The government broadly supports the quarantine plan, the fate of the shops and hair salons will be announced


If the plan is approved, two levels of quarantine will be approved: national and municipal, where an individual municipality will be allowed more releases if it achieves better results than at the national level.

The final revised plan will be approved at a government meeting on Wednesday.

“It just came to our attention then. The plan itself is organized according to the relevant areas: households, health care activities, commerce, movement of people, meetings, cultural activities.

The second principle is that, as recommended by the World Health Organization, we are guided by the percentage of positive tests and look at the incidence of 100,000 cases. population indicator in 14 days “, – Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys spoke at the government meeting on Monday.

Arūnas Dulkys

According to the minister, with each change of activity it is planned to test the employees of the vacated area. The plan will be reviewed every week, taking into account the morbidity indicators in Lithuania, then specific exemptions will be implemented for individual areas.

“It is something completely new that we are introducing the principle that some measures can be considered not only at the national level but also at the national level. <...> It is possible to consider some measures at the level of specific municipalities, ”added A. Dulkys.

It is true that during the meeting, Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė emphasized that the quarantine can be constantly changed, not only relaxed, but also stricter, depending on the morbidity indicators.

“Therefore, this plan cannot have very specific dates. Those specific dates will have to be decided quietly when the government makes decisions, ”said I. Šimonytė.

Business decisions – Wednesday

Decisions on services and trade liberalization are scheduled for a government meeting on Wednesday.

“We could free up beauty services by making sure that a recipient of the service is at least 20 m2 in area and the service is provided to one person at a time.

We will also offer to decide on Wednesday on field training, when there is a client and a coach, ”said Minister of Economy and Innovation Aušrinė Armonaitė at Monday’s meeting.

Aušrinė Armonaitė

On Wednesday the government will also be offered to decide to open points of sale that have entry from abroad. Also, a client will need at least 20 square meters. tide. It is considered that the total size of the store cannot exceed 300 m2. tide.

If the government accepts these proposals, these businesses will be able to start operations next Monday, February 15.

The quarantine in Lithuania lasts from November 7 to December 16. strict measures have been introduced. The quarantine lasted until the beginning of March.
