The Green Party of Lithuania will be led by its president, Remigijus Lapinskas


A single member of Garliava will also appear in the constituency. In total, the Green Party of Lithuania has 131 candidates on the electoral list, including 56 single-member candidates.

Second on the list is the director of the Ieva Budraitė Institute for Green Policy, thirdly, the member of the Seimas Algirdas Butkevičius, fourthly, the member of the Municipal Council of the City of Panevėžys, Gema Umbrasien lugar, and fifthly , the environmentalist Laurynas Okockis.

Rūta Andriuškevičienė, president of the Lithuanian Teachers Movement, Antanas Smetona, linguist, Vydas Gedvilas, former president of Seimas, Vytautas Nekrošius, professor of law at the University of Vilnius, and Dovydas Petrošius, president of the Association of former immigrants, continue between the top ten.

“In preparation for the Seimas elections, we mobilized experts in various fields, from the environment, health, education, economics to social affairs. Such a diverse circle of specialists in different fields shows that we have accumulated knowledge in all Important areas for the state. This will be confirmed by the party’s electoral program, which we will present shortly, “is quoted in R. Lapinskas’ press release.

Sigitas Mecelica, member of the Utena District Municipal Council, Svetlana Kauzonienė, former Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Virginijus Ceslevičius, member of the Kaišiadorys District Municipal Council, Gintas Umbrasas, economist, and Raimondas Šukys, a former Minister of Health, were in the top ten.

“Our serious approach to public administration and our desire to represent science-based proposals are perfectly reflected in the fact that up to six candidates in the top twenty on the party list are doctors,” said the party president.

The Seimas elections will be held on October 11.

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