The father of the two-year-old twins was left without benefits, and the recipient was ordered to be returned: the ministry amended the law.


In 15 minutes Skirmantas went to the editorial office in the hope that the disclosure of his personal story would help not only him, but also other parents in a similar situation.

As of March 16, after the closure of the kindergartens, the Skirmantas girls’ family doctor issued him with an inability to work. In March, the state nursery will accept twins who have reached the age of two only since the start of the new school year, so Skirmantas decided to allow their daughters to “warm up” at the private nursery for children “Pabiručių pasaulis” in Kaunas.

Sodra confirmed the payment of benefits to Skirmantas, and from March 16 to April 14, two benefits were awarded. However, on May 6, the father of the twins received a call from a Sodra specialist. She asked to be sent a contract with a daycare her daughters attended prior to quarantine. The man did so, but received no news from Sodra.

Abolition of work disability was offered to the employer

On May 11, Sodra contacted the accountant at Skirmantas’ workplace. You have been sent the following message: Cancel the NP-SD2 message confirming (Skirmantas first and last name – past authorization) temporary inability to work due to patient care (epidemic situation) during the period 2020-04-14-2020 -04-30 to be able to cancel the unjustified electronic certificate of incapacity for work. According to data from the Open Information Counseling Guidance System, the childcare contract with the educational institution is not included in this list, therefore, the electronic certificate of incapacity for work has been unjustifiably issued. “

How 15 minutes According to Skirmantas, Sodra tried to solve the problem with her foreign hands, to cancel the bulletin that was sent to her retroactively.

“The employer refused to do it because for what reason should it? I didn’t work that period after all. I ask for clarification with Sodra and receive an oral explanation that the bulletin will be canceled because, according to the law, it could not be issued: the kindergarten is not an educational institution, but a child care institution. I mean, you explain to me in a calm tone that now I will stay for almost a month from April 14. “durnius Instead of “no income? He says,” Well, yes … “, Skirmantas aired the discussion with the representatives of Sodra.

He demanded a refund of the money paid

On May 19, you received an official letter with the decision not to pay benefits and a call from a specialist with an explanation and an attempt to say that benefits already paid must be reimbursed.

“I just said that everything you want to tell me would be in writing so that we can speak legal language. I treat all this as a blow with a wet rag in the face of the state and the demotivation to be a citizen, to pay taxes, etc. Why can’t the “geniuses” of the ministry or Sodra look at the legal acts and adapt them to the current extraordinary situation? After all, newsletters are not used for a direct purpose, but as a means of helping families with minors in an emergency.

Or, if for some reason a certain group of parents cannot use this measure, which, in my opinion, would be complete discrimination, establish a clear procedure immediately who can and who cannot use this measure, and not start looking someone to pay after a month, and still to withdraw what has already been paid. Perhaps we should raise a budget for August payments of 200 euros each, that is, for the purchase of votes? Skirmantas ironized.

On May 27, he had not yet returned the benefits received by Sodra. He assures her that he will not do so because he has not received a written request to do so. Within 20 business days, you can also appeal Sodra’s decision not to pay benefits because her daughters attend a private kindergarten.

“I have heard about the amendments to the legislation that are being prepared, because I have managed to contribute a little to the problem that is being heard in the Government and for those amendments to emerge. I am looking forward to how everything ends. If there are no solutions, I will complain from Sodra’s letter. I have until June 10 to do that, “Skirmantas explained.

Sodra “regrets the mistakes made

The situation has arisen 15 minutes Representatives of Sodra and the Ministry of Social Security and Labor commented. According to Saulius Jarmalis, head of the Sodra Communication Department, after the quarantine began, Sodra specialists urgently had to make tens of thousands of decisions about granting sick benefits for parents who care for young children in the household can receive benefits as soon as possible.

In a period, up to 60 thousand. parents received such benefits, and about 50 thousand. they still receive sickness benefits for caring for children.

About 50 thousand. parents still receive sickness benefits for caring for their children.

“Sorry, but there have also been mistakes when payments were made for inappropriate information regardless of all circumstances, such as the state of kindergarten in the education system. In extreme conditions and changes in the legal framework during the period of Quarantines, which take into account the interests of the population and deal with cases not previously foreseen in the social security system, sometimes ambiguous situations arise.

If additional information is received after the benefit has been granted or new circumstances become apparent, such as the status of the daycare, the decision to grant the benefit may change. The decision can also be changed if the applicable legal regulation changes, for example, if the decision is made to pay benefits to parents of children who have not attended all kindergartens, regardless of their state, “explained S. Jarmalis .

According to him, by guaranteeing the granting of benefits in accordance with the applicable legal acts, Sodra’s specialists seek to cooperate with clients, obtain information on the important circumstances to grant benefits from educational institutions, doctors, employers and beneficiaries of benefits, and at the same time provide residents and employers with relevant information. After all, according to S. Jarmalis, first of all, the certificate of incapacity for work is important to the relationship between the employee and the employer: it justifies the employee’s absence from work.

“Although we are unable to comment on the specific situation regarding the protection of personal data, we regret the inconvenience and believe that a decision will be made that meets the expectations of residents,” expected a representative from Sodra.

Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas / 15min / Sodra

Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas / 15min / Sodra

Sodra applied the legislation correctly

Commentary 15 minutes Eglė Samoškaitė, Advisor to the Minister of Social Security and Labor for Public Relations.

According to her, under the current Social Security Sickness and Maternity Act, parents, adoptive parents, guardians and, in some cases, grandparents covered by health insurance may be unable to care for a healthy child during quarantine. and sickness benefit. a child in preschool, preschool or elementary education or a child with a disability under the age of 21 studying in a special education program. And if the learning agreement for the respective program shows if the child is educated according to the preschool, preschool, primary or special education program (in cases of the child’s disability).

“However, an apprenticeship contract can only be concluded between the child’s representatives and the education provider. Education provider: A school, independent teacher, or other education provider who has the right to provide education according to established procedure. Such education providers are registered in the Registry of Educational and Scientific Institutions.If an institution or a natural person is not in this registry, even if an education contract has been concluded, the child is not considered to be educated in accordance with the preschool, preschool, primary or special education program. This means that in this case, Sodra has correctly applied the applicable legislation, “explained the representative of the ministry.

Understand the situation, start corrections

However, the Ministry of Social Security and Labor urgently initiated amendments to the law to understand the situation in which parents were quarantined for reasons beyond their control, so that incapacity for work and sickness benefit could awarded regardless of the need to care for children through first grade during quarantine. for the registration of an education provider or for preschool and preschool education programs (the provisions for primary and special education would remain the same).

“The government has already approved our proposal (Ministry of Social Security and Labor – aut. Past), but the amendments must be adopted by the Seimas and signed by the President. Parents or guardians whose children have attended a similar type of daycare ‘ unregistered ‘and who have had an unpaid child care disability will receive sickness benefits retroactively from the start of quarantine throughout the period of disability. It should be emphasized that such changes would be valid only during an emergency or quarantine and would end if at least one of them was revoked, ”explained E.Samoškaitė.
