The family doctor is furious at the current situation: I no longer believe a single word of them.


Doctors have to work longer

After working the Monday shift and spending two more hours of free time writing paper prescriptions for patients, the doctor spoke on the phone, really upset. As T. Kundrotė said, the current situation in the Lithuanian health system is far from easy.

“It is not enough: the coronavirus has also” flooded “the main server, where information has been loaded for several years. During the entire quarantine period, everything hardened: family doctors and specialist doctors did a lot of work using the system Healthcare: They issued electronic prescriptions for medications, shipments, shared information with each other, said Kaunas T. Kundrotė family doctor.

– Everything was 100 percent in e. in health and suddenly everything is gone. How to work now? Complicated because patients do not receive reimbursable medications, they cannot purchase them at full price. Prescription is difficult. “

The family doctor is furious at the current situation: I no longer believe a single word of them.

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

Information is missing

The doctor says there is total chaos between doctors and patients, as electronic referrals to specialists have been prescribed for some time now, and now this information is gone.

“We no longer see the responses of the specialists, the patient has to bring a response on paper. That is what we are talking about, if we are safe from the coronavirus and we want as few contacts as possible when it is not really necessary, now all the patients come: bringing medical books for an extension, bringing answers for discussion because they are no longer they are in cyberspace, ”said the GP.

The doctor said he sent the patient for a pulmonary transfusion last Monday. The same afternoon at e. the response was uploaded to the health system, but disappeared when the system was broken. “I don’t know what’s going on in his lungs. I hear with my ears that it’s wrong. I no longer have an x-ray because the doctor then put it in eHealth. On Tuesday, a patient calls me and asks me what his lung results are. I say : Sorry, I don’t know, the family doctor was disappointed.

– The system failure is completely incomprehensible. They have such legal responsibilities here … I can’t imagine. That system did not have to boot from scratch yet because there was no backup server. For such a system, two or three backup servers will not mix and have none. “

When it comes to the doctor, some of the patient data will be permanently lost. “I don’t know what part it will be, I think it will be the big part,” said T. Kundrote.

Doctor by e. Salud and the Records Center that governs it have lost hope.

“Everyone is lying. I don’t believe any of his words anymore. As recently as last week, there was talk that all the data was really safe. Now he says some data won’t be recovered. What will happen in a week? Won’t you say more data? I don’t believe them anymore “, the family doctor was angry.

The family doctor is furious at the current situation: I no longer believe a single word of them.

© DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

Patients are forced to go to medical institutions.

T. Kundrotė said family doctors now write documents to patients by hand as much as they can. References, prescriptions for medications that patients must come to pick up at the medical institution. “At least we have internal systems, we put everything in them. At least some of the data remains in the internal systems,” said the doctor. However, some professionals only work with e-health, such as entering responses after taking an x-ray, etc.

“There are also family doctors who do not have internal information systems in their institutions and work with e-health,” said T. Kundrotė.

– Imagine that a patient goes to the doctor on Monday and tells him something about his health. The doctor has many patients, writes all complaints to e-health. Suppose a patient calls a doctor on Wednesday to get answers to the test and the doctor cannot see what he was complaining about. After all, you will not remember everything, you must ask again. If the data was entered directly into e-health, all will be lost. “

The doctor said that, in his case at least, the queues of the patients were not prolonged, but to prevent this from happening, the doctors dedicate their free time to the patients: writing prescriptions on paper, sending, etc.

“I finished the job two hours later on Monday because I was handling paperwork for sick fund stickers, then coordinated, explained, wrote requests, wrote references to patients, printed lots of references,” said T. Kundrotė.

– <...> Not only that, confidential data like death certificates will have to lead to electronic health when it is in operation, if it is in operation. “

Old stickers – no longer used

The doctor said he spent a lot of time working Monday looking for stickers forgotten by doctors, but now he had to write prescriptions on paper that had previously been placed in his passport for reimbursable medications. Finally, when they were found in the warehouse of a medical institution, it turned out that they were so outdated that they no longer remain, so they are no longer used.

New stickers are needed from the State Health Insurance Fund (VLK). “Sickness funds have been seen so bureaucratically that we have to have them.” He said to send a request, then they will watch. We find it brutally difficult, patients without medication, some for more than a week. Some use insulin. What to do for them? Not eat? There are those who cannot buy medicines at full price, “said the family doctor.

While we were talking to the doctor, the circumstances in the Lithuanian health system are currently extraordinary, but the institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Health (SAM) work in the above order.

“You have to fill in, explain, ask for everything. Some kind of horror. It seems that only here we have to follow the paths of the patient’s cross. You don’t have those brochures (the reimbursable drug passport – “Delfi”), you haven’t seen them, you haven’t found them. There is horror, “said T. Kundrotė.

Start the system before Wednesday at the latest

The Records Center will continue work on restoring the electronic health system on Tuesday, ELTAI spokesman Mindaugas Samkus said.

Saulius Urbanavičius, the head of the Records Center, said Monday that e. restoring the health system is a “matter of days”.

ELTA recalls that Justice Minister Elvinas Jankevičius said Monday that he would instruct the head of the Records Center to send an email no later than Wednesday. Healthcare system. According to him, the system did not recover quickly due to the fact that it has no additional servers.

The systems of the Registration Center failed on Monday July 20, when a pipeline was missing and the server servers were flooded in Vilnius after the rains. Water entered the facilities of the Data Center of the Registration Center.

The Records Center said most of its services had been restored, but that the processes would take time due to e. Systems of health.

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