The famous chef Deivydas Praspaliauskas became her father: his daughter chose the name of the lights


The news that the storks will visit the family soon was shared by Mr. Praspaliauskas himself on social networks in October. Well, and now, at the beginning of the new year, the kitchen virtuoso shared an even happier fact: the baby is already home!

“The beginning of the beginning …! Elena! – Famous dad reported happily on Instagram. – 116 hours old, amazing as an angel … Little – 3.3 kg – for me, but it will be tall – 56 cm – like mom! We will love and protect, teach and advise, but let us know the taste of life for ourselves. Let the show begin

This chef’s record was followed by greetings from family, friends, colleagues and other followers.

Her parents gave the daughter the Greek name Elena, which symbolizes “sun” or has the meaning of “light”.

More recently, at the “Bus visko” fair, Mr. Praspaliauskas spoke about difficult times in the business world. With the Covid-19 crisis, Amandus was emptied and the maintenance of the restaurant became a real challenge.

During this difficult time, it became clear, according to David, who were the partners and friends of the Amandus restaurant, and who were only the beneficiaries. David learned to adapt and appreciate every penny, every crumb of food. He realized that he could do a lot himself.

During the quarantine, he prepared and took the food home. New smaller facilities appeared in Užupis, they began to install them with their own hands. Friends, colleagues and the most loyal customers came to the rescue.

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