The government has blessed a new measure to support the self-employed: the subsidy will go from 100 to 16 thousand. EUR Business


The Minister of Economy and Innovation Aušrinė Armonaitė confirmed at the government meeting on Monday that an additional subsidy is planned to be awarded to people engaged in individual activities, who currently receive a benefit of 260 euros from the Employment Service.

“People who are self-employed receive a monthly allowance of 260 euros from the Employment Service, but without savings, that money is very, very small, so we take the initiative to help people with limited activities,” said the minister.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Dawn Armonaitė

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Dawn Armonaitė

The amount of the new subsidy will depend on the GPM paid in 2019. The minister revealed that the amount of the benefit would reach 100%. taxes paid, but there are “floor” and “ceiling” subsidies.

“In case of non-payment of taxes, the floor would be 100 euros and the ceiling would be 36 MMA (monthly minimum wage – 15 minutes), which would amount to about 16 thousand. per year ”, said the Minister.

Who can claim

The Vice Minister of Economy and Innovation Vincas Jurgutis affirmed that the objective is to help those affected by COVID-19, so the eligible applicants would be those whose activities are included in the list of economic activities restricted by quarantine.

Furthermore, the aim is to help those whose main activity is self-employment income, so that other income cannot be higher than that derived from individual activity.

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15min / Vincas Jurgutis

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15min / Vincas Jurgutis

“Those who could not receive more than 12 minimum wages in 2019 from other income (not from individual activities) will be eligible. If you received the base salary from another place, you will not be able to claim it ”, explained the deputy minister.

Another requirement is that those self-employed whose income does not exceed 36 MMA last year will be able to apply for the grant.

“Those who received more than 36 MMA, which is about 1,300 euros” in their hands “per month, would not receive either, because the objective is to help those who have suffered the most”, V. Jurgutis stressed.

STI is expected to begin distributing this subsidy in February, so a total of 30 million LTL will be needed for this support measure. euros.

15-minute photo / The quarantine in Lithuania was relaxed from February 15.

15-minute photo / The quarantine in Lithuania was relaxed from February 15.

The first measures of the new business support package were launched in Lithuania on January 20: 150 million LTL. It is planned to distribute € 30 million in grants to companies, and € 30 million in soft loans.

Another measure that the Government plans to approve are subsidies to the most affected companies, whose turnover has fallen by 60%. and more.
