey in 2005.

Summarizing the data, L. Kraniauskas called this year’s review of the survey results “The place of first dates and youth … when everything is expensive and shops are missing.”

“I came up with a very simple name, I took it from the associations, which were expressed by the visitors themselves, to ask how they imagine Neringa. I was surprised that there was a group of people who named Neringa as the place for their first dates and youth. To me, like many, it would not have occurred to me …

Neringa is dune, sea, lagoon, forest, nature, recreation, peace, but there are other possible images that enchant people and make them think of a specific tourist area, – said L. Kraniauskas. – The survey schemes focused on observing the portrait of the visitors. Traditional topics: what are the daily leisure practices, reasons for arrival, plans, budget, use of non-motorized transport, many different things ”.

This year’s review of the survey results was dubbed “The Place for First Dates and Youth … When Everything is Expensive and Stores Are Short.”

The Baltijos tyrimai company helped compile the information.

Many associations

When asked who Neringa is associated with, respondents named several images. These are peace, rest, nature, youth, fishing, summer, yacht, luxury, dome, beaches, old forest, wind, etc.

Most of the guests in Neringa said they would come on vacation and rest. The same motifs attracted many visitors here 15 years ago.

True, according to L. Kraniauskas, the importance of events and celebrations in this corner of Lithuania is gradually growing. It is observed that these reasons are 5%. increased the number of visitors in Neringa.

Survey data shows that, on average, guests stay at Nida for three nights, at Juodkrante, for four nights, and at Preila and Pervalka, 5. 95 percent. guests stay in one place.

Sigismund Gedvila / photo 15min / Parnidis dune

Sigismund Gedvila / photo 15min / Parnidis dune

There is an increase in the number of visitors in the medium term. Up to a third of those surveyed spend 3 to 4 or even 5 to 7 nights in Neringa.

About ten percent of those surveyed said they came to Neringa for the first time. In 2005, there were as many as a third.

Four types of guests

L. Kraniauskas highlighted four types of visitors to Neringa: amateurs, picnics, occasional and random visitors.

According to the regular arrival of Neringa amateurs He comes here every year and not for a short time, and on average he spends about 7 days here. Most of the time, Lithuanians aged 34-45 with higher education come from the two largest cities in Lithuania, and the average income of a family member is 1,200 euros. These are the richest guests of the four tour groups, spending around € 75 a day.

Walkers – these are guests who come every year, but for a short stay, a couple of nights. According to L. Kraniauskas, it is interesting that these are guests from smaller towns, Telšiai or Tauragė, who indulge in the charm of this region and attend events. Their income is somewhat lower, about 1,050 euros per family member.

They often visit the Curonian Spit alone or with friends. These are people aged 25 to 34 years or more, over 65 years. They are the ones who spend the most money per day, more than one hundred euros, but their total budget for the stay is less.

Occasional tourists He stays in Neringa for four days, arriving from time to time. On average, people between 34 and 45 years old spend € 110 per day and earn an income of € 1,100 per person.

Random VisitorsAccording to the survey, it arrives in about five days. These are mostly people who have returned from abroad or other guests who do not intend to return here in the near future. These visitors spend 60 euros a day. The income of these guests is the lowest, amounting to about 700 euros per person.

Amazing habits in cars and beaches

The survey showed that up to half of the visitors who come to Neringa use a bicycle, 37 percent. one owns or rents a car, similarly the same scooter, one third test tuk tuk, one fifth a taxi.

About 72 percent go to the resort. 8% of guests arrive using their own transport. for water, 14 percent. public transport. Even 41 percent. put the bikes together. 12 percent said they rented them on the spot.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Tourism

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Tourism

“These are very large numbers that are focused on bike rental. This is the most popular type of business in Neringa, – said L. Kraniauskas. – The strangest thing is that in Nida only 24 percent. arriving by car use it here. If you don’t feel like going to other towns, come and park your car in the parking lot. 70 percent. cars don’t move, they just stop. “

The biggest surprise is even around 15 percent. Neringa visitors don’t even go to the beaches

The results showed that guests prefer passive recreation in nature. Compared to 2005, being on the beach, the walk increased by one fifth of visitors. Interest in sights dropped.

“The biggest surprise to me was that even about 15 percent. Neringa’s visitors don’t even go to the beaches. After all, Neringa is associated with the sea, the blue flag beaches, the sun, the sand. Like For many Lithuanians, the image of walking on the beach and sitting on it arises, but it turns out that being there is not relevant for everyone, it is enough to walk to the lagoon, ”said the professor from Klaipeda University.

J. Andriejauskaitė / 15min photo / Liutauras Kraniauskas

J. Andriejauskaitė / 15min photo / Liutauras Kraniauskas

The survey showed that the offer of cultural events satisfies people, but up to 87 percent. He did not hide by not attending any events.

According to the sociologist, it would not be worth worrying, because the guests come to this place in Lithuania to rest and are oriented towards peace. In addition, most visitors come from large cities, where the offer of cultural events is extremely rich.

The stinga?

Survey participants were also asked what they are missing at this resort. Turns out, guests are upset over infrastructure issues. According to L. Kraniauskas, the most denounced are bicycle and pedestrian paths, the separation of their flows, as well as the challenges of parking.

“It’s about the quality of the pavement, the clearest distinction between cyclists and pedestrians. There is a distinct lack of shops, there is a lack of accommodation and catering services.

The price of admission, which was raised this year, was surprising, but many visitors were not dissatisfied, so this is not one of the main problems of concern. Only 6 percent. He said that the rate is high and that it is a problem that you cannot drive with the same rate twice the same day, ”said the teacher.

It is true that cycle paths are still one of the components with which people are perhaps most satisfied, and the greatest joy is simply provided by nature and tranquility.
