The government is tightening the quarantine regime and extending it until the end of the year



After evaluating the epidemiological situation in the country and the insufficient reduction in population mobility, the government decided this Monday to extend the quarantine regime until 2020. December 31, 24:00 and planned more restrictions. Starting Wednesday, they will apply to businesses, government agencies, as well as celebrations and family gatherings.

Movement, meetings and personal celebrations

In particular, it is recommended to restrict movement for unnecessary reasons: leaving the place of residence only on the way to work, place of trade, medical care and other services. Close contact between more than two families and / or households is prohibited, except in emergencies that require assistance, care for the sick or unable to care for themselves. It is also forbidden to hold private parties in public and private spaces if more than two families participate. No more than 10 people can attend the celebrations.

Government decisions prohibit the rental, sublease or loan of premises for the provision of accommodation services (whether owned by individuals or legal entities or owned for other legal reasons) for the organization of private events, celebrations or other meetings.

The government has also decided to abandon a resolution passed at the end of November that allows visits to museums and galleries and the organization of excursions. December 10 changes that have come into effect will be revoked.

Work organization

During quarantine, work is organized and clients are serviced remotely in state and municipal institutions, establishments, state and municipal companies and the private sector. The exception applies in cases where the relevant functions (work) must be performed in the workplace, ensuring the conditions to manage the flow of people, maintaining a safe distance, the necessary public health, safety, hygiene and providing to the people the necessary personal protective equipment.

Places of commerce and provision of services

Stores, supermarkets, markets and other public outlets and the areas adjacent to them must have 15 square meters of commercial space (when the total commercial space is 10,000 square meters or less) or 30 square meters of commercial space (when the total commercial space is greater than 10,000 square meters) per visitor or no more than one person at a time. It is necessary to ensure other conditions established by the Operations Manual for the management of the flow of people, compliance with the safety distance, the necessary sanitary security, hygiene, the provision of people with the necessary personal protective equipment. Parking lots adjacent to stores, supermarkets, markets, and other public outlets cannot occupy more than 20 percent of all vehicle parking spaces, excluding employee and disabled parking spaces.

It is recommended that all stores, supermarkets, markets and other public points of sale and service points do not use short-term sales promotions (sales, discount hours, tastings, etc.) that increase the flow of customers and visitors in very little time and place (excluding internet commerce). It is also recommended to increase the number of cash registers in operation so that there are no more than 5 people in line. People from the same family and / or household are advised to visit all stores, supermarkets, markets, and other public outlets and service points one by one, as well as to establish longer store opening hours to distribute customer flows more evenly.


New restrictions are established for the organization and conduct of educational activities: preschool, preschool and primary education must be carried out in such a way as to guarantee the flow of people, safe distance and other conditions necessary for public health, hygiene and personal protective equipment. Attending preschool and preschool education programs is recommended only for those children whose parents (adoptive parents, guardians) do not have the opportunity to work remotely.

Education in schools according to basic and secondary education programs is carried out remotely, except for students educated in special schools and special classes of general education schools according to basic education programs (individualized basic education) , secondary education (development of social skills), ensuring the flow of people, safe distance compliance and other conditions necessary for public health, safety, hygiene, provision of the necessary personal protective equipment.

Non-formal education of children is carried out at a distance or detained. Non-formal adult education and non-formal vocational training are delivered remotely or suspended, except for practical training in aviation, navigation and driving, as well as foreign language proficiency exams (credits) for people entering educational institutions foreign superiors with a maximum of 5 participants. and the conditions for the management of the flow of people, the maintenance of a safe distance and other conditions necessary for the safety of public health, hygiene and the provision of people with the necessary personal protective equipment will be guaranteed;

Vocational training other than initial vocational training together with the social skills program and higher education will be provided remotely, ensuring conditions for traffic management, safety distance and other conditions necessary for public health, hygiene and personal protective equipment.

Educational assistance will be provided ensuring the flow of people, safe distance and other conditions necessary for public health, safety, hygiene, provision of necessary personal protective equipment for people, in the same way as activities in the educational institution and other educational providers; or provided remotely.

For elementary school students, the study leave is announced from 2020. December 14 to 2021 January 3

Health institutions

It is envisaged that medical institutions will be able to invite health professionals, students from university and non-university high schools, residents and use the infrastructure, regardless of their subordination. If necessary, healthcare professionals and their staff (medical staff) can be temporarily transferred to another healthcare institution or their job functions can be temporarily changed to ensure proper organization of healthcare.

Additional requirements for organizing the activities of inpatient personal health care institutions treating patients with COVID-19 disease (coronavirus infection):
– activities are reorganized by managing patient flows, infrastructure and material and human resources;
– increase the number of beds and / or the volume of personal health care services for the treatment of patients with COVID-19 disease (coronavirus infection) and / or the use of staff, if necessary, the provision of the service is suspended , except in the case of care and health services, the non-provision of which would result in the need for the necessary medical assistance or in a significant deterioration of the patient’s condition;
– patient visits are prohibited, except visits by terminally ill patients and children under 14 with the permission of the treating physician. “

This resolution will enter into force in 2020. December 9
