The FNTT found an impressive amount of refrigerated meat bought for shadow money


In the past two years, the company is suspected of not declaring two-thirds of acquisitions worth 384,000. euros The pre-trial investigation is carried out due to fraudulent accounting management, the investigation is led by the Kaunas Regional Prosecutor’s Office. The allegations have not yet been made to anyone, according to the FNTT report.

In cooperation with specialists from the Kaunas Department of the State Food and Veterinary Service (SFVS), searches were conducted in the company’s premises, business premises, cars and residential areas in Jonava and Klaipėda. They revealed that trade in chilled poultry, pork and meat products was illegal without the necessary SFVS authorization. Officials discovered that the leased premises are actually operated by not one, but two companies engaged in the same activities. An illegal worker was also found to be working in the warehouse.

During the search, a large quantity of refrigerated meat with a total weight of more than 784 kg was found in the storage facilities. Several meat products, totaling more than 241 kg, were also found, and specialists were unable to determine their traceability. 60 kg of salted bacon and 8 kg of different types of unlabelled spices were also found.

The meat and its products were stored in a dirty and dirty room with foreign objects, the required temperature was not ensured. An inspection of a vehicle transporting meat revealed a series of hygiene irregularities: it lacked refrigeration equipment, it was disordered, the meat and its products were loaded at high temperatures and foreign objects were transported at the same time.

In the cold room of the room, in addition to the meat products of adequate validity and the refrigerated meat, 250 kg of expired products were stored, which were supposedly destined for disposal. SFVS has identified a high probability of cross contamination.

When officials began to review accounting documents, it became clear that in recent years the company had purchased products for $ 384,000. However, this was not declared anywhere and only a small part of the invoices supporting the purchase of the products were provided to the researchers. Real documents for the purchase of goods were found and taken, indicating the actual amounts and amounts of payment, and invoices that prove the purchase in the shadow of products.

A pre-trial investigation into fraudulent accounting was initiated. The investigation is controlled by the Prosecutor of the Second Prosecution Division of the Kaunas Regional Prosecutor’s Office.

The most severe possible penalty for fraudulent accounting is imprisonment of up to four years.

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