The first thousand companies have been approved, which will soon reach the grants


“In principle, all companies that have been affected by COVID-19 and whose turnover has fallen by at least 30% during the second quarantine are eligible for loans. (…) The size of this loan depends on the average turnover of a month in 2019. (…) But there is also a loan limit, because larger companies can also apply for this loan. Those ceilings do not exceed 100,000. “Jurgutis said during the event organized by” Verslios Lietuvos “on Wednesday.

“At the same time, a small risk assessment is being carried out, which will help smaller companies in particular to assess the real possibilities of the company, what the payment of that loan will be like,” he added.
V. Jurgutis also noted that 1,055 companies have already applied and will receive grants in the near future.

“The unscheduled shutdown requires an injection of subsidy. In this case, small and medium-sized companies are eligible for grants. (…) Companies with a turnover of 30% are eligible. during the second quarantine and its amount is calculated on the basis of personal income tax (GPM) paid by employees – 25 percent. part should come to your accounts as a tax grant.

I know that the first 1,055 companies have been approved (…), which will reach the dose of subsidies in the near future ”, he assured.

Speaking about the process of preparing the business support measures, V. Jurgutis pointed out that during their approval they had to face an additional bureaucratic burden.

“We want to emphasize that the development of these measures also required the entire political process (…), and sometimes a very simple scheme was covered with certain ‘facilitations’, which sometimes add additional bureaucratic burdens,” he said.

The vice minister stressed that the second package of aid to companies that is currently being coordinated will focus mainly on covering the fixed costs of the affected companies.

“At the same time, a second aid package is being coordinated, focused on the most affected businesses (…), whose turnover has fallen much more, and to help cover those other fixed costs, such as rent, utilities, etc. “Said.

At that time, answering the question about rent compensation, V. Jurgutis emphasized that the same measures will not be available as during the first quarantine.

“There will be no such model (rental compensation – ELTA) as it was more than half a year ago. (…) As for the additional dose of subsidies for the most affected companies, in principle it will have to be an alternative to that measure. It will work on a slightly different principle, but in principle, in order to cover these costs, “he said.

STI: after receiving support after April 30, companies will be able to decide how to manage tax arrears in 2 months

Rasa Virvilienė, director of the Legal Department of the State Tax Inspection (STI), pointed out that only those taxpayers who were on the list of victims of COVID-19, which came into effect on January 1, will receive state support.

“As of January 1 of this year, we have compiled a new list of COVID-19 victims, and only existing taxpayers on this new list are subject to tax relief measures, which have been extended through April 30 by government decision (…), “she said.

According to R. Virvilienė, after the established deadline, taxpayers will have 2 months to decide how to manage their tax arrears.

“After April 30, taxpayers will have to manage their tax arrears for another 2 months, that is, pay them or apply for an interest-free tax loan contract,” said an STI representative.

“During this entire period, they will be exempt from default interest. (…) In addition, the resulting tax arrears will not lead to fiscal recovery,” he added.

R. Virvilienė also noted that for some taxpayers who received assistance during the first quarantine, it will continue.

“We know that another list was in effect last year and part of last year’s list has been moved to this list because it met the established criteria. Therefore, the aid is not granted again, but continues. So Therefore, the aid is granted for non-payment, which has occurred since March 16 of last year ”, he said.

According to R. Virvilienė, tax assistance will be provided not only to businesses, but also to residents facing financial difficulties due to the pandemic.

“The aid applies to freelancers, small businesses, as well as all residents who do not carry out any activity but also face the challenges of a pandemic, have financial difficulties and cannot pay current taxes,” he said.

The STI representative also pointed out that companies and individuals who are not on the list of victims of COVID-19 this year can manage their tax arrears until February 28.

“Those who were on last year’s list and were not on this year’s list are required by the previous year’s legislation to be able to manage their arrears until February 28. (…) However, I would like to point out that it is necessary to request an interest-free fiscal loan contract before February 28, ”he emphasized.

R. Virvilienė also stated that as of today it is possible to request support from those who were not included in the list of victims this year.

“Both companies and, starting today, residents have the opportunity to apply individually (…), regardless of when they apply, to be included in the list. Upon evaluation, if such a request is granted, taxpayers will use the aid measures (calculated by ELTA) as of January 1, ”he said.

INVEGA: No loans will be granted to companies in crisis at the end of 2019

Sigita Rutkauskaitė, Senior Project Manager at the National Institution for Development of Investments and Commercial Guarantees (INVEGA), noted that loans to companies affected by COVID-19 are not granted to companies that were considered in crisis at the end of 2019.

“A company applying for a loan should not be considered in crisis at the end of 2019. (…) One of the reasons for not receiving a subsidy is that the company has not submitted its financial statements to the Records Center. (…) It is important that the composition of the share capital is also disclosed in these reports, ”said S. Rutkauskaitė.

“I would like to emphasize that the requirement of not experiencing difficulties does not apply to micro and small enterprises. They should not be subject to collective competition or rescue and restructuring aid,” he added.

Ms. Rutkauskaitė also stated that companies applying for a loan must meet the minimum criteria of a reliable taxpayer.

“Companies should be operating in Lithuania, they should not be subject to bankruptcy and restructuring procedures, and they should meet the minimum criteria of a reliable taxpayer,” he said.

The INVEGA representative stressed that although the limit of the loan amount – 100 thousand. the specific situation of each company.

“There is a limit on the loan amount: 100,000. But look at the specific situation of the company. The average monthly billing is analyzed, (…) the billing of the old companies in 2019 and the billing of those established in 2020 .

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