the gap will continue to grow, several companies will move to our country


According to him, the GDP per capita in Lithuania will be three times higher than in Belarus. Therefore, the difference between Lithuania and Belarus will be greater than between Sweden and Lithuania. This difference, according to Maurice, will continue to grow.

“Furthermore, the gap between Lithuania and Belarus will increase in the future, especially as several of the more advanced Belarusian companies plan to relocate to Lithuania and other EU countries, and recent events are likely to accelerate these processes,” said the economist. that 43 Belarusian companies have already started the process of moving to Lithuania and 37 are still considering it. In Lithuania, these companies could create around 3,000. new jobs.

According to him, the economic stagnation of Belarus began in 2014, when “Russia, the main trading and investor partner of Belarus, plunged into deep and still stagnant economic stagnation.”

The economist mentions that Russia’s GDP per capita this year has become even lower than the world average and lower than China’s. At that time, the situation in Lithuania was the opposite.

“Since 2014. reorienting its economy towards western markets, it has experienced extremely rapid economic growth, which continues to this day. As they say,” who you will meet, you will become the same, “explains Ž. Mauricas.

Average salary “in the hands” in Belarus in 2020 in the fourth quarter amounted to 380 euros (1160 rubles), and in Lithuania – 970 euros.
