The foresters have decided where their headquarters will be: they will move to the student camp.


“I am happy and congratulate the management of the company for its visionary vision: the chosen place will reflect what the company is like. I believe that the project, whose implementation is already being planned, will be the only one among neighboring countries, an example for the participants of the entire forestry sector and open to the public, ”said Environment Minister Kęstutis Mažeika, according to the report.

Where the central administration of the State Forestry Company could be located, the company’s administration, together with the founding Ministry of the Environment, considered for several years – local regions – Kazlų Rūda, Katinas, as well as their reconstruction would have been more expensive than the construction of a new building.

“After the state forest reform in 2018, after the establishment of the State Forest Enterprise, we have come a long way from the beginning in the development of the company’s operating principles and processes, centralized logging and business activities, unite up to 42 different accounting systems, start to develop IT systems. We would balance the social, economic and ecological balance of our activities; these were the priority jobs that were necessary to ensure that the company started operations in general. Today, having already passed the first stage of changes, we can start a new one: invest in a new and modern complex of central administration buildings ”, said Valdas Kaubre, director of the State Forestry Company.

According to him, effective investments in the construction of modern buildings would ensure lower office maintenance costs and a long-term return on investment, would help attract more highly-skilled employees, since competition in the labor market is high and employees They value not only the company but also the workplace.

“Our goal is to have a modern office as soon as possible that meets the specifications and values ​​of our company’s activities. In addition, we set ourselves another task, this place must meet the expectations of society, here we also see a cognitive path, spaces for the public, an information center where we can talk about forestry and its traditions, have spaces for young friends of the forest, whose activities we are currently reviving “. Said V. Kaubre.

All employees of the central administration, currently based in Vilnius and Kaunas, are scheduled to move to the new headquarters.

When evaluating potential locations, the company also conducted an employee survey to find out how many employees would agree to change their habits and commute to work from Vilnius and Kaunas, for example to Kazlų Rūda. She showed that after the relocation of the central administration, even about 80 percent. employees would change jobs and be fired from the company.

“It would be a great loss for a newly established company, which has great operational challenges and has finally managed to assemble a competent and stable team. In the central administration not only foresters work, but also many specialists in general skills, which we value very much”, highlighted V. Kaubre.

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