“The figure is our property for display”


Erika Vitulskienė’s fashion business, which has been running successfully for several years, has opened up new styling possibilities for women with non-standard figures. Faced with the problem that it is difficult to find clothes of the right size in normal stores, Erika herself has embarked on this creative process and today she is boldly destroying the cult of a slim body.

“In my opinion, the three most important things in a woman’s appearance are: the first is lingerie. It is extremely important that you have the correct size and beautifully shaped body lines and that it allows women to feel sexy.

The second thing is high heels. Lithuanian women avoid wearing them, but you have to understand that it beautifies the gait, posture, posture and lengthens the legs.

And the third aspect is the proper size of clothing. You don’t need to try to wear a dress that is too small or hide under a bag-like outfit. The figure is our asset to be displayed ”, says Erika.

The woman who founded the fashion house says that when choosing clothes, the most important thing is to pay attention to comfort and quality. She also shares some tips on how not to make mistakes when creating a personal style and what accessories to add to your next shopping list.

“One of the biggest mistakes is not knowing your figure. Women often think they have no torso; we all have it and we are not afraid to stress it out. Women aren’t used to wearing hats either, but I think it’s a very good expression of style. Well, for those who are not interested in the latest fashions of each season, I can advise you to choose a classic, because you will never miss it, ”says Erika.

A woman raising two children and running a successful business reveals that sometimes she really lacks time during the day to take care of her appearance. Still, Erika follows certain beauty rituals that not only give her more self-confidence, but also help avoid the tedious “I have nothing to wear” situation for many.

“My beauty rituals are sports, taking a cold shower and being in a good mood, because a smile always adorns me. Of course, I am certainly not one of those women who has an infinite amount of free time that I can devote to myself and my appearance. That’s why I do my homework: I keep order in the closet and have pre-planned clothing combinations that I choose when I don’t have the mood or time for inspiration and creativity, ”says Erika.

These and other Erika-style tips will be heard on Delfi’s “History of Change” television show this Sunday. On this occasion, the main protagonist of the show is Romualda, 60, who never had the time or the opportunity to dedicate more time to herself. Modesty and restraint in the path of a woman was also left by the difficult period of life she spent in the convent.

“We live hard, my mother raised us alone, but there was never any doubt that it could be otherwise.

Realizing that, my mother, after meeting the nun, agreed that she would accept me to live in the monastery. I also had to make temporary vows, but when I didn’t agree to postpone them, I just raised my wings and left, ”the show’s heroine shared her story.

Despite all the hardships in life, Romualda has not lost the altruism that lasts in her heart and today she gives all her strength to up to three nurseries that she has established. To provide opportunities for those who live more difficult, a woman sacrifices not only her time but also her savings.

“I really like this job and I feel like I have discovered myself. I myself felt that deprivation, so I can fully understand how the other child feels, how difficult it is for him when he has nothing and cannot pay. It is always easier to give than to ask.

I admire women who get up in the morning, find time to paint in silence, organize themselves, and often have coffee at the door in a hurry, ”the woman opened.

It was this life story of Romualda that inspired the show’s creators to help her change. The changes, as always, began with the image of a new hairstyle in room 313 “Role”, where the stylist Juliet Vebre told how to properly care for gray hair.

Although makeup is a rare companion in Romualda’s life, Rūta Pranevičė, Uoga Uoga’s makeup artist, has created an image suitable for old age. Well, the last stage of the change will be dedicated to the wardrobe style, which was chosen by the fashion show stylist Jomantė Vaitkutė according to Romualda’s favorite black color.

How Romualda will accept the new changes in her appearance and what style tips the founder of the fashion house Erika Vitulskienė will share, all this already this Sunday, at 3 pm 30 minutes. on Delfi’s new TV show “History of Change”.
