The Festival of the Sea is already under your nose: the police and rescuers are advising you on how to stay safe


Klaipeda police urged special care with long fingers, and rescuers explained when it was safest to swim.

It will patrol both the celebration area and the roads

Klaipeda Police are preparing intensively for the Festival of the Sea. According to Darius Petraitis, Chief of the Public Order Service of the Klaipėda County Main Police Commissariat (VPK), the police pay particular attention to safety and public order during mass events.

A reinforced force of officers will patrol the area of ​​the Festival of the Sea events, about 200 officers more than usual. Police supporters and members of the Lithuanian Rifle Union will come to the aid of the officers.

“This year, for the first time in the port city, cavalry policemen will patrol on horseback. The order in the celebration area will be supervised by the specialists of the Klaip municipioda Municipality Public Order Department ”, D. Petraitis told

The police will also closely monitor the movement of cars; Not only will the Klaipda County Highway Police officers patrol, but will also be assisted by teams from the Lithuanian Highway Police.

Police forces will focus on traffic restrictions and controls in the Sea Festival event area, working to ensure traffic safety and stop drunk drivers. Throughout the holiday weekend, the sobriety of all road users – drivers, cyclists and scooters – will be checked in different places and at different times.

(photo by Fotobank)

Advises to be careful with long fingers

As the Festival of the Sea approached, the Klaipėda police saw advice on how to protect themselves from inconvenience at mass gathering places. The most important thing is not to lose vigilance, but also to take care of your safety.

According to officials, pickpockets are probably the most likely to spoil the festive atmosphere, so it is advisable not to keep or carry money, mobile phones or other valuables in open bags, back pockets of pants or other easily accessible places during Massive events.

“Do not keep your electronic banking access data in your wallet. It is advisable to have as much cash as you plan to spend if you are buying something, do not keep your wallet wide open, do not show how much money is in it. Don’t leave valuables unattended, not even for a short time, don’t leave them in cars either, ”said D. Petraitis.

According to him, it is recommended to go to festive events by public transport, and if you are traveling by car, do not violate the requirements of road signs and other traffic regulations.

The head of the Klaipėda Public Order Service added that the preventive tent of the Klaipėda County LSC will be located in the city’s Revival Square on Saturday and Sunday, July 24-25.

“Here, officials from the introduced Klaip community will introduce the profession of a police officer, provide information on how to keep your property safe, consult on the activities of safe neighborhood groups and other topics. A mobile police team will be on duty at the store, ”he said.

Rescuers will work at full capacity

Aleksandras Siakki, Deputy Director of Klaipėda Beaches and Chief Rescuers, revealed that during the Festival of the Sea, rescuers will be on the beaches and observe the Dane River in the city.

“The beaches will work in normal mode, <...> full game. Additionally, rescuers will be on duty on the Dane River with a boat; they will supervise security during the competition, at concerts at the cruise terminal. Every day until 3 pm Night rescuers will be on duty with the ship. Tomorrow Friday starts at 12 noon. days of service, ”Siakki said.

Asked if there is an increase in the number of jobs for lifeguards each year during the Fiesta del Mar, the specialist replied that the most determining factor is the weather conditions.

“By the sea, everything depends on the weather, the waves. Of course, the number of works is increasing, because the guests of Klaipeda want not only to participate in the Festival of the Sea in the city, but also to come to the sea. Everything happens in the river, it also depends on the weather: from the bridges trying to jump, from the shore, and there are drunkards. Everything passes, you have to save, you have to help. There is a lot of work, ”shared the rescue guide.

The deputy director of Beaches in Klaipedos pointed out that bathing conditions by the sea are changing rapidly. A yellow flag is currently being raised, but the wind is picking up by the sea.

“Yesterday during the day there was a red flag, the wind dropped, that night we hung a yellow one. It is still yellow today, but it is unclear what the wind and wave conditions will be in the afternoon or evening. The same thing happens during the Festival of the Sea: it is not yet clear about the weather conditions, the waves and the attraction of the sea, ”said A. Siakki.

He said some vacationers are still ignoring the disciplinary red flag, the rescuers’ warnings not to swim.

Summer in Palanga

It is important to follow the flags and get less dizzy

The rescue guide shared helpful tips: First, when you get to the beach, it is important to pay attention to the flag flying at the rescue post and then follow the bathing instructions.

“If you don’t know the meaning of the flags, you can ask the rescuers. There are two hanging flags. The upper part, red or yellow, means that rescuers are on alert. The lower flag is red if bathing is prohibited or yellow if possible. The meanings of the flags are at each central entrance to the Klaipeda beaches and at each exchange cabin, <...> In addition, the rescuers announce the meaning of the flag through a loudspeaker, ”said the specialist.

With a yellow flag, you can bathe, but you should always be more careful and careful, said A. Siakki. It is important to pay attention to the signs that are placed next to the wells: “Well – bathing is prohibited”. In the places where the wells are marked, do not bathe with garbage, and especially do not allow children.

“There is a rescue phone number in every booth that changes <...> and numbering of the booths. If an accident occurs somewhere, looking at the rescuers’ cabin, seeing the number and notifying them, the rescuers will already know where help will be needed, “added the deputy director of Klaipedos Beaches.

“You can confidently ask rescuers where it is safest to swim, where it is shallow. It is also necessary not to swim behind the buoys and to take care of their safety ”, recommended A. Siakki.

He pointed out that in the city it is important not to jump into the water from the bridges, from the shore. Mr. Siakki asked for less alcohol: “When you drink alcohol, sometimes you don’t count, you don’t see where you’re going, and sometimes you fall into the river from the dock.”

Also, when sailing in pleasure boats, let’s say, the boats must wear life jackets.

Summer in Palanga

At risk of Covid-19

The portal recalls that the Festival of the Sea will take place in the port city this Friday-Sunday. Epidemiologists are concerned about the safety of the massive event, and the Klaipėda city municipality itself has been declared a red zone based on the number of Covid-19 cases.

However, the organizers of the celebration assure that they take the situation very seriously. And it even promises that only people with passports or quick exams will be able to have fun at concerts.

With safety features on the merchants’ hands and faces, the traditional Christmas fair has not been canceled either. The organizers did not break another tradition: the participants walk through the central streets.

However, according to health experts, it is the people who gather next to see them and may become the focus of the coronavirus that will spread throughout Lithuania, because people from all over the country gather for the Festival of the Sea.
