The first electricity generated by the Vilnius cogeneration plant Business


“The first production of electricity marks a particularly important stage of the project, when the energy object under construction becomes a power plant in a boiler room and not only heat but also electricity is produced in a technological process. The start-up adjustment of the steam turbine with the generator is currently being performed in accordance with the requirements of the equipment manufacturer and Litgrid.

After completing them, we will move to the stable operation mode, and a little later to the commercial operation stage, ”says Arūnas Žilys, VKJ interim director, director of finance and administration.

When the waste-to-energy plant begins to operate commercially, its electrical capacity will reach about 20 MW and its thermal capacity about 60 MW. The power plant is expected to help prevent up to 160,000 tonnes of waste per year, which would otherwise end up in landfills in Lithuania.

VKJ has installed state-of-the-art and state-of-the-art smoke treatment facilities, which will ensure completely safe energy production from municipal waste.

As previously announced, namely in November last year, hot testing was started at VKJ and the power plant started supplying heat to Vilnius residents.
