The first doctors were vaccinated against COVID-19


The first doctors to begin vaccinating the COVID-19 vaccine, developed by BioNTech and Pfizer at five central treatment facilities in the country began Sunday morning.

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Supplemented with medical comments.

Nijola Ramonaitė, a nurse at the Santara Clinics Center for Infectious Diseases, received the first vaccine in Vilnius. The nurse who received the vaccine during the live broadcast said that she felt great and that the vaccine was a Christmas present for the doctors that would allow her to return to her previous life.

“Let’s go back to our previous life, we can communicate with families, relatives, friends,” he said.

According to the Vilnius doctor, the vaccine was not painful and the sensation was similar to that of the flu vaccine.

N. Ramonaitė learned that he was the first to be vaccinated in Vilnius a few days ago.

“At first there was so much confusion, but the news was good, I am very happy to have been vaccinated because I was anxious about the vaccine,” said the nurse from Clinicas Santara.

He also said that all his family colleagues are going to be vaccinated.

Feliksas Jankevičius, head of the Santara clinics, emphasizes that vaccines mark the beginning of a very important process to curb the coronavirus.

“At first glance, it seems like a very simple procedure, but it marks the beginning of a very important process, because without vaccination, we are certainly not going to cope with this pandemic,” he said.

400 doctors will be vaccinated today in Kaunas

“I feel great, just with the usual vaccination procedure. The piercing is short and painless, ”said Jolanta Litvinienė, the first vaccinated nurse at the Kaunas clinics.

“During the festive period, it is very symbolic, as if it were a Christmas miracle, that we have the means to manage this huge global pandemic,” he added.

The nurse said that it would be easier to work psychologically after receiving the vaccine, but that strict safety measures would continue to be observed.

“It just came to our attention then. But, in principle, we will do everything that we have done so far: the same safeguards. We will continue to wear masks, we will go to the patient in overalls, as we have done so far, because the vaccine needs time to work, ”he said.

Kaunas Clinics plans to vaccinate more than 400 doctors during the first day.

General Director of Clinicas Kaunas prof. skilled. Dr. Renaldas Jurkevičius says that it is very important to vaccinate as many hospital staff as possible as soon as possible so that it is safe for both patients and doctors in the hospital.

“These days when doctors in Lithuania will start vaccinating against COVID-19 infection, we were especially eager to do so. This is the day an operation begins that could lead to the end of the war in this pre-war war. infection. It makes sense that doctors from the five main hospitals and organizers start vaccinating in Lithuania at the same time. Already on Monday, the Kaunas clinics will start vaccinating doctors from the 11 hospitals in the Kaunas region. ” R. Jurkevičius in the clinic report.

“We are happy that within 2-3 days most of the Kaunas Clinics employees have expressed their wish to be vaccinated,” says Šarūnas Mačinskas, Head of the Kaunas Clinics Outpatient Coordination Service, responsible for the vaccination of employees .

The remaining doses will go to other cities

In Panevėžys, the first to be vaccinated was the head of the Department of Internal Medicine at Panevėžys Hospital. nurse Gražina Budrevičiūtė. She admits that she has doubted the vaccine for some time but has decided to get vaccinated after considering all the risks and potential risks.

“I feel good, I am convinced that I have done a very important and necessary job, I myself work in the COVID-19 department, that is why every day I face patients with this dangerous infectious disease, I see their suffering, their desire to recover and live, I see the despair on their faces, if the disease progresses much. I admit, I was hesitant for a while, but after evaluating I am glad I did, ”says G. Budrevičiūtė.

Arvydas Skorupskas, director of Panevėžys Hospital, says that about 850 hospital employees will be able to get vaccinated, because a large part of those who have expressed their desire to be vaccinated are currently ill.

“We will immediately deliver the remaining doses to other medical institutions in Panevėžys and Utena counties, so that all the vaccine received can be used and the employees who work there will be vaccinated. In a few days, the second batch of vaccine is scheduled to be delivered, which will be distributed to medical institutions in Panevėžys and Utena counties. Currently, the vaccination of employees is being carried out without discomfort, I hope this process will be successful throughout the day, ”says A. Skorupskas.

Next shipment, in a couple of days

The first shipment with 9,750 doses of vaccine arrived in Lithuania on Saturday morning and was stored in the warehouses of the Health Emergencies Center. During the day, the vaccine was distributed to hospitals in Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai and Panevėžys, which are responsible for the management of COVID-19 in the regions.

Vilnius and Kaunas Counties received 2,925 doses of vaccine, Klaipėda County 1,950, and Šiauliai and Panevėžys 975 doses each.

It is planned to use all the vaccines received on Saturday when the first doctors are vaccinated. The second dose for these co-vaccinated personnel, who need to be vaccinated after 21 days, will be administered in subsequent shipments.

The BioNTech and Pfizer vaccine is the first and so far the only one allowed in the European Union, and the European Commission authorized its distribution on Monday, when it was recommended by the European Medicines Agency.

After the vaccination of doctors working in healthcare institutions in Lithuania, in the second stage, vaccines will be administered to employees and patients of medical institutions providing supportive care and nursing services.

The second shipment of the vaccine is expected to arrive in Lithuania on December 29, with slightly more doses expected than received this time. The third shipment is expected in early January.

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