The first wave of coronavirus is a relatively small thing: Lithuania is in double jeopardy, the winter months will be the hardest


“It just came to our knowledge then. It is certainly possible to get sick this way, and it always is, and it is well known: it is not uncommon for people to become infected with various types of microorganisms, bacteria and viruses. As usual, That interaction is always worse than when you get infected with any disease.

For the first time, we are looking forward to the season; In both the fall and winter months, we are looking forward to not only the flu season, but the coronavirus season as well. We don’t know, we don’t have experience not only in Europe, but around the world, on what viral interactions look like during the season. ” Delphi Day replied the teacher on the show.

The professor clarified that the peak of illness occurs in January. “Of course, those deadlines change a little each year, but January and February are usually the maximum. Cases of influenza are registered throughout the year, both in Lithuania and in the northern hemisphere.”

An unusual flu season will begin

V. Usonis assured that this flu season is unusual around the world.

“It just came to our notice then. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) influenza website, the incidence of influenza in the southern hemisphere is particularly low this year, where it should be in season now. Extremely low levels confirmation of influenza, the so-called low season, in the northern hemisphere. In other words, the activity of the influenza virus this year is incredibly low, at least so far. Of course, it is not clear what will happen in fall, December or January when the real flu season rolls around.

Prof.  skilled.  Dr. Vytautas Usonis

Prof. skilled. Dr. Vytautas Usonis

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

But today the facts are as follows. The explanation would be that the whole world is shocked by the coronavirus infection, and the measures taken are essentially the same to prevent the spread of influenza. Sometimes it is even joked that there are two rabbits in a single injection: both the flu and the coronavirus, but today they are predictions and nobody knows what will happen when we have it ”, commented V. Usonis in the program.

Flu vaccination is recommended

When asked if it is worth getting the flu vaccine, the professor assured that it is because both the coronavirus and the flu have the same main objective.

“Leading epidemiologists say that without knowing what to expect in the winter, it is safer to get vaccinated against the flu, because with the coronavirus, the flu has the same main objective, our respiratory system, the lungs.

If we can avoid one virus, we can expect the effects of another virus to be a little milder, ”he says.

Encourage the use of masks

When asked if it would be better for people to wear protective masks in the future for safety reasons, the professor assured that wearing masks is not great news.

“Hard to say. Masks are not great news anyway. For example, if a person coughs or has a runny nose, there has long been a requirement to wear a mask in medical facilities, as have surgeons wear masks during surgery This is known.

The first wave of coronavirus is a relatively small thing: Lithuania is in double jeopardy, the winter months will be the hardest

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

Also, allergic diseases are worse in the spring, caused by tree pollen, birch pollen, so the mask performs a barrier function. Pollen is a relatively safe particle compared to microorganisms, but there is nothing new here. For example, in Asian countries, where there is a lot of pollution, many people wear masks ”, considered the professor.

We remind you that last day 105 illnesses were confirmed in Lithuania, a total of 4,490 people were diagnosed with coronavirus, 2,052 people are still sick, and 2,327 people have recovered.

92 people have died from COVID-19 and 19 people have died from other causes.

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