The Festival of the Sea returns with force: it told me what to believe and expect this year


The upcoming date with the Festival of the Sea in Klaipeda will soon attract a large fleet of sailboats to the port city. Only one month before the “History of the Long-Formed City”, the port city is expected to once again become the most visited city in Lithuania.

Festival organizers say that pandemic restrictions deprived people of the opportunity to attend concerts, deprived of normal communication, so during the festival they want to bring back the stories of the city, which residents and visitors will discover according to special maps. .

Liutauras Galinis, director of Klaipėdos šventės, says that this year the festival will spread not only through the old town, but also bring people who come to the beaches together.

“The Fiesta del Mar must be associated with the sea, so this year we will include the sea and the beach and we will invite everyone to actively contribute to health. We invite everyone to choose and yoga exercises. This year we will pay attention to the seniors, they will have the opportunity to perform at the Meridian. Attention will also be paid to national minorities ”, says L. Galinis.

The most delightful accent and theme of this year’s festival is the history of the city. According to Živilė Putnienė, the communication coordinator of the Klaipėda Festival “Stories of a long-awaited city” will revive the communication that was so lacking during the pandemic. Historical tales about the history of Klaipeda, architecture, symbols, people.

“Upon reaching Klaipeda, they will be able to travel according to the maps, and they will be able to hear unheard stories, which we believe will enrich us and allow us to take something home. The Sea Festival style was created by the same team that worked last year. A subtle and light look at the history of the city, which looks like a highway. And the closer to Klaipeda, the more we discover the signs of the sea, ”says Ž. Putnienė.

It coincided so much that this year the Maritime Port turns 30 years old. This birthday is inseparable from the Festival del Mar, so the port manager promises a lot of noise, dust and fun in the city.

Algis Latakas, head of the port authority, says that people are already being invited to various events, with the most impressive show taking place on the day of the Festival of the Sea.

“We are preparing for such celebrations in advance, we think about how we can commemorate the 30th anniversary of the seaport. On July 23, the sailboats will arrive in Klaipeda, people will be able to see those beautiful cages. It is a great pity that there was no march last year. I think it’s a great charm, so it will happen again this year. We invite many groups to travel both by land and by water. We think there has to be a lot of noise, a lot of smoke, a lot of dust that day and hopefully there will be a concert after this procession that inspires the spirit. Sisters On Wire, The Roop will perform, and we will have Thinking Kerbedis, which will hopefully come with a huge cartridge and get everyone on their feet. Well, and then to spread that blast even further, it will give off fire and light, there will be fireworks. And the next day we all go to the Dragon Race without sleeping. 37 teams of 40 have already registered, ”says A. Latakas Entertainment, which will definitely not be lacking.

According to the organizers of the event, the interpreters were chosen according to the year of life of the Port, so for the first time at the Sea Festival K. Kerbedis is the interpreter that many people have known for many years.

Saturday’s concert program includes performances by Giedrė Kilčiauskienė, Donatas Montvydas and Marijonas Mikutavičius. The city will host theatrical performances and singers of Samogitian Austėja, Vilius Papendikis, Gabrielius Vagelė and other artists throughout the day. Of course, Yuri Svetlenko from Klaipeda will also receive guests at the seaside. There will be spaces of taste, design and art throughout the Old Town.

It is true that optimistic plans for the city to thunder in the wake of the events can still be adjusted by government orders, but it is expected that from July 23 to 25, city guests and locals can feel that forgotten spirit again. of the giant celebration.

The regatta that decorates the seashore will take place with changes. The Tall Ships Races 2021 will take place in three ports this time. The boats will arrive from Tallinn to Klaipeda, then travel to Szczecin, where the participants of the contest will be awarded. Violeta Ulevičienė, the organizer of the Klaipėda boat parade, says it is not yet known whether the curious will be able to visit the boats this year, but every effort is being made to make such a rare opportunity a reality.

During the Festival of the Sea, both the fair and the youth organizations that encourage young people to create will be animated. This year is expected from creative workshops to the presentation of music and other talents in the Plaza Atgimimo.

The organizers were also prepared for the fact that people’s access to the venue might have to be restricted. In this case, you will need to prepare passports of opportunity if you want to enter the fenced area.

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