The Flashy Vaccine for Upcoming Russians: Not Only Does It Work on Copper, You Have No Choice


Novaja Gazeta told the victims themselves, who received the three-stage EpiVacCorona vaccine instead of the Sputnik V vaccine.

According to the people who feel the victims themselves, their health may have been damaged, they promise to go to court.

Vaccination is even given with different vaccines, although this is not possible.

Olga, a Moscow resident, was ready to be vaccinated at the end of May, she wanted Sputnik. However, at the outpatient clinic they told him he had GamCovidVac (the same as Sputnik), but there was still CoviVac, which supposedly had even fewer side effects.

“I read that the Chumakov vaccine did not seem to be on the market yet, and here I was glad that it was, and I accepted. The nurse vaccinated, I go to another office, they give me a certificate, I go out on the street – and here I get a message on my phone: I have been injected with EpiVacCorona. I take the certificate out of my bag and it says “GamCovidVac”. That is, I asked for a vaccine, the certificate says another, and I injected a third, “the woman told Novaja Gazeta.

The Russian media have collected many similar examples. Residents complain that when they want one vaccine, they get a completely different one. EpiVacCorona has yet to be thoroughly tested and people are trying to avoid it. The problem here is that when they consent to be vaccinated in Russia, people have no information about what specific vaccine they will be given. You can only trust the doctors who vaccinate them.

In some cases, in Russia, doctors simply enter another vaccine by hand, instead of the previously chosen one. Anna de Samara’s mother went to her outpatient clinic to receive the GamCovidVac vaccine, was examined by a doctor, and the woman was vaccinated with EpiVac in the treatment room.

The resulting brochure simply crossed out the original printed name of the vaccine and handwritten EpiVacCorona. When the relatives went to explain, the nurse shrugged and declared: “A vaccine, like a vaccine. What a difference to you. “

Not to mention, some patients have been given different vaccines, although the rules strictly prohibit it. Veronica from Vladivostok told Novaya Gazeta that her first vaccine was GamCovidVac and her second was EpiVacCorona.

It turns out that when the second vaccine arrived, they told him that Sputnik was out of stock, so they injected him with a vaccine from another manufacturer. It was explained to the woman that “there is no difference, even better.”

When he returned, he called the local Stop Corona Virus hotline and the operator explained that it was strictly forbidden to do so.

Hurry to buy certificates

In Russia, more and more regions are introducing mandatory vaccination for certain groups of workers. This decision has led to an increase in the need for fake vaccination certificates, the BBC reports.

Victoria, a cardiologist at one of the Moscow hospitals (name changed), spoke to the news agency and was not convinced of the effectiveness of vaccines against the Russian coronavirus and did not want to be vaccinated. Women also experience seasonal allergies. That is why she cannot refuse to get vaccinated and the potential side effects of the vaccine scare her.

In the first half of the year, when there was a vaccination campaign in Russia (very slow, only 11.1% of the population is currently vaccinated with two doses. In comparison, there are 35.3% of those people in Lithuania) It was a personal matter for Victoria to consider whether to vaccinate or not. However, on June 16, when the mayor of Moscow announced the mandatory vaccination of certain groups of workers, that option no longer exists.

The hospital management issued an order forcing all staff to be vaccinated. After considering it for a few days, he decided to simply get a vaccination certificate.

“I am not getting vaccinated for one simple reason: I don’t understand what this vaccine can do for me,” he told the BBC.

The woman claimed that the viral environment in the hospital was above average, but the “fights” did not touch her: “Why is not clear. The concentration of the virus around me was high and I was not sick. According to my estimates , there may be around 15 percent of those doctors in my environment. “

The woman admits that she is worried about the new “delta” variety and believes that she will never get sick. However, she said anxiety about possible side effects is higher at this time. It is not considered an antivaxer, your child is vaccinated with most of the vaccines recommended in Russia. The woman is more concerned about the characteristics of the development and registration of Russian vaccines against covid.

Faced with the “choice” of forced vaccination, he decided to go to “acquaintances of acquaintances” who worked in one of the vaccination centers in the capital. For 5 thousand. rubles (about 60 euros) gave him a “record” that the woman was vaccinated with the first dose of Sputnik. A day later, this record appeared in the Russian email. at the service door. A record of the second vaccination should also appear three weeks later.

The woman says that about half of her acquaintances and colleagues are skeptical about vaccination: “Everyone has some fear of the unknown, reasonable or not. Our general distrust of the state has likely played a role here as well. “
