The fun in Trakai became a hotbed for coronavirus: everyone who smoked a hookah infected


The Minister of Health, the Head of State Emergency Aurelijus Veryga and the Head of the Vilnius Department of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) Rolanda Lingienė reviewed the situation of the incidence of coronavirus infection in Lithuania and the measures to combat it in a press conference on Monday.

The disease is spreading among the young

As Minister A. Veryga said at a press conference, there are currently many messages about what to do with an educational institution where a coronavirus has been detected. According to the minister, it is certainly not always necessary for an educational institution to be quarantined.

“In each situation it is decided individually, assessing how many contacts the infected person has had. But it doesn’t really mean that the entire educational institution should go to distance education, ”said A. Veryga.

According to the Minister, observing the epidemiological situation, it is not currently deteriorating particularly. However, we cannot relax because, as Mr Veryga has said, the relative improvement in the situation can be attributed to the fact that we have become more cautious.

“The relatively low number of deaths is due to a higher incidence of coronavirus infection in younger people than in March and April. But let’s not forget that those young people, sooner or later, still meet older people,” said A. Veryga .

According to Rolanda Lingienė, director of the Vilnius branch of the National Center for Public Health, most cases of COVID-19 are detected by screening people as high risk or by taking preventive examinations.

“For the general idea, in the first week of September 40% of asymptomatic cases were detected. In August, they accounted for 29 percent. Younger people are getting sick and COVID-19 has been introduced for school children, ”said an NVCS spokeswoman.

Two chimneys are relevant

According to R. Lingienė, currently 2 fireplaces related to personal celebrations are relevant.

“4 cases detected in Tauragė county yesterday are related to the celebration that took place in Klaipėda county,” said R. Lingienė.

Another fireplace is a family celebration in the Trakai district.

“During this celebration, hookah was smoked and all those who got sick, that is, 9 people, smoked hookah. And there were about 30 guests, so if there were more water pipe smokers, we are expecting more illnesses. A relatively large number of exposed individuals has been identified, about 100. These individuals are considered high risk and all are isolated. They are from institutions as important as the Trakai district municipality, police officers, elderly employees, ”said R. Lingienė.

Also, according to an NVSC representative, another new fireplace was registered on Sunday. Coronavirus was detected in an agricultural trade and maintenance company operating in Kėdainiai. The person is an employee of this company. There are currently 2 conditions associated with this institution.

“The first disease was diagnosed when a person was infected after contact with a secondary case related to the Adform yard. The main hypothesis was that the isolation conditions could have been violated, because by adhering to self-isolation, secondary and even more tertiary cases cannot be registered, ”said R. Lingienė.

Anxiety for the student

According to the NVSC representative, a student infected with Coronavirus from Pilaitė Martynas Mažvydas Progymnasium attended a soccer training, so the number of people who had been exposed may increase.

“I would like to remind you that parents of students who are currently in self-isolation are in contact or secondary contact and should not be subject to isolation. This is an international practice, they are not considered high risk people. But of course there are various circumstances and this is decided by the NVSC. <...> If children are isolated and parents need to take care of them, those parents will not receive certificates of incapacity for work, ”said R. Lingienė.

The specialist also commented on the current decisions of the schools.

This situation shows that schools and school communities often choose not to live a new reality with the coronavirus, not by taking all the necessary measures, but by preventing threats that have not yet been identified. This, of course, is also a solution, but we can very quickly address a situation where the quarantine itself will be introduced everywhere. For now, more than 200 students and their parents and teachers had to be isolated for 4 school days. If you were to isolate entire classes, as was attempted in the early days, who have no contact with the sick, imagine what those numbers would be. You will have to live with the virus for a long time, you have to get used to it and take all the precautions that we inform you. It is obvious that there is a lack of information, therefore next week NVSC will organize trainings for educational institutions ”, said R. Lingienė.

In the countries of the European Economic Area, according to R. Lingienė, the incidence of children and adolescents under 19 years of age is currently less than 5%. In Lithuania, it currently represents 7.29 percent.

“The vast majority of people suffer from asymptomatic forms or their symptoms are poorly expressed,” said R. Lingienė.

The epidemiologist said that since September 1, 9 people in schools, including 7 students, have been infected with the coronavirus. There are currently about 200 students in isolation, their parents’ teachers, perhaps other school personnel if they have had contact with those infected.

7 new cases are associated with chimneys

The NVSC reported that 17 cases of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) were confirmed in Lithuania last day. 9 of them were registered in Vilnius, 4 in Tauragė, 3 in Kaunas and 1 in Marijampolė counties.

R. Lingienė said that currently 42 people are being treated for coronavirus in hospitals, there are 4 in resuscitation and intensive care units, 16 are wearing oxygen masks and 1 patient is being given artificial lung ventilation.

After contact with patients, according to epidemiologists, 14 people became infected. The specialists could not determine the circumstances of the infection of 3 people. No import cases were recorded during the previous day.

4 cases of coronavirus detected in Taurag condado county during the last day are related to Klaipėda on August 28. family celebration. On Sunday, the COVID-19 disease was confirmed for a participant of this celebration and 3 people who contacted the participants of the celebration. A total of 7 coronavirus cases are now estimated to be associated with the outbreak.

2 new cases in Vilnius County are associated with a personal celebration that took place on August 28. In the Trakai district. Both people attended the celebration. A total of 9 COVID-19 cases were associated with this approach.

A new fireplace was also fixed in Kaunas County on Sunday. Coronavirus was detected in a company dedicated to the sale and maintenance of agricultural machinery. There are currently 2 cases of coronavirus associated with the outbreak.

Additionally, an estimated 7 people were infected in the last day after contact with people who were confirmed to have coronavirus, but these cases are not considered sources of infection based on currently available data.

One of these people is a boy who attends a private school in Vilnius. The last time the boy was there was on September 2. A class of 14 children and 2 teachers in contact with the infected person was isolated. Decisions were also made about disinfection of the facilities immediately.

NVSC recalls that parents of students who are currently in isolation are the so-called contact contact and should not be subject to isolation. Isolation is used when there is a high-risk exposure for a person with COVID-19 that has been confirmed by a laboratory test.

The circumstances of the infection in 3 people are not yet clear

At this time, epidemiologists have not yet been able to determine how 3 people were infected. Epidemiological studies have shown that people did not travel abroad and did not interact with confirmed cases of COVID-19.

NVSC reports that a total of 3,100 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in specific people in Lithuania, 1,046 people are still ill, and in 1955 they have recovered.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

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