The fashion for monuments is changing in Lithuania: this is what compatriots who buried their relatives choose


Although many people also complain about the rise in prices of construction products or materials, at least until now, according to the architect, the prices of works and products have not only not risen, but some have fallen. However, what will happen next is still unclear.

“The prices are the same as last year. Without a doubt, the coronavirus affects the entire world economy and may equally affect the granite manufacturing sector. There is a possibility that materials and transportation will be more expensive, then monuments they will become more expensive ”, says M. Žukauskaitė.

The monuments are declining

It’s no secret that Lithuanians are used to paying close attention to grave care, but now, the architect says, people are trying to choose solutions that would require less care, and the number of people wanting large monuments is decreasing.

“For several years in a row, covering tombs with slabs has become popular, and monuments are chosen more modest, smaller and less intricate than before. People are leaning more and more towards minimalism, tombs are managed in a way that is easier to maintain.

The area of ​​flower gardens is also declining or even being abandoned altogether, with perennials being planted more often. The choice of granite these days is quite large, so the beauty of the tomb can be revealed through the pattern and color of the stone; It is no longer necessary to plant multicolored rings to make the grave look more beautiful, ”says the specialist.

Planting graves

However, there are still unusual and more interesting orders. Although such, says M. Žukauskaitė, require more resources, they are usually more rewarding.

“The stranger, the more unusual the order, the more interesting it is to work with. Then there is an opportunity to create something new, unprecedented, and technical problems also need to be solved, because not only a beautiful image is important, but also longevity. It requires significantly more resources, but the result is also more rewarding. “

Funerals – After Lighter Restrictions

Although it is often heard that older people save for many years on their own funerals and their family members spend almost all of their savings, architect M. Žukauskaitė says that she has not realized that people organize larger funerals than they allow your financial possibilities.

“I think funerals have always been organized according to financial means, even today. If a person has the opportunity to say a more beautiful farewell, they often do so, ”he says.

But funeral traditions, he says, have changed dramatically due to quarantine restrictions, and some have postponed funerals altogether in anticipation of looser restrictions.

“Because the number of people gathered is limited, it is not allowed to have a mourning lunch, of course, the funeral will be smaller and cheaper. There are a number of cases where people wait for quarantine restrictions to be released after cremation of the remains so that more family members can come and say goodbye. “

M. Žukauskaitė says that he also receives requests for pet graves, but this is rare. Most of the time, he says, people choose small commemorative plaques, and sometimes a photo or engraved portrait of a pet appears next to the inscription.
