The farmers have presented a Covid-19 management plan: we would not have adopted a quarantine like the one we have now.


According to the opposition, the government led by I. Šimonytė and the current head of operations, Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys, do not have a specific and tangible plan of measures, so they present their proposals that would help overcome the consequences of Covid – 19 for the economy and society of the country.

At the press conference, R. Karbauskis said that he sees a lot of distraction and vagueness when it comes to Covid-19 tools. The conservative-liberal government took only one measure that seemed simply feasible to them: stop any movement of people.

R. Karbauskis and A. Veryga propose to the Government of I. Šimonytė specific management measures for COVID-19 “data-width =” 2400 “data-height =” 1600 “target =” _ self “rel =” nofollow “target = “_ blank”> R. Karbauskis and A. Veryga propose to the Government of I. Šimonytė specific measures for the management of COVID-19

However, this Government, as we can see, does not have the competence to assess the consequences, which can be long-term and quite difficult to face in the future. Therefore, we extend a helping hand to the Government of I. Šimonytė, we urge not to be proud and to accept our well-considered proposals, which we hope will have positive results in the short term ”, said R. Karbauskis.

“The peasants would not have accepted the type of quarantine they have now. {…} Restricting the movement of people to what is being done now is foolish. {…} We have to stop mimicking the restriction, we have to allow people to move. Keeping people closed for months will have completely different and worse consequences than we can have directly from the coronavirus. Today, it is necessary to solve the problems in such a way that we can safely return the business, the service sector, ”said R. Karbauskis.

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PHOTO GALLERY. R. Karbauskis and A. Veryga propose to the Government of I. Šimonytė specific measures for the management of COVID-19

According to R. Karbauskis, when such “excessive restrictions” now apply, when residents cannot walk with the sea to the sea or in some other places, people are gathering en masse in Vingis Park or other public places.

“One of the most terrible punishments for a person is considered imprisonment and imprisonment when he cannot move, to communicate; we apply this to criminals. Now that restriction applies to practically everyone and has consequences, ”said A. Veryga.

The farmer guide R. Karbauskis pointed out that the alternative plan prepared by them will be available to the current government, which will make decisions on quarantine flexibility and other measures, if it so wishes.

“The government and the ruling majority lied saying they had a Covid-19 control plan. They reported in the Seimas that there is a 130-step plan, but we see that there is no plan. The current government has nothing and does not prepare anything. Now they have caught the only plan: quarantine. Still, it is known to work in an epidemiological sense, but at what cost? That price is unbearable, ”said R. Karbauskis.

R. Karbauskis and A. Veryga propose to the Government of I. Šimonytė specific management measures for COVID-19 “data-width =” 2400 “data-height =” 1600 “target =” _ self “rel =” nofollow “target = “_ blank”> R. Karbauskis and A. Veryga propose to the Government of I. Šimonytė specific measures for the management of COVID-19

Presented a 6-part Covid-19 management plan

Opposition peasants presented a 6-part alternative Covid-19 management plan that proposed solutions for population movement, small businesses, education and health systems, vaccination and testing.

You can find more information about the measures LVŽS offers here.

When planning vaccination, LVŽS offers to use the experience of already prepared foreign countries, especially when those countries are similar in their territory, population structure and other characteristics.

For example, Ireland’s vaccination strategy and the existing plan of measures stand out for their completeness and detail, detailing both the groups of people to be vaccinated, which are usually linked to the opening of services or areas, such as teachers, their logistics, defined functions, system.

The peasants propose to regulate the movement of people only during the big holidays of the year, to regulate the meetings in the supermarkets, to allow the operation of the small companies, which would guarantee the safety of the customers.

Veryga offers to waive the maturity exams

In the field of education, LVŽS proposes abandoning the maturity exams, including teachers as a priority group in the vaccination queue and other solutions. Seimas member A. Veryga proposed to waive the exams this year.

“Looking at and evaluating the problems and difficulties of the past year, we should not put more stress this year, because it will be really difficult for children to prepare for them,” said A. Veryga.

He wondered why students whose parents had already been infected with the coronavirus were unable to return to school: “If we cannot return all students to school, then at least those whose parents have been infected begin to return. We suggest that teachers, like health professionals, be included in the list of priority vaccinations and get vaccinated among the first ”.

R. Karbauskis and A. Veryga propose to the Government of I. Šimonytė specific management measures for COVID-19 “data-width =” 2400 “data-height =” 1600 “target =” _ self “rel =” nofollow “target = “_ blank”> R. Karbauskis and A. Veryga propose to the Government of I. Šimonytė specific measures for the management of COVID-19

According to the opposition, if the farmers’ suggestions were taken into account by the government and put into practice, it would solve the problems in the state in a positive way and help to cope with the consequences caused by the Covid-19.

The coronavirus figures are falling slightly and the situation is improving. Questioning whether there was the power to achieve similar results without strict movements and other measures, A. Veryga replied that it was natural for the epidemiological situation to improve after closing everything.

“It is difficult to say if it would be possible or not (achieve – aut. Past), because it is a theoretical question. It is very difficult to predict what people would have done. But we certainly wouldn’t have kept the movement restrictions on for so long. They make sense when considering a movement of people during the biggest holidays, but not now. We see that with some means it is being squeezed. {…} Clearly, no lesson has been learned from some of the measures, “said A. Veryga.

“The government has simply decided to kill the economy and put all the people under house arrest,” Karbauskis added.

R. Karbauskis and A. Veryga propose to the Government of I. Šimonytė specific management measures for COVID-19 “data-width =” 2400 “data-height =” 1600 “target =” _ self “rel =” nofollow “target = “_ blank”> R. Karbauskis and A. Veryga propose to the Government of I. Šimonytė specific measures for the management of COVID-19

The government slightly eased the quarantine

The cabinet agreed on Wednesday to facilitate the quarantine. Children who have a hard time learning remotely from home can go back to school. Communication with families has also been liberalized, creating “social bubbles”.

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal of experts and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport to allow students who have difficulties or distance learning from home to return to school. It is true that even after returning to school, they will study remotely, but they will be provided with the necessary facilities, those who own will receive free meals.

“With the amendment, our goal is to help students educated in primary, basic and secondary education programs from socially vulnerable families by providing them with care services and giving them the opportunity to learn from school,” said Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys at the Wednesday meeting.

According to the Ministry, 25 thousand. Students need help for learning due to additional advice, provision of computer equipment, provision of Internet connection, strengthening of motivation. About half of these students receive free meals and families receive social support.

The Council of Ministers also approved the legalization of so-called “social bubbles”. This means that two families or two households will be able to communicate if there is not more than one adult (including minor children) in one of them or a person who needs constant care and attention.

However, those who communicate in this way will not be able to have close contact with other people at work and elsewhere. This relaxation from quarantine is said to help people in need of constant care, as well as single people. According to data from the Department of Statistics, in Lithuania about 38 percent. all households consist of one person.

The quarantine was introduced in Lithuania on November 7. Since December 16 it has been reinforced and extended until the end of January.
