The government has allowed 15 minutes of service, but the beauty and business sectors are throwing a stone – it is not yet clear who can work | Lifetime


15-minute clause misleads service providers

Even before the stricter quarantine conditions came into effect, that is, earlier this week, many people were wondering which contact services would be allowed and which would be prohibited. The draft resolution stipulates that the tightening of the quarantine will continue to allow transportation services, notaries, lawyers, auto repair shops, open-air trading of food and Christmas trees, grocery stores (non-food items will be closed) and pharmacies, as well as medical rehabilitation. , psychological assistance and psychotherapy, financial services.

This past Sunday night, confusion was also generated by television reporting presented differently about the beauty services sector. However, it was noted on Monday that beauty services will be banned once stricter quarantine conditions take effect. However, contact services with a maximum duration of 15 minutes will be allowed.

That presentation that beauty services were banned, but a 15 minute reservation was left, so fooled people that there was almost a contest that could make the service faster.

This sentence, which lacked a more detailed explanation, caused a wave of questions and deliberations, does that mean that you only need to be able to do the service in 15 minutes to work? Will beauty professionals be able to work on this one too? Some have considered that men can actually be trimmed in 15 minutes, during which time gel polish can be removed from nails, eyebrows can be groomed, etc.

The president of the Association of Hairdressers and Beauty Professionals also said that she had heard such considerations. Jolanta Mačiulienė. Appear 15 minutes FOR LIFE confirmed that since Wednesday, December 16, the entire beauty industry has closed, stylists, cosmetologists, eyebrow specialists, manicure and pedicure masters do not work, and solariums do not work either. At the same time, J.Mačiulienė expressed his outrage that there is no precise explanation of what the authorities can and cannot do, and that 15-minute reservation is misleading.

Photo by Lukas Balandi / 15min / Jolanta Mačiulienė

Photo by Lukas Balandi / 15min / Jolanta Mačiulienė

“This morning I wrote a letter to the esteemed new Minister of Health, because I, like you, am not clear about (what services are allowed – aut.). Every day I receive at least 300 calls and inquiries in a rather angry tone that, as we don’t know what services are allowed here now, “on Friday, when asked, maybe he has an explanation of which services can and cannot be performed,” said J.Mačiulienė.

The interviewee said that nothing is clear with the activities of the solariums. Although the association does not have solarium salons, others have solariums installed in beauty salons.

“Now there are many unclear questions, nothing is mentioned about solariums, this service is contactless, it is as if it could be afforded. People send me ordinances that solariums are not classified as beauty services. So I also asked (Minister – aut.) What are solariums in a beauty salon?

You know, this time there were really a lot of ambiguities, very complicated things, because during the first quarantine, the beauty sector was really singularized and it was more or less clear who could do what and how much. Now such a general presentation has come out and you can understand yourself.

The presentation that beauty services were prohibited, but the 15-minute clause left people so confused that there was almost a competition that could soon do the service, whether it be to trim the man or fix the eyebrows.

I really hope to write to myself because I would like to reassure my community and explain that people would not start working and that this deception would not earn them “bonuses” before the New Year because, as I understand it, the fines are quite small, “said Hairdressers and Beauty President of the Association of Specialists J.Mačiulienė.

Scandalous and unequal conditions apply

J.Mačiulienė stated that the beauty service providers had been properly prepared, used mandatory protective measures, complied with other established security requirements all the time since the conditions of the first quarantine were relaxed until this week, but were still closed. . The interlocutor did not hide his regret that the conditions apply to different services.

“We have met all the requirements. I understand the desire to control everything and reduce the number of diseases. Looking at what is happening: there are many people in the stores, but someone has come out of the emergency exits, and when performing these services ( beauty – aut.), One person works almost alone with a client. During those two days, Monday and Tuesday, everyone in the beauty industry worked like crazy, without feeling sorry for themselves, because the people who were registered had to enter Compliance with all the requirements stretched the working hours to madness.

Frankly, I didn’t understand this differentiation of what makes something unique. Many questions and no answers.

And if we’ve already reached the height of the pandemic, then maybe we’ll ban everything, stay home and wait for those numbers to start to change. I will not be tolerant of other services. Let’s say dentists: there is so much contact with the mouth, I understand that dental clinics can be discontinued.

Or notaries: does it take up to 15 minutes to get to the notary? I personally, from what I have requested, I really did not leave without a good half hour. Frankly, I didn’t understand this differentiation of what makes something unique. There are many questions and no answers, ”said J.Mačiulienė.

