The fired A. Jakubauskas presented a version of his events, hinted at the goals of Russia


“I became the target not because of leadership issues, as an attempt was made to burst the bubble for two months, but because I refused to succumb to political pressure without prejudging the participants in the June uprising without scientific evidence. ..)

Recently, in the media, both commentators and ruling politicians have unequivocally expressed the expectation that my removal and further changes at the center should lead to the abolition of some of the resistance states, titles and perpetuations.

It is obvious that there is talk of the LAF, the June uprising and the interim government, which is a long-term goal of historical Russian policy, “said A. Jakubauskas.

“Of course, many commanders of the future guerrilla war also participated in the 1941 resistance, so the condemnation of one is the condemnation of the other. The center has been under pressure to do this for a long time, I never agreed to do it, ”he added.

According to A.Jakubauskas, LGGRTC is becoming the object of criticism in the international media.

“The center is often under pressure from Israel and Russia to investigate its history, evaluate one or the other of its historical figures, and the accusing states at that time did not hand over to the Lithuanian justice any person suspected of genocide against the nation. Lithuanian in Lithuania., “LGGRTC Commander.

Has received criticism

Adas Jakubauskas, director of the Lithuanian Center for Studies on Genocide and Resistance (LGGRTC), was fired after a secret vote in the Seimas. In a secret ballot on Thursday, 79 deputies voted against the resignation of the official, against three, with a damaged ballot.

The dismissal of the official appointed last year was proposed by the Seimas Board, a working group formed by it affirmed that A. Jakubauskas does not manage to guarantee the proper functioning of the institution, resistance arises and the situation under public scrutiny undermines the institutionality . business reputation.

At the beginning of the year, 17 employees of the Genocide Center asked Seimas for the actions and tensions of the head in the institution. A.Jakubauskas was also criticized for the decision to fire the historian Mingailė Jurkutė.
