The Freedom Party approved the electoral program and recalled the greatest absurdities of this period.


Not only party members, but also supporters of their activities could watch the open conference remotely on the Internet on Saturday. Aušrinė Armonaitė, the president of the Freedom Party, emphasized that all decisions were made remotely, and half of the list of individual members and candidates was approved.

“The board still reserves the right to continue approval of single-member members, and by July 20, we will announce a full team that will nominate candidates for single-member members in major cities and elsewhere,” the party president said in a press conference.

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / moment of the patio congress

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / moment of the “Freedom” courtyard congress

He criticized the rulers, emphasized freedom

At the congress, A. Armonaitė assured that the party is the only opposition to what has recently happened in Lithuania.

“The leadership of the Mayor of Vilnius, Remigijus Šimašius, and his team during the pandemic showed how, in the face of a great crisis and uncertainty, it is possible to act effectively at the local level, help people and at the same time see and communicate global realities. And that was the only different and alternative opinion to the Operations Manager who did not leave the press conferences, “he said.

According to A.Armonaitė, the party opposes voter bans, punishments, intimidation, and bribery. The first violin in the congress also introduced the topic of education and training.

“We don’t have oil and gold fields, but we all have a mind and a mind that can create incredible things.” Therefore, Freedom Party has prepared a comprehensive program for the Lithuanian school, not only to achieve good results for children, but, first of all, for the development of a creative, free and responsible personality, ”he said.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Dawn Armonaitė

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Dawn Armonaitė

According to A.Armonaitė, it is necessary to help employers create jobs and create a stable tax system. Working together to guarantee respect for human rights and the LGBT community.

“Equality for all is important to us, whether it is an infertile couple, an LGBT family or people with disabilities. However, recently we have seen that we have something to do not only to guarantee the rights of minorities, but also to protect the fundamental human rights, ”he said.

“We will win”

According to A.Armonaitė, in case of success and when considering with whom to form the ruling majority, one must first see which of the other parties would agree with the party’s political priorities, with whom it would be possible to reach an agreement.

“Now politicians often swear, they will travel with friends, they will not be friends with that.” “It is important to us that our political priorities are implemented, we are not joking, we want a change,” he said.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Dawn Armonaitė

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Dawn Armonaitė

The Freedom Party president explained that she was expected to have a “strong, hard-working and strong liberal faction in the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.” Admittedly, A.Armonaitė did not specify how many specific seats he would like to receive at the Seimas.

“We will collect not 5%, we will collect much more, because there are hundreds of thousands of people in Lithuania who are not currently represented and we are determined to represent them. <...> We are politicians and we will leave it to sociologists, journalists, commentators to think. <...> We do not follow any minimum standard, averages. We are going to win, “he said.

According to A.Armonaitė, individual donations will be used to finance the political campaign.

“We cannot rejoice in thousands of state subsidies, we cannot rejoice in agro-oligarchs like some other parties.” We are proud that people have supported us individually to the extent permitted by Lithuanian law. <...> Behind us are the financial sacrifices of the people, “he said, emphasizing that so far about 80 people have supported the political movement.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Dawn Armonaitė

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Dawn Armonaitė

Ten passed

During the congress, party delegates electronically approved the party’s Seimas election list and single-member constituency candidates. The party nominated 81 candidates on the party list and approved half of the candidates in single-member constituencies. The party plans to further approve single-member constituencies, Congress forced the party board to do so.

For the first time, the political force participating in the Seimas elections will be led by spokesman A.Armonaitė, second on the list, human rights activist Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius, third, the expert on drug and disease policy in Morgana Danielė addiction.

Vytautas Mitalas, Deputy Mayor of Vilnius, IT specialist and fighter for the rights of the disabled Monika Ošmianskienė, President of the Kaunas branch of the Freedom Party, businessman Mindaugas Tarnauskas, former rector of the University of Vilnius Artūras Žukauskas, lawyer Evelina Dobrovolska, leader of Vilnius Samogitia city branch

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / moment of the patio congress

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / moment of the “Freedom” courtyard congress

The main focus is education.

The Freedom Party presented and approved its 2020 electoral program for the Seimas. The electoral program of the Freedom Party consists of 10 thematic areas. The program focuses on the vision of modernizing the education system, human rights, and the economy and innovation.

The first emphasis was on education, indicating that the school should be accessible and accessible to all, and that the content of education is not afraid of the 21st century. and meet the needs of all children. It is also stated that the quality of world-class studies and attractive and high-quality vocational training should be pursued in Lithuanian universities.

At the same time, it is indicated that no new taxes will be proposed, and the goal will be for Lithuania to rank first in the Doing Business ranking of the European Union. In addition, it will seek to provide support to small and medium-sized enterprises and create the concept of a micro-enterprise, reduce various migration procedures and thus attract people from abroad.

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / moment of the patio congress

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / moment of the “Freedom” courtyard congress

It establishes that zero tolerance will be sought for any violence so that everyone can start a family and choose their own family way of life. The objective will be to focus addiction prevention and drug control policies on the prevention, relief and reduction of harm.

The party’s program also emphasizes sustainable cities and the circular economy. Its objective is to guarantee that at least 35% of forest hunting is responsible and ethical. At the same time, high environmental literacy and CO2 neutral society and country activity until 2040.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Ieva Pakarklytė

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Ieva Pakarklytė

At the same time, it is stated that the objective will be to provide high-quality and accurate social services, a full life for the disabled and to exploit the potential of economic money.

Emphasis was also placed on client-centered healthcare, prevention and strengthening of primary care services. Along with a focus on mental health and a modern approach to mental health, increase physical activity and healthy lifestyle habits.

There was also an emphasis on a culture accessible to all, more competition, more money for content, less for buildings. The goal is stated to be for all major state-owned companies to “go public” on the stock exchange.

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / moment of the patio congress

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / moment of the “Freedom” courtyard congress

Remembered political “absurdities”

Before the program was approved, the biggest political absurdities were also remembered, according to party representatives. It is recalled when the leader of the “peasant” party Ramūnas Karbauskis declared that he did not consume not only alcohol, but also coffee. There was also a scandal at the beginning of the period regarding the car rental of former Seimas member Greta Kildišienė.

At the same time, the case when MP Petras Gražulis cleaned tobacco on the windowsill and when a group of MPs in the Seimas maintained a target with the inscription “Gabrielius” was also remembered.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Dawn Armonaitė

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Dawn Armonaitė

Don’t forget the story of Zbignev Jedinskis, a member of the Seimas and representative of the Polish Lithuanian Election Campaign-Union of Christian Families (LLRA-KŠS), when his son Edvardas caused a traffic accident in the courtyard of the Seimas hotel. The incident occurred when the son of a politician tried to film journalists. All the scandals related to the Minister of Transport and Communications Jaroslav Narkevich were also highlighted.

Finally, the story of Prime Minister S.Svvernelis’ “road” and the event that took place a couple of days ago, when a man was trapped on Upės Street and painted offensive inscriptions on the asphalt, “House” is said to have been written of the Thief. “

In June last year, the Liberal Party of the Liberal leadership was founded by a member of the Seimas A. Armonaitė and the mayor of Vilnius Remigijus Šimašius with their comrades. According to public opinion polls, about 3 percent of the Freedom Party promises their vote. surveyed

The Seimas elections will be held on October 11.