Prohibitions must be adequate and very clear

The chairwoman of the Lithuanian Council of Small and Medium Enterprises also agreed that the current resolutions on service provision are confusing and not entirely clear. Dahlia Matukienė. According to her, at the meeting with companies on Thursday, the Minister of Economy and Innovation Aušrinė Armonaitė provided several more explanations.

“It is said that merchants could develop online commerce and establish collection points. But nobody calculates what the cost would be because you have to keep the store open and people have to work. It is estimated that even in supermarkets online shopping involves 3 percent, which is what will reach half a percent for that little one.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Dalia Matukiene

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Dalia Matukiene

If everything is done due to traffic restrictions, we think that more exits should be made just so that people are dispersed and not in a center where they actually stay 15 minutes. And when it comes to services that are banned because they last longer than 15 minutes, we don’t think it makes sense because in the same big mall, a person doesn’t really buy in 15 minutes. What makes it different then?

Whatever the prohibitions, they must be adequate, very clear and understandable to everyone. Any interpretation only introduces even more confusion and misunderstandings from people about what is happening here, ”said D. Matukienė.

Our little ones could also put a package of rice or flakes and sell cloves or whatever a pinch.

Adding to the misunderstandings and outrage is the fact that some find ways to get around a situation where others are simply forced to close the door because they won’t accept tricks.

“It just came to our knowledge then. Logically, do you think Senukai or Depo is a grocery store? But they trade. Our little ones could also put some packets of rice or flakes and sell cloves or whatever a pinch. But we just don’t want to do that. We have self esteem. If we already sell nails, we are a construction supply store, but by no means a grocery store, ”said the interlocutor.

The chairwoman of the Lithuanian Council of Small and Medium Enterprises also added that there is a lack of clarity not only about what services the government has banned, but also how everything will be compensated.

“While the government was still being asked, it was asked to write down on a sheet what was prohibited, how it would be prohibited and how it would be compensated. After all, there are so many officials working, there are around 300 people in each ministry, or there is no one who can write it all down on one sheet. Does a person now have to look everywhere and consider whether the information is correct or not, what steps to take to receive that subsidy, etc.? ”, Said D. Matukienė.

What services did the government allow for up to 15 minutes?

We waited five days to answer the questions of who the government allowed to work and what was actually prohibited. We initially asked the Ministry of Health, which on the third day after receiving the letter, only confirmed that the provision of beauty services had been prohibited since December 16. And he explained that according to the Lithuanian hygiene standard HN 117: 2007 “Safety requirements for the health of beauty services”, beauty services include hair care, facial and body care, nail care, tattoos, long makeup term and jewelry piercing services.

And with other questions about the provision of contact services, which last up to 15 minutes, and the question of how they will be enforced, referred to the Ministry of Economy and Innovation (EIM).

This list includes repair, cleaning, repair, servicing and hairdressing services.

On the third day after receiving the letter, the EIM finally responded. Its interpretation establishes that “certain services that are not prohibited may be provided with a maximum of 15 minutes of contact with the client.” This list includes repair, cleaning, repair, servicing and hairdressing services.

“It does not necessarily imply the provision of the entire service, it can be the acceptance of an order, a brief consultation, etc. or the service is provided when there is no direct contact, ”the EIM responded on Friday.

According to the ministry, this rule does not apply to services that are currently banned due to stricter quarantine, that is, beauty services, entertainment, leisure services, as well as swimming pools, saunas, discos, dance halls, cinemas and movie clubs, sports clubs, rental, sublease or loan of premises owned or legally owned for the organization of private events, celebrations or other meetings, services and other activities ”.

Photo by Luke April / 15min / After tightening the quarantine conditions, it is forbidden to provide beauty services

Photo by Luke April / 15min / After tightening the quarantine conditions, it is forbidden to provide beauty services

Order will be ensured by representatives of public order and the police.

The response of the representatives of the Ministry indicates that in the places of provision of services (except places of provision of accommodation services) 10 m2 M. meters of service area per visitor or more than one person is not attended at a time and other conditions established by the manager of emergency operations at the state level are guaranteed for traffic management, safe distance, necessary public health safety, hygiene and provision of the necessary personal protective equipment.

When asked how to manage the situation and ensure that there are no beauty treatments in the garage, etc., that is, that everyone performs the activities to which they are entitled, EIM representatives explained: “Compliance is monitored quarantine requirements and administrative sanctions are monitored. institutions that enjoy this right under the Code of Administrative Offenses, such as municipal departments of public order, the police, etc.
