The first date of a divorced woman will be remembered for a long time: after the quarantine, all the bags will come out


Don’t be offended, normal men, it’s not about you. Maušas is a word to say to a complete fool. It could be a man, a woman, and anyone, but since I have known men, I can only talk about their masculinity.

Sitting at home during quarantine, I thought it was time to go on a normal date. It was a long time after the divorce and I met interesting people, but the roads did not go together. So I chose the first blind date of my life.

Of the many men who showed attention online, we contacted the entire quarantine. Therefore, as the instructions for this were relaxed, we agreed to the first live date.

It better not bother me and even go … What turned out to be a joke when communicating online, actually the truth became clear.

The 30-year-old is far from being a disadvantage in himself, but … “I live with my mother,” he said while communicating online, and I laughed at the new friend’s wit. No, ladies and gentlemen, I wasn’t kidding.

He works on “multiple jobs, this and that” because he is waiting for the business to move forward. What the business is also not very clear, apparently is a secret.

We met for a short time because what’s the point? No real achievements or goals, no prospects, just a lot of self-confidence. Empty.

The other message I received after that date was also from a similar man. Not wanting to waste time in vain, I began to talk about priorities in life, favorite activities, work and daily life. This person will work “something because you won’t be out of a job” and then roar. Snowboarding, skeitboardina or what to roar, I didn’t ask. But here is his true passion.

So I thought that probably during the quarantine, the boys saw that it was possible to live like this: comfortably on the sofa, without shaking too much, without moving forward calmly. It is after quarantine, after losing the perception of reality, that communication will take place. Believing to be a lazy dreamer: the norm. After all, we all live “on the couch” for a while.

Women are not barracudas and harpies if they want a serious man. Women are not too demanding if they are interested in male work. Women are not witches if they care about a man’s seriousness, not just stupid laughter. The foundation on which a relationship is built is important.

But in his thirties, it turns out there are new ones babies! No wonder women look more serious. Think about it.
