The funeral home told about the funeral of victims of COVID-19: the bodies are put in bags


More recently, we wrote that queues formed at the funeral home. The Statistics Department has announced that the death toll has risen further, leaving more people buried. Although the percentage of all COVID-19 victims is small, the Kėdainiai funeral home and crematorium are said to receive large numbers of deceased coronavirus patients.

The coronavirus kills dozens of people in Lithuania every day. Most of them are cremated, but there are also those who choose to bury the dead of COVID-19 in coffins. The funeral home tells us that in this case, the bodies are buried in various bags.

Vilnius cemetery

Family members should warn

According to the funeral home “Grauduva” and “Eternity”, after the death of a person from coronavirus, the body of the deceased is first kept in the refrigerator for a while. During this time, a person’s family members must process the documents.

“Managing the grave, the benefit documents, everything is like an ordinary funeral,” says Aušra Bertulienė, director of Grauduva, on

Next, you must decide which funeral home will transport the body and provide other funeral services. If a person has died from COVID-19 or has been infected with the virus, the funeral home will request that they be notified.

In accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health (SAM), the body of the deceased is placed in a liquid-impermeable plastic bag at the place of death. The outside of the bag is disinfected and the body is then transported to the corpse or immediately delivered to the funeral home.

Some funeral homes put the bodies in a few more bags.

“To date, we have no data on how COVID-19 remains in the deceased, how it passes. Due to the lack of such data, we follow the recommendations and act on those recommendations. Family members must inform funeral homes that the certificate of death indicates that the person died of COVID-19, then our employees come with full clothes ”, says the funeral home of” Amžinybė “.

Funeral homes cannot open bags.

Coronavirus (photo by SCANPIX)

Buried in bags

If the deceased is chosen not to be cremated but to be buried in a coffin, the body bag is placed in the coffin. The body is not exposed and the farewell is done with a closed coffin.

It is then recommended that the farewell and armor be performed for up to four hours. But if loved ones want to take more time, we allow more time. Of course, we take care that there are not many people, we ventilate and disinfect the premises. For our part, we do everything possible to make sure that if a person has a virus, the virus will not go away, ”says Eternity.

Grauduva also asks her clients to stop assembling their bodies.

If the bodies are cremated, the funeral home takes the bodies to the crematorium, and with the return of the urn, the dismissal may take longer, it is important to regulate the flows.

“If around 100 people want to say goodbye, and up to 10 people at the same time, automatically adjusting that flow will not be able to spend that many people in four hours. Then automatically that time will be longer. Not configured, we only recommend it. In most of cases, now fewer people come to say goodbye, but sometimes it happens that they regulate more then, ”says Eternity.


You may have to pay more

We also recently wrote that burying people who have died from COVID-19 may cost more for funeral services. Some funeral homes said they might need to pay 200 euros more.

According to Eternity and Grauduva, the prices don’t go up on their own anyway. “Grauduva” says that those who bury people who have died of coronavirus are not raising prices at all, and “Eternity” says they are asking to pay for necessary protective clothing. Funeral home staff must remove the body, place it in a coffin, or take it to a crematorium.

“If one person does not weigh, two employees are enough, the costume of an employee costs 25 euros. It’s a one-time protection and we throw it away, wrap it, pack it up and dispose of it. If two cannot lift, four workers are needed. Imagine two employees, that means 50 euros extra. Everything else does not matter to us, we do not change the prices, “says the funeral home” Eternity.

In the event of the failure of the Kėdainiai crematorium, relatives are transported to neighboring countries, waiting in lines for weeks.

Mostly cremated

Earlier, the director of the Lithuanian crematorium Bernardas Vilkelis commented on that by following the statistics, he realizes that the majority of coronavirus victims are cremated.

“Although they are not mandatory for cremation in Lithuania, we see in the statistics that the majority of those who die from COVID-19 are transported for cremation,” B. Vilkelis previously commented on

The director of the Lithuanian crematorium stated that the cremation of people who died from COVID-19 is almost indistinguishable, but additional protective measures are observed. The coffin is not exposed, the body is burned in bags. Before and after cremation, the facilities are ventilated and disinfected.

According to data from the Department of Statistics this Wednesday, a total of 704 people have already died from coronavirus in Lithuania. Another 348 patients died of COVID-19 from other causes.
