The first vaccines against the coronavirus may arrive in Lithuania already at Christmas


Due to various challenges, vaccination plans were also discussed today at the Seimas Defense and National Security Committee (NSGC).

As Laurynas Kasčiūnas, chairman of the committee, reported during the meeting, Interpol reported on possible threats that need to be addressed.

“Interpol announced that there are emerging criminal groups that may have their own vision and plans for the vaccination process, all of which must be seen and managed,” L. Kasčiūnas noted at the meeting.

According to Audrius Ščeponavičius, Director of the Department of Public Health of the Ministry of Health (SAM), the highest incidence of morbidity and mortality from coronavirus due to this infection is registered in the EU and America.

“Lithuania has signed agreements with 6 pharmaceutical companies. The total number of vaccines is 7.2 million. Doses. Virtually all residents must have enough and must stay,” noted A. Ščeponavičius.

According to him, the country is intensively preparing for the logistics, delivery and storage of the vaccine and has started the acquisition of the necessary equipment. It is planned, as reported by the representative of the SAM, that the registration for vaccination will be done through the short telephone number 1808 that is already operational.

“We plan that in each municipality, in addition to the organizing hospital, there will be … institutions that organize vaccination,” said A. Ščeponavičius.

He also said that the employees of the medical system would be vaccinated as a priority and, first of all, about 9.5 thousand people will arrive in Lithuania during the festive period. doses of vaccines.

“The logistics service and all necessary services will be ready at that time,” assured A. Ščeponavičius.

A breakthrough in the vaccination process can be expected in late March

Lukas Galkus, specialist from the SAM Department of Information Technology and Electronic Health System, also spoke about vaccination procedures and planned schedules.

According to him, by the end of March next year, it is planned to vaccinate doctors, residents in risk groups and high-risk employees of social institutions.

“The number of vaccines shipped at the end of the first trimester should be enough to vaccinate all physicians, residents and employees of social care homes, as well as people over the age of 80,” Galkus said of the Pfizer vaccine.

According to him, vaccines from other companies will already be available at that time.

“By the end of March, the process should be in full swing, even a breakthrough, we could talk about it earlier,” added the specialist.

Heads of treatment facilities: it is necessary to know the exact quantities of vaccines and the dates of their receipt

Professor Feliksas Jankevičius, CEO of Santara Clinics, emphasized that he already has a vaccine storage facility with the two necessary freezers. It is true that he noted that the initial quantities of vaccines received will be extremely small.

“Until now, our main task is to vaccinate doctors and employees. (…) The amount of these vaccines is so far very small that we plan to receive. The Santara clinics alone, along with residents, have about 7,000. employees, ”said the professor.

Professor Renaldas Jurkevičius, director of the Kaunas clinics, shared similar ideas.

“It would be important to keep hospitals ‘clean’ as soon as possible, with vaccinated staff. With a limited number of vaccines, I agree with Professor F. Jankevičius that we should start from the first stage.” We will start with those people, “he said R. Jurkevičius.

Doctors can start vaccinating at Christmas

According to R. Jurkevičius, the Kaunas clinics also have two suitable refrigerators, which could store between 30 and 40 thousand. vaccinations

“Until now, SAM has not asked us for help with storage. (…) I would like to point out that today we should be preparing to vaccinate our employees during Christmas,” said the head of the clinics.

R. Jurkevičius also said that the holiday period is very suitable for medical vaccinations, therefore, said the professor, the necessary training should start this week.

“Vaccinations are likely to arrive during Christmas or Christmas. It is a very good time to get vaccinated for medical staff., – spoke the Director General of Kaunas Clinics.

He also reminded his colleagues of the need to know the exact dates and quantities of all vaccine shipments, as this will determine the number of medical personnel vaccinated with the first vaccination.

Suggests to the state a stricter control over the processes

At that time, Karolis Turčinavičius, representative of the Center for Health Emergencies, assured that the necessary vaccination equipment was already being purchased.

Robertas Petraitis, director of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), also shared his comments. According to him, the state must exercise strict control over the vaccination process.

“It may be necessary to strengthen the control of immunoprophylaxis. The conditions are very strict, there is a cold chain, many great responsibilities are given to municipal medical institutions,” said R. Petraitis, noting at the same time that, according to him, it is necessary to evaluate the scope of vaccination.

Warning: it is necessary to communicate unanimously about the vaccination processes

Disinformation related to the coronavirus was also discussed at the meeting. According to the representative of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, Mažvydas Kunevičius, a negative image has been formed in the public space due to the extremely small amount of vaccines. He noted the need to explain to the public that only small amounts of vaccines would be received in the first batch.

At the same time, M. Kunevičius pointed out that it was necessary to analyze the determination of doctors to get vaccinated and the attitude towards vaccination, because they, the military said, have a direct connection with society.

“They can also influence society by spreading information they don’t believe in,” said M. Kunevičius.

For all this, he emphasized, individual state institutions must speak with one voice about the importance of vaccines.

He was seconded by Professor R. Jurkevičius, director of the Kaunas clinics, who drew attention to the scientists’ recommendations. According to him, opinion leaders and health system leaders could follow suit by vaccinating the public, thus encouraging the population to get vaccinated as well.

Saulius Skvernelis, a member of the NSGK and former prime minister, also spoke about informing the public.

“Anyone who receives the vaccine will definitely be able to travel in the same EU without restrictions, more easily. It is very important to communicate this pragmatic benefit (…) correctly,” said S. Skvernelis.

Austė Valinčiūtė, a communication expert from Vilnius University, presented the analysis of Lithuanians’ determination to vaccinate NSGC members. According to her, the opinion of the population about the benefits of vaccines is unstable.

“Even those who generally rely on vaccines may be afraid of receiving the Covid-19 vaccine,” noted A. Valinčiūtė.

“It is important to avoid the politicization of Covid-19 and public disagreement, as this encourages people’s mistrust,” added the expert.

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