The fight against COVID-19 is not over yet, but the state is already turning off the tap for business support: Doctors will also be affected | 15MAX


European Union (EU) countries must coordinate their business assistance with the European Commission, with some exceptions. This is necessary to ensure that business support is provided and does not distort the market.

You cannot exceed the 200 thousand limit

During the pandemic in Lithuania, the authorities took the opportunity to apply insignificant (so-called de minimis) aid scheme. This support does not need to be coordinated with the EU, but according to the latter, state aid to a company or group of companies cannot exceed 200,000 in three years. euros.

As a result, some companies have already reached the support ceiling. It is true that these rules will also affect, for example, doctors, who from September will have the opportunity to leave for 200 euros at the expense of the state.

They can relax in Lithuanian SPA centers, rural tourism farms or sanatoriums, choose guided tours of the country or visit museums.

Photo of Norbert Tukajas / SPA and wellness center in Vilnius Grand Resort Hotel

Photo of Norbert Tukajas / SPA and wellness center in Vilnius Grand Resort Hotel

The Competition Council considers this measure to support the tourism and accommodation sector.

This means that de minimis rules limit their ability to rest where they want.

Limit incoming flows

If, for example, an accommodation facility has not received any support from the state so far, only a thousand doctors will be able to spend the 200 EUR allocated by the state in a facility; the money they have spent will amount to 200 thousand.

Eglė Sanatorium, which has two rehabilitation centers in Druskininkai and Birštonas, will be able to receive 850 doctors, as it has already received state aid; Sodra has allowed him to defer payment of contributions.

Marius Vizbaras / 15min photo /

Marius Vizbaras / 15min photo / “Sanatorio Egle”

According to the head of the company Artūras Saldus, these 850 medical rest places are already reserved, although there were many more people who wanted them.

“We have already sold almost all the places”,15 minutes said the businessman. “In this case, the demand is much greater than the supply, so many doctors may be dissatisfied.”

15 minutes To the best of our knowledge and belief, there are also institutions that will be able to receive only about a hundred doctors due to the support previously received from the state. These companies include SPA Vilnius or Grand SPA Lietuva.

A. Salda heads the National Association of Sanatoriums and Rehabilitation Institutions and has long explored the corridors of the institutions, seeking a solution to this problem.

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