The GP could not hold out due to the quarantine work – when you see the real picture, you can only grab your head


According to her, she is currently very frustrated with the job of a family doctor. According to herself, she is already 58 years old and has been a family doctor for 27 years.

“What is the purpose of my work? Prevention and care of chronic patients. What do I do for 14 working hours in a polyclinic? I also work for Sodra, spreading medications to patients without seeing them. At least 80 registrations a day, a record 108. Of us, the heads of non-medical institutions are mocked, how is it possible? You do not see them! Yes. We don’t see them. Because we only become “telephone operators” through paper “.

The doctor noted that all of her employees are already turning on the speakers and talking to patients just because they can no longer hear, type, moan and screech phone signals when they hear accusations from angry patients.

“They don’t listen, they don’t understand what drugs or how to drink, they don’t read the name and we don’t have patience because there are about 6 calls, messages, Messenger, Vyber in a conversation. And all the patients! No personal conversation! But the call de Sodra “killed” him, because it turned out that I had to record the basis on which I issued my mother’s inability to care for children due to quarantine!

I shut up explaining why the district public health center does not know. You are told to search online, call the school principal … Listen! SAM! Sodra! Don’t we have something to do? I searched for that order for 20 minutes so I could provide Sodra with a written order number, which was prepared by NVSC. “

Not only that, he said, the parents felt they could take an inability to work due to childcare, so the attack began.

“Although it was clearly said that at the age of 8, but many primitive parents called. So they need time to talk! Also, when writing the inability to work due to quarantine, it is necessary to record which educational institution the child attends and that the parents have not been declared inactive or cannot work remotely.

And where are the patients? You are with them? Without medication, old shipments are not valid because last year, tests do not want to come because they are afraid. Once you’ve found your head, where do you start? I think all families he is well aware of this and experiences a lot of stress at work. When will it end? When will we see our patients? “

He also added that without vaccination, he will definitely not move anywhere, and nothing has been heard about vaccination yet.

“It just came to our attention then. Well! Let them heal! I still accept up to 20 patients a day every day, but the bottom line is not that. And the fact that working with paper is impossible! And I will not return to house with feverish people without the vaccine, just go to the children … “

He agreed that the problem is huge

Julius Kalibatas, president of the Lithuanian Association of Family Physicians and Family Physicians, agreed with the doctor’s thoughts and acknowledged that the situation is very complicated.

“In pandemic conditions, the psychological burden has also increased, when a lot of work needs to be done remotely. Psychologically, it is really difficult when you have to diagnose and counsel without seeing the disease live. This is really new for clinicians. bedside, because we have taught the opposite that without seeing the patient, gink, God, you can’t make a diagnosis, you can’t prescribe medication. Now everything has turned upside down. “

Julius Kalibatas

Julius Kalibatas

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

In addition, he said, it is very difficult for GPs to decide whether a patient has recovered or not, when tests have not been performed and it has not been established whether or not coronavirus exists.

“It just came to our attention then. Thirdly, increased bureaucracy and the issuance of various certificates greatly complicate and prolong the work of family doctors. Once upon a time, a doctoral student conducted a study on the number of unnecessary paper or computer work that a family doctor has to do. It was found that 24 percent. time is not used within the competence of the GP, but all this work can be done by nurses or social workers ” .

According to the association president, the issue of “paperwork” was raised before the pandemic, and now it is only getting worse. Kalibata was also disappointed by the news that vaccines would not be a priority for doctors of this profile, although they are also at high risk of developing the disease.

The authorities recalled what benefits residents can benefit from

Recently, the Ministry of Health (SAM) and the Ministry of Social Security and Labor (SADM) recalled that with the continuation of the pandemic, in 2021. the quarantine restrictions will remain in force at the beginning of the year.

He also explained in which cases a certificate of incapacity for work is issued for the care of a sick child and when a higher sickness benefit is granted in case of COVID-19 in the course of a professional activity.

When parents take care of preschool and preschool-age children at home

The government recommends that preschool-age children and preschool-age children be admitted to an educational institution only when parents do not have the opportunity to work remotely. If parents do not reconcile housework and childcare, or if parents decide not to allow a child to go to school, they will be able to care for a child under the age of eight at home and receive sickness benefit from early January. Not only parents or guardians, but also working grandparents will be able to take advantage of this opportunity.

DURATION OF INVALIDITY: initially issued for up to 60 calendar days, but not beyond the end of the quarantine or emergency. If the quarantine and the emergency last longer and the need to care for a child under 8 years old persists, the certificate of incapacity for work is extended.

ILLNESS BENEFIT: 65.94 percent. of wages “on paper”.

When beginners learn remotely

At the end of winter break, primary education will continue remotely. Parents can combine working from home and taking care of children or apply for a certificate of incapacity for work, receive sickness benefit and help their children learn.

Childcare sickness benefit may be paid to the child’s working parents, guardians or grandparents.

DURATION OF INVALIDITY: initially issued for up to 60 calendar days, but not beyond the end of the quarantine or emergency. If the quarantine and emergency last longer and distance learning persists, the certificate of incapacity for work is extended.

ILLNESS BENEFIT: 65.94 percent. of wages “on paper”.

When the education of children with disabilities is carried out normally

In special schools, as well as in special classes in general education schools, children with disabilities who study according to basic or secondary education programs will continue to be educated in the usual way: in schools. However, parents who decide not to admit a child with a disability to an educational institution may request a certificate of incapacity for work and receive sickness benefit.

Students in grades five through twelve are distance learning beginning December 9th. Children of this age are independent and do not receive a certificate of incapacity for work. However, if a child with a disability studies remotely in these classes, a certificate of incapacity for work can be issued to the parents and a sickness benefit can be granted for the care of the disabled child.

When the coronavirus is transmitted in the course of a professional activity

When doctors, officials or educators become infected with coronavirus in the course of their occupational health, public safety, public order or education activities, when contact with the sick and those who do not work together is inevitable or necessary, they can receive a 100 % sick leave. sickness benefit up to salary.

DURATION OF INVALIDITY: until the person can return to work.

ILLNESS BENEFIT: 77.58 percent. of the salary “on paper

When a regimen restricting the spread of infection is advertised in an educational institution

If an educational institution advertises a treatment that restricts the spread of infections due to the risk of the spread of coronavirus and requires the supervision of a child with a disability up to and including fourth grade or a special education program, then working parents, guardians, or grandparents and sickness benefit.

DURATION OF INVALIDITY: until the infection control regime is revoked. Initially, the certificate of incapacity for work is issued for up to 28 calendar days and can be renewed after 14 calendar days.

ILLNESS BENEFIT: 65.94 percent. of wages “on paper”.

When a child needs to isolate

When a child under the fourth grade inclusive or a child with a disability, if in a general or special education program, is subject to mandatory isolation, then a working parent, guardian, or grandparent may receive sickness benefit for caring for a non-sick child.

ILLNESS BENEFIT: 65.94 percent. of wages “on paper”. It is paid during the mandatory isolation period, but not more than 14 calendar days.

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