The family established a deer paradise by Lake Kernavė, but the herd hid in the forest for years: “These are animals that hypnotize and give peace” | Life


“We thought of different options, we were very interested, so we realized that deer are exactly what we need. These are fascinating animals that can be observed for hours on end: how they communicate with each other, how magical, noble and proud they are.

We thought that if they affected us in that way, it would also give positive emotions to other people. In addition, with the interest of the deer, we learned that the first inhabitants of Kernavė were nomads, who followed the herds of deer to the present surroundings of Kernavė, which further encouraged the establishment of a farm, ”says Rima.

How deer became “pets”.

The interviewee says that the first deer (20 females and one male) were brought to his farm in 2018, but preparations for their accommodation began in 2015.

They had to take care of their living space, fences, and all the other nuances of cultivation. The beginning itself was not covered in roses either, only the deer brought in the first year were very shy and shy.

Although deer are born in captivity, instincts, the wild life form is an integral part of their lives.

Photo by Valdas Liumarovs / Deer Farm

Photo by Valdas Liumarovs / Deer Farm

“At first that friendship with the deer was one-sided, we rarely saw them ourselves. The deer hid in the forest for almost a year and only after a while they dared and realized that no one would cut them, they began to approach more and more. We were alarmed because our goal was to make animals an object of attraction. We even wondered if our idea would really work.

At first, the deer kept their distance, but it decreased and it was only last summer that there was a turning point when we were able to announce our activities, invite the first visitors, ”recalls Rima.

Today, some 60 herds of deer graze on their farm, but the family does not want to increase the herd, because their educational goal, as they themselves emphasize, is not to raise deer for meat, which has its price.

“We need to think about how to expand our activities, what we can offer to tourists. Caring for deer itself is not difficult compared to pets like cows, sheep, and the like. Our main intervention is to make them full, drunk and with a pinch of salt. Even the birth of cubs is not before our eyes. Now the deer are used to us, they communicate, they are with us, they even fall asleep next to us, which gives them the impression that they are completely relaxed, ”says Rima.

What do deer eat? According to R. Janužytė, 70 percent. the deer diet should consist of vegetation: grass, hay, leaves, moss, bark, shrubs, everything that is green. Deer also taste grains, of which oatmeal is more suitable for them, they get some fruits and vegetables. “Our visitors often bring carrots and apples, which is a real treat for the deer,” says Rima.

Photo by Valdas Liumarovs / Deer Farm

Photo by Valdas Liumarovs / Deer Farm

Entertainment: from deer meditation to sightseeing

As soon as the family started a tourist business, the deer had to get used to the visitors.

“At first they ran away from people, but when they saw that everything was fine, nobody made noise, they came back and looked at what was going on around here. Such an exercise lasted maybe half a year, and now, it can be said, they are visible all the time and even reach the visitors themselves.

This is the main activity of our deer farm: the opportunity to admire them, observe them, be surrounded by them and enjoy the real magic that deer provide. It is possible to come even when we do not have what is relevant during the quarantine: the opportunity to avoid contacts, but at the same time change the environment, stay with these precious animals ”, says Rima.

He adds that there are also other entertainments available on his farm: in the well-kept meadow by the lake you can celebrate personal holidays, camping with tents or caravans in the warm season and in winter, warm by the campfire.

“Throughout the year we offer hiking with a guide, ordering photoshoots among deer. Also, my husband is a historian, so he shares interesting stories about nature, Kernavė and leads several excursions in the ancient forest nearby. All our services are suitable for both young and old ”, says Rima.

Photo by Jurgita Anusauskienė / Deer Farm

Photo by Jurgita Anusauskienė / Deer Farm

And although the family has many plans to take care of the deer farm in the future, Rima plans to return to journalism, which he calls his calling, so try combining the two activities.

“I can’t imagine living without writing! I think I will definitely be able to continue enjoying two different activities in the future. We would dream of expanding from camp to camp, having cabins for the night and giving people a quiet and exclusive environment, full of greenery – there is such a wonderful nature here! “
