The government is preparing a second subsidy package: large companies can also expect money Business


According to the Ministry of Economy and Innovation, the second package will focus on companies whose activities during the quarantine were significantly affected more than the 30% identified in the first stage. criterion of falling turnover. A package of measures is also planned to help the largest companies affected by the second wave of quarantine.

“The draft measures are expected to be presented to the social partners in early January and, in light of their proposals, to be coordinated with the European Commission as a matter of urgency, in order to ensure that the support reaches the affected companies as soon as possible”. 15 minutes the ministry responded.

There are no approved plans yet

President of the Lithuanian Business Confederation (LVK) Andrius Romanovskis 15 minutes He said no one has more information yet. However, he assured her that he had heard that the second package would involve both grants and loans, even for large companies and the self-employed.

“It just came to our attention then. The arrows of our criticism were that some companies that do not fall under the criteria of small or medium are eliminated even though their activities have been suspended. It has been said that they will be in the second package and that the measures should jump in quickly, “he said.

According to A. Romanovskis, the ministry will try to individualize the measures.

“For some companies, the drop in billing is much more than 30%, so the amount of support may not be as significant for them. Some commercial companies, although they have a high turnover, have been completely closed. However, there may be few entities of that type, perhaps dozens, and the state will pay a fixed and flat amount of money and everything, ”commented the head of LVK.

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Andrius Romanovskis

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Andrius Romanovskis

It is true, he stressed that so far he only has the promise that it will be the second aid package for companies and that there will be consultation with the social partners.

According to Romanovsky, such assistance would be necessary for large merchants, groups of hotels or sanatoriums, aviation and large transport companies.

“We must not forget about passenger transport in Lithuania. The turnover of large companies exceeds 50 million. like “Kautra”, “Toks” and the like, “he said.

In addition, according to the president of LVK, the second business support package will be necessary for those companies and sectors where the most fixed downtime is commerce, services, accommodation, tourism and transport.

“In the sectors that sent the most downtime, that means it all goes to them,” he said.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Coronavirus

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Coronavirus

According to data from the State Labor Inspectorate (VDI) of December 24, the largest amount of downtime was reported by companies in the following sectors:

  • wholesale and retail trade: 3,200;
  • accommodation and food services – 1051;
  • manufacturing – 622;
  • construction – 436.

Based on a total of December 24, 2020, 9,513 companies had downtime in effect. ” 15 minutes said Jurgita Kažukauskaitė-Sarnickienė, VDI communications advisor.

According to A. Romanovskis, the most logical thing would be to grant fixed benefits.

“Now the paradoxical situation – if the turnover of the company reaches 40 million. euros, you can receive up to 800 thousand. if the company’s turnover is 51 million euros. euros – you do not receive anything. Although his company equal or greater has suffered even more ”, he explained.

Approved first aid package

15 minutes recalls that in the last week of 2020, on Wednesday, the government approved the first package of subsidies for companies affected by the pandemic. It is planned to allocate 150 million. euros.

It was agreed that the grants would be available not only to small and medium-sized businesses, but also to larger ones with more than 250 employees.

Companies affected by the pandemic will be able to receive subsidies if their annual revenues did not exceed 50 million last year. At the end of 2019, the book value of the assets did not exceed 43 million euros. euros. Agricultural, fishing, aquaculture, credit and financial institutions will also not be eligible.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Ministry of Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Ministry of Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania

Companies will be able to claim 25 percent. a subsidy for the amount of personal income tax paid last year. The minimum amount – 500 euros, the maximum – no more than 800 thousand. by company, including all aid received so far.

“If the total amount of GPM paid by the applicant does not exceed 2,000. We are providing a one-time grant of EUR 500 to companies that were established later and did not pay as much PIT, ”said Minister of Economy and Innovation Aušrinė Armonaitė at the government meeting on Wednesday.

READ MORE: Larger companies may also receive support: the state will allocate 150 million. euros
