The finding in a woman’s liver surprised even a parasitologist: at first it looked like thick red threads


According to Daiva Veitienė, a specialist in parasitology in the Parasitological Research Division of the Microbiological Research Division of the National Public Health Laboratory (NVSPL), one of the most common is the first blastocysts. These protozoa are found both in the well-being of people and in people with intestinal diseases.

Among the uninvited guests of the body and amoebas.

According to experts, the parasites that infect the human body are very diverse and can reproduce in the most unexpected places.

“From time to time, there is a histolytic amoeba of the protozoa – lambblias, which cause diarrhea, various amoebas, including those dangerous to human health. It causes intestinal ulcers, liver abscesses.

Histolytic amoeba is able to penetrate the intestinal mucosa, it can travel to the lungs, liver, brain and other organs.

A person suffering from amoebiasis caused by this amoeba, diarrhea with blood and releases cysts invisible to the naked eye, which can remain viable in a humid environment for about 1 month.

Therefore, drinking unboiled water from open bodies of water or eating infected food that is infected with cysts of these amoebae can lead to amoebiasis. Between 40,000 and 110,000 people die each year from these protozoan infections. “Most of the diseases caused by histolytic amoebae are recorded in tropical and subtropical countries, and especially among travelers who have returned from these countries,” warned D. Veitienė.

For the parasite: a moving point in the field of view.

Parasitologists also detect roundworm and toxocarius eggs in the samples.

“Of course, we only found Toxocaran eggs in soil or sand samples. Because tokoscaros are an intestinal parasite of predators (including cats and dogs), humans are a biological stagnation for them, and when a toxocara egg enters the human body, the hatched larvae do not travel to the intestine but instead begin to roam all over the body. sometimes it remains in the eyes, liver, skin.

The larvae, migrating through the body, mechanically damage tissues, causing inflammation and necrosis. The disease is accompanied by fever, allergic phenomena, various skin lesions, lack of appetite, weakness.

When the larvae settle in the eye, there is blindness and decreased visual acuity. A person can see a moving point in his field of vision ”, said D. Veitienė as a possible symptom.

Quadrupeds are blamed for transmitting these parasites. However, the specialist clarified that a person cannot be directly infected with toxocars from a dog or a cat.

“The eggs of this parasite have to go through a development path in the soil. What else if the dog walks outside and brings eggs that have already matured on the ground in the coat or on its paws from the field? Toxocarean eggs are found everywhere, as these parasites secrete around 200,000 eggs into the intestines of a dog or cat every day.

People become infected with toxocarosis from dirty, grounded hands by eating unwashed vegetables, fruits, or berries, drinking water from open bodies of water, and children playing in litter boxes contaminated with toxocar-infected cat or dog feces.

Surprisingly, roundworms do not disappear from our human bodies in any way. Of course, their eggs, like those of toxocars, require maturation in the ground and humans are not directly infected with human roundworms.

Hairheads, which are also intestinal parasites, are rarely recorded in Lithuania. There is only one or no cases of the disease per year, but there are several hundred cases of ascaridosis, ”said D. Veitienė.

Quadrupeds are also believed to transmit toxoplasmosis.

“Although cats are believed to be potential vectors, they are not. Usually the first infected cat is a protozoan – toxoplasma is excreted in the stool within 1 to 3 weeks. Clearly, they remove a lot of them, and they are very resistant to the environment.

The main source of infection is cattle, chickens, and other birds. A person becomes infected by eating undercooked meat, less often, with dirty hands.

People with a normally functioning immune system may not have the disease, and if it does, it may be due to an enlarged lymph node and signs of viral infections.

What else happens if a pregnant woman develops acute toxoplasmosis? Toxoplasmas cross the placenta and can cause damage to the internal organs of the fetus, the brain, damage to the eyes, or even death. Therefore, pregnant women should avoid contact with cats, not manipulate their emptying boxes, wash their hands well after contact with green meat, earth or sand, eat only well-cooked meat ”, advised the interlocutor.

Do not turn until the roundworms begin to slide on their own.

The interlocutor presented the photo. It contains a worm up to 20 cm long.
