The FNTT has detected a “factory” with illegal chemical mines of around 2 million. EUR


Photo FNTT

The functions of the Financial Crime Investigation Service (FNTT) and the Panevis County Board, in conjunction with the Panevis District Attorney’s Office, are conducting a large-scale pre-trial investigation into the possible illegal and counterfeit trade in products. phytosanitary.

The pre-trial investigation was initiated due to fraudulent accounting and large-scale illegal participation in film and commercial activities, and the investigation is controlled by the prosecutor of the Second Prosecution Division of the Panevis Regional Prosecutor’s Office.

According to a report released by the FNTT, the pre-trial search, which detected a prepackaging plant and seized a potentially illegally sold chemical and another counterfeit chemical, which has a market value, could amount to about 2 million. EUR. Until now, pronunciations have been given to one person.

FNTT officials say that a group of people operating in the iauli, Panevis and Klaipda regions illegally traded in counterfeit plant protection products brought from China, Russia, Ukraine and Poland. The illegal trade in counterfeit chemicals is believed to have been organized by agronomists, who previously owned companies engaged in agricultural activities and the trade in plant protection products.

the counterfeit chemicals are alleged to have been sold in the EU under the guise of legal entities allegedly represented by traders. Based on the available data, it is possible that the illegal goods were paid for in cash, including through the registration of fictitious invoices, which were not subsequently drawn up in the accounts of the companies officially represented by the sellers. The false invoices were generally based on a fictitious payment basis, such as payment for an alleged sale of a legal product or the advice of a specialist. Some of the illegal products may also have been sold individually by people without a license to engage in other business activities.

E-commerce organizers are believed to have bought counterfeit products in large quantities, then repackaged smaller containers, paid for the product labels, and sold them to customers. To hide them, the illegal goods were also marked with the corresponding numbers on the contract labels.

In the ongoing pre-trial investigation, 5 cities were searched for alleged crimes committed at people’s homes, companies controlled by them, and storage facilities.

According to the preliminary assessment of the Lithuanian Plant Protection Association, the value of a phytosanitary product already packed and labeled during the search, calculated according to the market price of the original product, can exceed 200,000 euros. Evaluated together with mines of obsolete chemical composition, packed in sacks and bags labeled as garbage, the value of the counterfeits seized in the market can reach about 2 million. EUR. The active substances in most already packaged products belong to the group of sulfonylureas, which are herbicides with a particularly high application rate. The specialists calculated that if the measurements were applied to 25 grams per 1 hectare, then the amount found in the bags only during the shake would be enough for 163,000 hectares.

According to data available to the Lithuanian Plant Protection Association, illegal counterfeits enter the Lithuanian market by falsifying cargo documents or smuggling into Ukraine via Poland or Russia and Latvia.

It is estimated that illegal plant protection measures can be sold in Lithuania for an amount of approximately LTL 40 million per year. EUR.

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