The founder of the modeling agency J.Sadauskienė fell ill with COVID-19: “It is a serious disease that weakens you”


“You don’t have to believe the fairy tales that although a person has no symptoms and is in mild form, this virus does not do its job and does not destroy you from the inside. After all, medicine around the world is struggling to find a suitable vaccine or treatment. The world has not stopped, airports have been emptied, borders have closed and the economy has collapsed, ”said Jolanta.

J.Sadauskienė admitted that he rarely gets sick in his life, he does not have a cold, but this time the temperature suddenly shot up. “I am very scared. Not so much for myself as for loved ones. When I found out that I had coronavirus, I visited without any feeling. I was hoping that someone smart would tell me something, get in touch, advise me on how to treat me Or at least give me basic medical care: take a simple blood test or light up my lungs. After all, knowing how the body has been affected by the disease is a right of every tax-paying citizen. Unfortunately, not in this country, ”said Jolanta, without hiding her frustration with the health system.

Jolanta sadauskiene

Jolanta sadauskiene

“They told me that I would go to the hospital, that if I felt worse I would start to drown. But after all, I don’t want to suffocate, I want to prevent it so that there are no complications. Unfortunately, none of the Lithuanian state institutions offers the scheme used in international protocols; there are ways that the body adapts more easily, as was the case in my case, but I did not receive the help I expected ”, said the founder of the modeling agency.

Jolanta admitted that she was very safe from the virus and couldn’t imagine what she could get infected with. “I changed masks, I put on gloves, I even bought glasses and surgical caps. I took great care of my loved ones, my mother, who is 80 years old. Who is infected, I do not know. We had guests in the backyard of my house, but We all tried to keep our distance. The weather was nice, at night. After that night, the four people who attended the meeting felt symptoms, coughing, shortness of breath and weakness. And I didn’t feel anything at first. After a couple days, the temperature rose sharply. I was treated at home, I did not take medication, maybe I had to take a pill just for the headache. I found supplements, vitamins that strengthen the immune system. Unfortunately, to get attention, we need to have complications, “said J. Sadauskienė.

Jolanta sadauskiene

Jolanta sadauskiene

The woman said she felt bad for a week. “Corona is a very serious disease, it is neither the flu nor the common cold. It eats you and weakens you. It is difficult to get out of bed, weak even to go to bed. This disease is agitated: the temperature rises, falls. The smell kept coming and going again. Luckily my mother, who belongs to all possible risk groups, was not infected. I thank God so many people are on vacation from work, in the beauty industry, for which also managed to avoid contact, ”said Jolanta.
