The government has not considered exemptions for gas stations, but the ministry has an explanation that a passport will not be required.


In a meeting on Wednesday, the government dropped essentially the same previously approved restrictions that will take effect from Monday: planned flexibilities for gas stations and some merchants weren’t even considered.

At the meeting, the Cabinet of Ministers approved only the changes due to interurban transport, the facilities were mainly aimed at schoolchildren and students, Delfi wrote about it.

So, as of Monday, September 13, all main restrictions remain: for people without a passport (GP), all contact services, activities or events that are not on the exceptions list are closed; It will no longer be possible to visit cafes, bars. , restaurants, beauty salons, events or entertainment venues, movie theaters, sports clubs and other locations, major repairs will not be possible where longer contact is required.

In addition to the passport, only small grocery stores, pharmacies, not exceeding 1,500 square meters will remain open. meters, and the most important and risk-free services, according to the approved exceptions list.

It is not clear about the service stations, the sellers of agricultural machinery, although the government had registered amendments aimed at providing the possibility of buying spare parts for agricultural machinery without the possibility of a passport. Among the exceptions, it was planned to offer gas stations and pharmacies with independent entrance, without limiting their area. Exemptions for restoration have also been proposed. However, the government did not discuss these issues at Wednesday’s meeting.

At that time, having a passport of opportunities will have more freedoms as of Monday than today: in many places, masks are no longer mandatory, but only recommended, and distance requirements will no longer have to be met, others requirements will be to be relaxed.

The government has not considered exemptions for gas stations, but the ministry has an explanation that a passport will not be required.

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

Gas station representative: not so clear anymore

Emilis Cicėnas, president of the Lithuanian Association of Petroleum Products Trading Companies, which represents gas stations, regrets that there are now uncertainties about gas stations: it is possible or impossible to serve customers with a passport of opportunities. After all, gas stations weren’t on the exceptions list.

“If the decision itself does not allow serving customers without the possibility of passports, then there is a very simple situation in life at gas stations: a person arrives, refuels and go to pay at the store at the gas station. service. So we are faced with a practical problem: if a person does not have the opportunity to get the passport, but the fuel is already full, how to deal with such a situation? The fuel is such that if he is not allowed to buy it, he is not in case I take it and put it back on the shelf ”, says E. Cicėnas.

According to him, the current regulation can be dealt with in different ways: maybe gas stations are grocery stores and maybe not. And this can lead to various ambiguities, even in different districts, on the part of the control authorities.

“An area restriction has been introduced. We treat it in such a way that we do not sell fuel in the building itself, in the store, fuel is sold on the territory of the gas station, but it is not a store item. (…)

the regulation itself is not that clear anymore, and there may be room for interpretations, there may be room for separate interpretations of what is mandatory at the service station, what is not, what requirements apply or not; we face that problem, ”said E. Cicėnas.

He hoped the uncertainty was still resolved.

Representatives of ministries: up to 1500 m2 M. No meters of opportunity passport will be required

Aistė Šuksta, adviser to the Ministry of Health for Public Relations, says that gas stations are considered essential services and are not included in the list of exceptions.

“Service stations are treated as essential services and are exempt. And this means that the contact lasts no more than 15 minutes, traffic management, distance compliance, mandatory masks and services are provided without the possibility of one passport for all customers, ”says A. Šuksta.

A Šuksta explained to the portal that service stations will not need a passport, because service stations often sell coffee or other food products.

He could not specify if at 1,500 square meters. the limitation of the meter area would include the refueling area and how it should be in the service stations that exceed this area.

The advisor to the Minister of Economy and Innovation, Karolis Žemaitis, estimates that the outdoor area should not be included in the 1500 m2 M. meters.

“Like the store, it does not include a parking space. Common sense says that we count the room, not the entire territory, ”says K. Žemaitis.

Trust that all gas stations will be able to function without a passport.

“Those gas stations that have a store also sell food, and all, of course, have access to the field and do not exceed 1,500 square meters. subway. that’s when they can operate without a passport. The food stalls do not sell food, but naturally they do not need to enter the premises and they will also be able to operate normally ”, explained the advisor.

In addition to passport options: a list of exceptions.

Starting Monday, people without a passport of opportunity or equivalent will only be able to use the services according to the approved exceptions list, which includes essential activities and activities where the risk of COVID-19 infection is low.

In addition to the passport, from Monday it is possible to visit only the essential goods stores, the markets, which are small, a commercial area of ​​up to 1,500 square meters. meters. Stores must have a separate entrance from the outside.

You can visit the food, veterinary, animal feed, pharmacy, optician and orthopedic technical devices, plants, seeds, fertilizers markets. It is no longer possible to visit the points of sale of clothing, footwear or other items.

In addition to the passport, it will be possible to buy products online and collect them. Repairs are no longer possible, only minor repairs lasting up to 15 minutes.

In addition to general practitioners, you are allowed to visit museums and exhibitions, attend funerals, visit libraries, and use veterinary services.

The government has not considered exemptions for gas stations, but the ministry has an explanation that a passport will not be required.

© DELFI / Robert Narmontas

Exceptions include public transportation services, but long-distance transportation will not be available.

In addition to the passport, it is possible to receive personal health care services, attend events, celebrations and meetings that take place in open spaces, when no more than 500 people participate in them.

The following infographic provides a more extensive list of exceptions.

When using services without a passport, it is necessary to comply with security requirements, wear masks, observe distances, etc. For passport holders, these measures are recommended but not mandatory.

A valid two-month passport is available for those who have been vaccinated with the full vaccination schedule or who have had COVID-19 and this diagnosis has been confirmed by a test with a positive result within 210 days. The Passport of Opportunities is also available to those who have been tested for antibodies against SARS-CoV-2; a serological test must be at least 60 days old. For a short period of 2 days, the passport of opportunity can be obtained by taking the COVID-19 test and obtaining a negative result. People under the age of 16 are not subject to the requirements: the passport of opportunity is valid.

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