The first coronavirus victim in Lithuania had to be resuscitated by ambulances at the closed door of the Ukmergė Hospital


About The first coronavirus death in Lithuania was reported on March 21. The victim was diagnosed with the virus after his death, it was confirmed by forensic experts in Vilnius.

The Health Ministry later indicated that the person was taken to the emergency department of Ukmergė Hospital on Friday, where he soon died. The diagnosis was confirmed after the death of the patient. The deceased belonged to the risk group.

But now it turns out that things were a little different.

It turns out that the woman died not in the Ukmergė hospital, but in an ambulance right next to the hospital, which the patients simply did not accept.

The dying woman not only had to be resurrected at the closed door of the hospital, but ambulance doctors A.J. and M.S., outraged by the situation and decided to film it and seek justice, also received sanctions.

Just last week, Gitana Čepienė, the main doctor at the Ukmergė Primary Health Care Center, canceled her 2020. April 22 assigned to Ambulance (GMP) staff A.J. and M.S. warnings of misconduct and the imposition of a warning.

And how was everything on that day in March?

That day, the Ukmergė ambulance station (GMP) received a call due to the serious health condition of an elderly patient.

Upon arrival at the hospital, the head of the GMP brigade, A.J. He assessed the patient’s condition as life-threatening, called the Ukmergė Hospital emergency department in accordance with the established procedure, warned that the patient urgently needed resuscitation, and took her to the Ukmergė Hospital. However, upon arrival at Ukmergė Hospital, GMP employees faced an unpleasant surprise.

“March 20 we brought a critically ill resuscitating patient (who later turned out to have COVID-19 disease) to Ukmergė Hospital, but we were not admitted to the emergency department, although I informed the emergency department of the patient with a serious condition The hospital staff did not open the closed door and after my few calls to a door mounted call, a member of the hospital emergency department said that we would not be admitted and that we could transport the patient wherever we wanted.

A member of the hospital’s emergency department said that we would not be admitted and that we could transport the patient wherever we wanted.

Such a response was incomprehensible, because the critically ill patient was taken to Ukmergė Hospital in accordance with the written instructions of Chief Medical Officer Gitana Čepienė on the GMP bulletin board, ”said A.J. to the Solidarumas union.

According to the doctor, the patient was taken to the Ukmergė emergency department with his consciousness already obscured, but he was still able to breathe and respond to environmental stimuli.

However, the patient’s condition deteriorated rapidly and doctors began to resuscitate her with what he could, that is. only by means available to the GMP brigade. Three members of the GMP brigade participated in the resuscitation. The resuscitation was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the established legal acts.

“Because it was an unprecedented event when patients admitted and resuscitated by GMP are not admitted to the hospital’s emergency department,” said A.J. to Solidarity. “I asked one of the paramedic drivers to film on my mobile phone the fact that the patient is being resuscitated and the door to the hospital emergency room is not open.”

GMP doctors ensured a good half hour of trying to resuscitate the patient, but it did not save her life.

He was penalized for filming

Brigade leader GMP A.J. The same day, he submitted a staff report to the head of his office explaining all the circumstances of the incident.

However, on April 22, 2020. Gitana Čepienė, the chief physician of the Ukmergė Primary Health Care Center, who received a complaint from the hospital that she was being filmed without her consent, appointed A.J and M.S. a warning that they can be fired if they repeatedly commit the same breach of duty.

A.J. and N.S. He did not agree with this sanction and turned to the Solidaridad union for help. The warning was appealed to the Labor Disputes Commission.

It was argued that filming was not specifically about the doctor, but was made to capture the situation and at the same time protect the public interest, because the event of resuscitation of patients with GMP who are not admitted to the hospital is mandatory.

Finally, a compromise has been reached: the immediate sanctions imposed on doctors have been lifted in exchange for destroying the video they have on all available devices and media, and the people to whom their distribution was sent will be notified.

According to Jolanta Keburienė, president of the Medical Workers Union “Solidarumas”, why on March 20. Ukmergė Hospital did not admit patients undergoing resuscitation by ambulance personnel, it is still unknown.

SAM apologizes

Lina Bušinskaitė, Adviser to the Minister of Health Aurelijus Veryga, stated on Wednesday that the Ministry did not know anything about this event until the Solidarumas announcement.

“If that were the case, then it must be said that there is a bad example of the work of doctors. After all, the patient should receive the necessary help, regardless of the disease he suffers from. There are doctors and hospitals to help people, especially those necessary. After all, it is also guaranteed by the Constitution.

So if the door was really closed for the man and the GMP team in front of the nose, the least the medical institution could do, at least apologize to loved ones. If these events have been destroyed, this is a very, very bad example of work organization and evasion of responsibility. We hope that all questions are answered, “he said.
