The famous stylist Margarita Jakučinskaitė married: dressed in a pink dress created by Sister Victoria | Names


Love at first sight and commitment … only after the wedding

M.Jakučinskaitė met his chosen and famous wedding photographer Mantas Kubilinskas due to a happy coincidence. The latter has been living and working in Washington for 15 years, but in February of this year, on vacation, he returned to Lithuania for a short time.

“After that, he planned to leave soon because he had to attend a conference in Las Vegas, but still decided to stay a few more days because the tickets were cheaper later.” It was during those other days in Vilnius that we met by accident, ”Margarita smiled, remembering the beginning of their relationship.

Since then, she and Mantas have not let go. It took no more time or deep deliberation: loved ones immediately realized that they were for each other. Not even the distance turned out to be terrible for this relationship.

“It was love at first sight, although I never believed it. But never believe until you go through it yourself and feel what it is. We actually support a very large one crowns terrible experience because I had flown back to the United States and we were forced to have a relationship for two or three months online. But now there is no such thing that we don’t know each other, everything was very clear, “said M. Jakučinskaitė.

Photo by Lukas Gricius / Mantas Kubilinskas and Margarita Jakučinskaitė

Photo by Lukas Gricius / Mantas Kubilinskas and Margarita Jakučinskaitė

Margarita also revealed an unexpected turn in their relationship, although it is common for couples to get engaged at first and only after they get married, the groom decided to do the opposite.

“Mantas said he needed time to organize the type of commitments he wanted, but that they are still waiting for them in the future, and so far we are married,” the girlfriend laughed.

And although it may seem to some that the couple married too soon, only half a year after leaving, Margarita assured: when she really loves, there is nothing to expect. Even more so because loved ones are very similar to each other.

“I am 32 years old, he is 35, we have seen many things and we already know what we want.” We eat the same, we see the same, we move the same, we want the same, we sleep the same. Everything is very simple, “said M. Jakučinskaitė.

An unconventional dress for young people and an extension of traditions.

Margaret and Mantas swore love to each other in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Vilnius. According to the bride, ecclesiastical marriage is very important to her, so she had no doubts about such a decision, although there were obstacles.

“I am convinced that the sacrament is very important to me, it was just a problem that I once had a marriage in the church. So the only way out was a Lutheran church, and since my sister Victoria and my cousin got married there, I continued the family tradition, ”Margarita was happy.

However, the couple’s wedding was not without unconventional solutions. The bride chose the dress from her sister’s fashion house “Tulle Fairy”, but not white, as usual, but pink with black dots.

“I am a very colorful personality, mine and the whole room are colorful, it is very dark for me to live without colors. In the white dress, I didn’t see any vision. If I want to get married, I want it to be a celebration, and the celebration is only for me in color, ”explained M. Jakučinskaitė his decision.

However, when choosing rings, young people already took traditions into account. They were commissioned from one of the oldest jewelers in Vilnius, Eglė. Choose a ring with three diamonds.

“The grandparents and grandparents who lived in Vilnius chose that store, it is like a tradition. And I wanted to preserve the traditions and buy them there. I came, I chose and everything fit perfectly” – 15 minutes Margarita said.

Weddings scheduled for three days.

Admittedly, loved ones had been in the rings for a month and a half and could get married at any time, but since Margarita was preparing to open a new living room and move to a new apartment, repairs were hampered for some time.

“We just realized when we had three days off, we would get married.” But they weren’t there for two months, and when they showed up we quickly prepared ourselves, however, really what to get there when my designer sister. All I had to do was choose a dress, ”said M. Jakučinskaitė.

And in fact, getting ready was not much: after confirming the wedding date, which is a few days before Margarita’s birthday, the couple arranged the marriage in just three days. The bride is convinced that the universe has also sent out certain signals that she and Mantas are truly dedicated to each other.

“The dress I chose is like a seam for me. Unexpectedly, I had a manicure a few days ago, even though I’ve never done black, and the dress is pink with black, everything matched what seemed destined! ”- the bride was pleasantly surprised.

Other circumstances were favorable. Because Margarita has a beauty salon and is a stylist, she created her own hairstyle and other colleagues handled makeup, manicures, and pedicures. No need to bother with the groom’s clothes: he decided to choose a black line.

Photo by Lukas Gricius / Margarita Jakučinskaitė

Photo by Lukas Gricius / Margarita Jakučinskaitė

A modest holiday and honeymoon in Lithuania

M.Jakučinskaitė and M.Kubilinskas decided to be satisfied with a modest wedding celebration. Only Margarita’s mother, her stepfather and witness to the bride’s sister, Victoria, and the groom’s best friend participated in the ceremony. Modest, even smaller vacations, the interlocutor said he wanted from the beginning.

“The man’s entire family lives in Washington, it seemed unfair to me that my relative was and could not fly due to the coronavirus. As a result, initially we wanted to marry only two, without saying anything to anyone, by the sea, but I failed because I have a baby and he still needs to be cared for for 45 minutes. So I invited my mother, my sister, and I went out for my dear people to go, and Mantas invited his best friend from childhood, “said M. Jakučinskaitė.

The bride and groom decided not to organize a wedding party in the trench; They quietly celebrated in a fish restaurant. Admittedly, Mantas himself did not want a great wedding, as he is a wedding photographer, he has seen countless of them over the years. This time he found himself on the other side of the barricades, the groom and photographer Lukas Gricius agreed to commemorate the celebration.

“They and Mantas were a bit familiar before, because Lukas is my client. I paint and cut it. That is what Luke said, it is quite difficult to take a photo of a photographer because he knows everything,” Margarita laughed.

Since the honeymoon does not have many opportunities to fly to other lands due to the pandemic, the young people decided to spend it in Lithuania. I couldn’t get married by the sea, he will wake up there at least in the first days after the wedding.

“The honeymoon will be very budgetary, we will go to Nida, the most beautiful place in Lithuania. We wanted to go to the sea, and this is how we go to the sea. We will also do a photo shoot there. As I chose from three dresses, I will take photos with all of them ”, smiled Margarita, who had just sworn love to her loved one.

Photo by Lukas Gricius / Mantas Kubilinskas and Margarita Jakučinskaitė

Photo by Lukas Gricius / Mantas Kubilinskas and Margarita Jakučinskaitė

He wants a large family

It is true that from a previous marriage you already have a 4-year-old son. And although there are situations where children do not immediately let a new person’s family into, the woman was glad things were different in this case.

“They’ve been dating since day one and are best friends. There are incredibly similar, social people who like to be around people, constantly communicating, discovering new things. I just like to sit alone when it’s closed, and they just drive, they do it. I very much agree, they have common interests, they understand each other, not a problem. Mantas himself is very kind, he loves people. And he wanted children, I have him Ready“The river.” 15 minutes Margaret spoke.

And when asked if he had already thought about children together with Mantas, he assured me that this was the case. “It just came to our attention then. As much as we can guess, there will be,” – M.Jakučinskaitė concluded the conversation.

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